Looking for a critical analysis of Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares...

Gordon Ramsay is a liberal but he's still funny as fuck.
(He was opposed to Brexit too)

you nailed it mate, still I wuoldn´t trust the palate of an Anglo lol

UK ramsay is comfy af though


he is and also he knows about the restaurant business which is a fucking toil

9 out of 10 episodes are about how the fucking owner(s) don't pay their staff properly, employ immigrants for below minimum wages, fuck over costumers, are generally disgusting and living in their imaginary lala-land of "everybody is wronk except me."

People then complain about the "Ramsay curse," meaning that 90% of the places he helped ended up closing while this is a complete normal trend in capitalist enterprises.

Restaurants are today's satanic mills. I'd much rather be dredging sewers or spend hours folding boxes.

God as burger I hate American TV. I always felt a little uneasy about how it was produced, but after not having cable for a few years the hand-holding that they put the audience and the forced drama has become unbearable for me.


1. Juniper Hill Inn - Hotel Hell

2. Hotel Monticello - Hotel Hell

3. Sebastian's – Kitchen Nightmares (US)

4. Piccolo Teatro - Kitchen Nightmares (UK)

5. Keating Hotel - Hotel Hell