The world always changes regardless of our intervention - however our intervention towards building more resilient communities that are less dependent on cheap energy resources (as well as shifting global culture away from excess consumerism, perpetual growth economic models, things that make already burdened systems even more unstable) may go a long way in preventing excessive and unnecessary human suffering in the decades to come. Climate change is one of the big problems that the 21st century will have to contend with, but it isn't the only one. Climate change exacerbates and is exacerbated by the consumption of cheap energy - a consumption that is currently wasted in a multitude of ways. Using the remaining cheap energy supplies we have available in a way that builds toward a more resilient future society is, in my opinion, the most logical usage of said resources - because as I mentioned in the previous post, industrial civilization absolutely requires cheap energy to function - and that's a resource which has passed peak production. What we do with what is left will determine humanity's future.
How do we save the world from being inevitably destroyed by America?
Hudson Rodriguez
Camden Reed
Jackson Ramirez
The Eternal Burger cannot be stopped, mistakes were grilled and this is what we have chosen.
Evan Torres
you fucks can talk
Justin Reed
Camden Cook
That is already happening.
Logan Young
Gas the jews. They can't continue to run America on its current course if they're dead.
Nolan Stewart
Go back in time to either
Caleb Evans
Embrace it
Oliver Garcia
hi Holla Forums
hi r/the_cuckold