a völkish primitivist
Burgers. USA came up with this bullshit that liberals are actually SocDems. Can an American explain how this meme was started? "Liberal" means right-wing in almost every other country. There used to be plenty of "social liberal" parties before World War II but they all sank into obscurity.
And now the burger autism spreads through the Internet and now even in my country people who spend much time on the internet refer to leftists as liberals. The newest shtick is to use "classical liberals" for actual liberals.
I think if somebody were to convince Varg that the world doesn't end tomorrow and that communism would theoretically be sustainable and not destroy the earth he could become a legit leftist.
I don't think he would ever give up his views on race though. He is way too deep into that shit, and his wife, an anthropologist, seems to hold them as well. Does anybody know if somebody had tried to tell him to read Dugin?
Convincing a race realist that race isn't real (except for other species) is like convincing someone two plus two is five. Short of some heavy brainwashing you can't do it.
I just don't have the time or interest to study a semester biology, anthopology or neurology just to debunk race realists. Whenever someone brings up race, I'm just going to ask him why does it matter, why is this important to politics. If capitalism/fascism or whatever is equality of opportunity anyway (as they claim), then what's the problem
Because the only difference is the level of self-awareness.
why havent you been banned yet
Because most of the groups you described are liberal and can't think outside liberal ideology, so they can't comprehend something beyond liberalism when confronted with it.
I was told it was JFK calling socially progressive policies to be liberal.