New Joe Rogan episode with Russell Brand, fuckers!


I was seriously worried that Holla Forums has decided in some secret discord that memeing Russel Brand is somehow a productive idea.

Sounds like Rogan, Brand, Zizek are all the same person.

I thought Russel Brand was an actual libertarian socialist? He claimed to be an anarchist a few times.

How Joe Rogan Helps Trump And Republicans

He claims to be a socialist nowadays

Russell Brand is an undeniable wanker and you can look no further than r/Socialism to see this as fact. They kiss his ass like it is going out of style.

I don't go on Reddit and don't care what they say. I don't see any reason to hate on the guy

literally everyone in America helps Trump and the Republicans

Really? I thought they'd hate him cuz he says retard and shit.

I tried for so long to find a good image about not dabbling with evil forces to gain power and I failed you.

They probably do, r/Socialism is surprisingly "nuanced" with their love hate relationship with the bourgeoisie who represent both what they want and hate. I think it is why they are such big fans of people like Colin Kaepernick.