Posadas General

Typical xenophobic stereotype from capitalist media. Stat Trek is often undialectical in it's portray of aliens, and deep space nine is especially undialectical.


Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.

I love Posadas with all my heart. He taught us to embrace our own potential in the fight for a better future.

Get on my level

Your face is undialectical.
also plz more ds9 memes.

At first it was just going a parody of the insanity of Alex Jones, but after listening to Comrade Communicator it makes a lot more sense. I feel that Posadism should be separated from the stain that is Trotskyism. But not ignoring the History of the reason for the movement.

I feel that the government is intentionally covering up the existence of our Alien Comrades, who are trying to answer our calls. Though I felt that our comrades had brought us the technology to better our lives, only to be stolen and used for malice intention. Which is why only contact by the workers is the only way for them to know our suffering. The plan of Posadist Central will not go in vain but I must get started and become versed in more literature.

To our freedom and to that of our Alien comrades and possible creators. We shall free the Galaxy of Capitalism and bring forth a new age of luxury space Communism.

Hahaha! Orgones? What kind of crackpot theory are you on about? Let me tell you buddy, there are no such thing as any orgones. Take it from someone who knows a bunch of important knowledgeable people, they don't exists. Do you really belive in orgasm energy? Something like that couldn't possibly exists and even then it certainly wouldn't make you into a superhuman with extreme strength and intellegence or allow you to take part in the secret state apparatus where only those who have unlocked their true potential will be allowed, that doesn't even exist either. haha. Debunking you even further if you have been accumlating orgones for decades you will have become very sensitive to disburances in any orgones all over the world as a result anyway. If such machinery was in use today anyone with orgone sensitivty would feel it without any problems.

Your theory doesn't match up with reality att all you should probably stop looking in to this and adopt another set of beliefs.

Aliens won't help. Pic related

8/10 the aliens want to eat our children and hear the lamentations of our women. (Source - Stellaris)
Our best bet is to go full 40K and have a mass suicide so we can create a man worthy of leading humanity and purge uncooperative alien scum.
Song related: youtube.com/watch?v=x0WQOGVLLGw