Daily News Thread 10/6

The last capitalist politician to understand how capitalism actually worked was FDR. And he was so fucking good at keeping the rest of the capitalists in check, that they amended the US Constitution to make sure it never happened again.


During the Depression, FDR told the other capitalists that they were just gonna have to give up on rampant accumulation in order to pay for things for the poor. Social Security, unemployment, and massive construction jobs programs. Also busted up the big banks.

Capitalists said no and tried to have Smedley Butler (hero of the Marine Corps) overthrow the US government. Butler refused.

Capitalists finally agreed to FDR's demands and that's how we got all the shit that made America great (for white dudes, at least) for generations. But as soon as FDR died, they put a term limits in place and immediately began working on dismantling everything he did.

FDR stopped a communist revolution by understanding how capitalism was destroying itself, and putting the brakes on it.

Huey Long > FDR tbh

Unfortunately capitalism has domesticated us into being ignorant about and in turn not enjoy such labor/life skills.

For that to happen we need to even have grade schools lefted into teaching farming.

The one tried and true way to make the revolution happen is through education.

What is likely to happen in America is that nothing will happen!

Look at all these facts that prove how powerful the military is.

Hard to hate on old, senile people.

Nice news, very informative :)

Trump just nuked the iran deal

inb4 >muh deep state

"decertify" basically meant that trump has now made Congress responsible for passing it or not. it still looks like it has a very high chance of being saved.