tfw op is trying to turn Cultural Freudism into a thing…
Are SJWisms such as mansplaining, internalized hatred of women/racism, etc...
you cannot be, intellectually at least, a materialist if you don't accept psychoanalysis, and adorno/horkheimer/zizek knew this very well. it is the only psychological field which doesn't effectively reproduce the existing order (no surprise that a new corporate-funded "debunking" of freud's theories gets released every year like clockwork) because it is the ONLY field which is capable of interpreting mental states to the social field, rather than relying on some reactionary biological reductionism.
there is no "mental health" without freud. psychoanalysis is opposed to what is usually called psychology because these "psychologists," e.g. the types who promote that CBT filth, only exist to make mentally suffering people who, surprise surprise, don't function all that well to the demands of capitalist society, correct their 'illness' so that they shape up and get back in line. psychoanalysis on the other hand views one's mental state as symptomatic of one's social situation, and its function, as freud himself put it, "only offers the possibility of transforming neurotic misery into common unhappiness." psychoanalysis doesn't function to make happy individuals, because why the fuck would it, we don't exactly live in a society which makes us happy. psychoanalysis doesn't exist to tell you everything is fine, it only provides you with the truth of your suffering and your desire.
the era your family member comes from is no surprise, that is precisely the moment that pharmacology and university psychology made their strongest attack against freud, because they knew the radical implications of his thought.
shit the fuck up and get the fuck out of here. "baseless," spoken like a true anglo reductionist idiot. let me guess, you are under the assumption that people are depressed because of their genes, or some stupid shit like that. nothing about the nature of capitalist society which would produce depressed individuals! clearly, everything is totally fine. nothing going on here which is unfavorable to people's needs and desires. in fact, capitalism is great, you're just unhappy because of your magical "sad" gene.
and you accuse me of dogma. read a fucking book before you dare accuse me of any amount of dogma.
actually it's entirely figured out, it just doesn't make people into good workers so it's largely ignored. if you actually try to do things which give you a healthy mind with no stress and the ability to concentrate deeply and find the solution to any problem, you will likely be socially ostracized and have to face a lot of hardship.
the knowledge of the Upanishads are entirely complete, though. ask it anything.
and honestly fuck op for even trying to create a link between freud and the current liberal trash. psychoanalysis and marxism are the two greatest theoretical tools to the communist movement imaginable.
denk u