They are skilled workers that need their work to be valued. I never said the contrary. You did.
If we are talking about women that CHOOSE prostitution they do it because
A) The money (decent looking) They win enough money not to care about those issues.
B)They cant do anything else. (Ugly whores, drug addict whores, old whores, desperate unemployed mothers). These dont care because they have other things to attend or they have such poor income its insult to injury.
I am not saying it wouldnt be good for them but everything around it seem a little strange of because it doent work for the mayority of them.
Wyatt Hernandez
housewives aren’t sex workers. There just people who marry someone who’s lucky enough to have a job that can afford the cost of living for two or more people on it’s own.
Anthony Reed
Retail, factory, and construction workers aren't skilled, or at the very least would not be considered such by economists. It's retarded to require workers be skilled to have a union, else we would essentially be barring anyone that isn't a craftsman or certified tradesman from unionizing. Frankly the bigger question is what purpose would this union serve. From the OP it would seem that a PAC or organization would accomplish her goals without the potential legal hurdles that come with unionizing a segment of workers who are operating illegally and largely anonymously. The IEAU already serves as a union for strippers, pornstars, and porn crew as well and I would assume that if legalized they would probably cover prostitutes as well, though in my quick research it seems both weak and has some wacky ideas like only 21+ should be able to do porn.
Jonathan Nguyen
Good thead anfem
Tyler Allen
Yueah, but will they work for free?
Jaxon Reed
How many miles of dick have you sucked? How many gallons of jizz have you swallowed? What is the average pressure exerted by your pussy on an average penis?