And that’s a good thing.
Its time for another popularly unpopular unpopular opinions thread...
bordiga is fucking garbage and all of his fans are champagne socialist university students that only want to LARP as 19th century philosophers
While we should reject organized religious institutions for being conservative/reactionary, I believe there is still value in appealing to certain religious values in the proliferation of socialist thought, even though such justifications are not strictly materialist in thought.
Kronstadt, while tragic, would have been virtually inevitable regardless of what party/movement was at the helm of the social revolution at the time. The Bolsheviks just happened to fill the role at the time and, while being at fault for a lot of dumb shit, probably shouldn't be considered the devil itself for this. The only possible exception to this might have been if the anarchists were the dominant movement, but that was nowhere close to being the case in Russia at the time.
While only really controversial to anarchists, I think that parties can be incredibly effective platforms for organizing and mobilizing coherent political movements. That being said, I think that such a role loses most of its value by the time revolution kicks off and all efforts must be taken to strip all parties of their authority when that time comes.
Most of the big figures in the 20th century communist movement wouldn't have been ML were it not for the fact that the USSR's material support and political networking was usual dependent on the recipients falling behind the party line.
Antifa, while not making much headway in furthering the long-term goals of the socialist movement, are still valuable as a platform for liberal radicalization and suppressing fascism. That's not to say that defending liberal institutions should at all be a priority, but historically the left does not come out of fascist states in healthy shape: it usually takes decades to recover from.
Trade unions, if built on explicitly socialist principles and goals, can have revolutionary potential.
The original Black Panther Party was probably among the most revolutionary organizations to ever grace the US and people here are way to quick to dismiss it as idpol.
I unironically hate Marx and 19th century political philosophy.
People hate pedophiles because they want to and would fuck children if they weren't punished and shamed socially for doing it. Acting like any pedo wouldn't fuck a child if society didn't prohibit it is disgusting, and reveals yourself as someone worthy of a braided necktie
The confederacy was the south's only chance at an industrial revolution, and national liberation. And we are still getting cucked by the north
(We still got the most revolutionary potential too)
I'd agree with you if we could get rid of the moronic ameritard meme that feeling sexual attraction towards < 18yo means being a pedo.
The South got off too soft.