Why is there so much projecting on the right?
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My favourite is when they "infiltrate" antifa and end up fighting each other and gaslighting themselves.
how du u know ur not the one projecting m80
what if the right is right (pun intended) and actually it's u whos projecting the projection onto us I mean them
chekm8 atheists
This is pretty good.
They assume pic related is what all leftists are like. Often times they only concern themselves with social issues, and not economic ones.
Because it's the magic trap card they have when they remember that they are "beta cucks" too. Just think why "triggered" became their go-to insult, it's because it's the most petty validation of their non-existent courage. As if little girls on tumblr who talk about safe spaces automatically makes them the strong, thick skinned men of politics.
the phrase "virtue signaling" gets a bad rap, honestly. it's not something Holla Forums does but many people who call themselves leftists much prefer getting outraged by culture war petty bullshit by individuals rather than actual problems with the system. people who spend all of their time reacting against reactionaries are nevertheless to some degree reactionaries. they're less harmful than real reactionaries because at least their vitriol isn't aimed at the complete opposite direction to society's power structures but they are at least prob.lematic.
Why don't you go ask Holla Forums?
Did Rafig just deny the horrible shits the NKVD did?
Seriously, they were much more brutal than the nazis.