Looking for a critical analysis of Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares...

Looking for a critical analysis of Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares. Is this not the total personification of petite bourgeois?

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Holy shit the American version of this show is unbearable.

lmfao after watching this episode on youtube a few months back I thought the exact same thing and almost made a thread here about it. But yah to be honest a lot of Kitchen Nightmares episodes unavoidably make the bosses look like the dicks they are.

yeah, the workers are almost always more competent.

It is but it´s always fun how he yells at the owners of a "real italian food restaurant" in New Jersey. Fucking hell lol

They're Italian biologically… not much else.

They forgot about the food! lol


It is reality TV

Gordon Ramsay is a liberal but he's still funny as fuck.
(He was opposed to Brexit too)

you nailed it mate, still I wuoldn´t trust the palate of an Anglo lol

UK ramsay is comfy af though


he is and also he knows about the restaurant business which is a fucking toil

9 out of 10 episodes are about how the fucking owner(s) don't pay their staff properly, employ immigrants for below minimum wages, fuck over costumers, are generally disgusting and living in their imaginary lala-land of "everybody is wronk except me."

People then complain about the "Ramsay curse," meaning that 90% of the places he helped ended up closing while this is a complete normal trend in capitalist enterprises.

Restaurants are today's satanic mills. I'd much rather be dredging sewers or spend hours folding boxes.

God as burger I hate American TV. I always felt a little uneasy about how it was produced, but after not having cable for a few years the hand-holding that they put the audience and the forced drama has become unbearable for me.


1. Juniper Hill Inn - Hotel Hell

2. Hotel Monticello - Hotel Hell

3. Sebastian's – Kitchen Nightmares (US)

4. Piccolo Teatro - Kitchen Nightmares (UK)

5. Keating Hotel - Hotel Hell

My favorite part about Kitchen Nightmare is watching all of the teenage/20-something who don't give a shit about how disgusting the food is and just laughing at how disgusting it is

It's called wage slavery.







She took the Mika Tan route.

check the comments









*repeatedly hits table with a piece of chicken*

You can always learn how to cook better, youtube is a great repository for cooking tutorials.

It's not just my cooking. It's all good.

*It's all food.

You can't forget the classic Amy's Baking Company. It was the only episode where the US's sensationalist style actually worked, because the story was absolute fucking bonkers enough to deserve it and they didn't have to exaggerate anything at all. Amy herself isn't porky, but her sugar daddy is, and he's funding her and enabling her psychotic behavior. Amy steals the show by being the worst excuse for a human imaginable, but the sugar daddy also has some moments, like when he steals 100% of the staff's tips, or forces the staff to spend the day washing his car.


Gordon Ramsay was pro-Brexit and voted for Tories.

"safe space" - the episode

He's also a catholic, non-vegan, chad, with a working class background, alcoholic father and a single mom.

So many things trigger me!

Holla Forumsack detected

Its another "you don't like workers". Where would we be without this scathing critique? Reddit, halfchan, the streets…

There's some speculation that her sugar daddy is actually a part of the mafia and that her business is actually a money laundering front for the mob.

I'm not saying you're wrong but if that were true, that would add a whole other layer of insanity, because they're the ones who asked Gordon to appear in their restaurant. Generally most mafia run restaurants aren't terribly interested in having a camera crew poking around every niche for several days. But since Samy has a criminal background and is both insane and stupid, it's still possible.

Nothing wrong with that

He's protestant, Church of England
Most Catholics vote Labour btw

Working class if it were to have any meaningful application to economics would include doctors, scientists and teachers, not just factory workers, janitors and not solely erroneously as you seem to imply just poor people.

The clue is in the name itself "working", either you work to sustain yourself (or are potentially available to levied from the unemployed labour pool) or you leach off the work of others ie landlords, shareholders, intellectual property holders.

He's not the only one who voted for Brexit.


I remade this so the star better lines up with the horizontal bands.

Your welcome.

You forgot to mention that Robert's collection of "antiques" was practically worthless, and the psychopathic Finnish guy who lived in a trailer with his poodle.

it was.his fetish

OP got me on a kitchen nightmares hype.



You only need to watch the first five minutes to be exploding with autistic commie rage. The problem in both of these restaurants is that the boss is stubborn and bad at their job but has absolute power as they are the owner. In both cases, the staff would run the place differently, but are blocked by the boss. In both cases, its a kitchen nightmare. Not the boss but the firm? Perhaps, but clearly the boss needs to go

Idk about the UK version but the US version of all Gordon's shows and basically ever reality show and competition are staged. They know how to push your buttons and even the most diehard capitalist bootlicker proles get mad when it's overacted this hard

My favorite moment is when he chews out a hotel manager in a pure moment of commie tier rage because he doesn't pay his staff right. It literally just needed him to lead the workers in hanging him on a lamppost outside.

I've worked in a load of shitty restaurants and it correlates to my own experiences


has he ever gone to a cooperative?

Yeah me too, but I've been through casting on these things and they play it up a lot, hire some outside actors, and reshoot if things weren't "dramatic" enough. Don't get me wrong, the restaurants and a lot of the people working there are real it's the scenarios and a few of the people that are set up.

The diagonal lines are all fucked up, none of them are centered. can you fix that?


Damn USA gordon ramsay is fucking shit

UK gordon vs Murica gordon



another bad boss


This funny as fuck

That woman had some mental issues.

Apparently he got deported back to Isreal (no joke).

That one was very obviously a front for money laundering.


Ramsay himself will teach you how to cook. Thanks to him I am kick-ass as making eggs and know how to cook a steak properly.

Escorts can make bank if they are attractive enough. Also why they are petite bourgeoisie.


His net worth is 160 million. He is definitely middle class.
