What do you think, Holla Forums? Saw it on r*ddit
Polandball community has gone to fucking shit.
Also, Solzhenitsyn was a Holodomor denier, you should bring that up whenever these reactionary faggots start talking shit.
are these people retarded?
Plebbit is liberalism central. What did you people expect?
god i hate this smug, self-satisfied country
That pic never gets old
Every country on reddit is smug and self-satisfied. It's reddit.
isn't it called poland ball because german nazis think poland is german clay and a useless nation + weakest in eu and a danger to germany without a strong aryan empire controlling it?
>Genocide is *intentional* action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part
also ukranians are genetically russian like who the fuck actually thinks this is a genocide
Polandball is easy to draw. Also some places still scream WEEEEEEEEEEEB but MSPaint doesn't have that kind of hate other than Homestuck.
I always knew half of you were from plebbit. Please stay on reddit and never come back.