Why exactly is that teenager petite bourgeoisie university librul socdem britbongs pretend like this milquetoast...

stop making fun of me for not being able to talk english

I did, I read another article about how "the youth love him!" from establishment newspaper in my country today, which prompted me to make this thread since I really can't understand.

Is this possibly related to the fact that the soul of the british islander is incompatible with socialism? thassalocratic origin?

Because Jeremy "Anti Imperialist in the streets, revolutionary in the sheets" Corbyn and John "Gonna Make Lenin look like a Leftcom" McDonnell don't just talk the marxist talk, but have actively walked the walk (Corbyn being involved in loads of anti-imperialist activities, McDonnell being in loads of marxist groups, having actual read DK and there being a speech to the CPB where he says "this is the crisis of capital we must use to push for socialism: some of us have waited our entire lives for this moment").


Are you guys actual establishment shills or did you just genuinely fall for the memes?(weak falseflagging)

Nice way of outing yourself as a brainlet.

Can you use the nazi flag? It's less confusing that way.

Jews are atlanticists, and I am not a nazi as I have no interest in rehashing an alternative modernism or practicing subliberalism

If a western politician did want to implement actual socialism through reform (and we can argue if that's a good way to do it all we want, but there is a very large school of thought that thinks it is), then do you think that such a politician would say they want to do this immediately? Or would they try to sound more moderate and incrementalist first?

Tbf Corbyn never tried to sound moderate by british standards: and McDonnell calls for a violent revolution of the proletariat every other month. But yeah, this tbh.

Oh boys we have on, an unironic nazbol.

but no western politican does want to implement socialism, socialism is defeated in struggle for modernity. Now that modernity is coming to an end, this is era for revolutionaries.

Irony is bourgeoisie alienation, no wonder english love it so much