Why is there so much projecting on the right?

It gets a bad rap for the wrong reasons too - such as that by even uttering the phrase you're signaling how humble you are for not engaging in such behaviour, which is in itself virtue signaling.

No, pointing out virtue signaling is just pointing out bad ethics.

You get brownie points for that, because people with bad ethics aren't good people.


Do you need proofs for that?


It is though.

It is pointing out fake ass crocodile tears.

Yes please.


nah, I think he's honestly right: "virtue signaling" has been redefined by right-wingers to mean "being leftist" and as such is now useless for leftist use. it's a shame because the phrase summarizes the problem very well but it's a dead phrase regardless.

how about we use the phrase "double reaction" instead to refer to this phenomenon?
