Posadas General

Communism must be scientific, and so as science develops, so must our theory.
The scientific consensus now overwhelmingly supports the idea of extra terrestrial life forms existing, and so comrade Posadas is the most developed communist thinker, all others before him having failed to addres the consequences of humanity not being alone in the universe.
These are facts we must all acknowledge, and does not warrant further discussion.
What I hope we now can achieve, is a further understanding of our alien comrades, and our mutual enemies here on earth.
I believe aliens are being intentionally kept away by capitalists seeking to stay in power and xenophobic humans who irrationally fear our extraterrestrial friends.

I recently learned of one such enemy.
In 1951 Wilhelm Reich, a psychoanalyst and disciple of Freud, used his knowledge of human sexuality to build a rain making machine known as the cloudbuster (see image). The Cloudbuster would use "orgone energy", the same energy that orgasms are made of, to force clouds into giving of their rain. This is all well and good, but a more sinister use was soon found. Reich having witnessed several UFO's started attacking them, and by his own accounts shot down several of them.
This I believe he may have done at the order of Stalin, but I have no proof, other than that Reich was a member of the German communist party before the war.
My fear is that this machine is still being used by governments, and perhaps also liberals. If so it must be stopped.
Viva la revolution, Viva Posadas.

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Hoping that some extraterrestrial force will save you is some spooky shit. Nuclear annihilation cannot be a means, it must be an end in itself.

I thought about the nature of things for a long time and came to a few conclusions, that I will share in shorthand, if you will. I'm 65 years as……I'm from the planet purple, always seclude myself away from humans, they are nothing but trouble. Everything is fine until you get around a group of humans, then they suck you into their drama then try and kill you for defending yourself. Retired, went back to 11.5 years old, before testosterone kicked in, before all the trouble started, no women for 10 years, they are nothing but trouble, no explanation needed. Now I am free to live off of SSN, if you call it living, but $10,320. per year is a start. I'm visiting a friend in Taiwan, 309,600 NT, rate of exchange is okay. I just have to supplement my income. If I stay away from trouble makers (aka-dancing monkeys) I'm very happy.
take care, :)

Calling the fire department when your house is on fire, is not spooky.
We know there are aliens out there, we have strong evidence they have visited earth, and the level of technology needed for interstellar travel suggests a post capitalistic civilization.
It is perfectly natural for us to reach out to them for help ad friendship.
Global nuclear war is not a means to revolution, it is an historic inevitability that will create a moment with great revolutionary potential. We must prepare ourselves so we can seize this moment and usher the world in to communism.

I think there should be a youtube channel or podcast that talks about Posadism and the way we should contact our alien creators, for it was they who created us Humans. We are their offspring and we have been observed by other alien spices out there. They appear over nuclear missile silos to prevent us from destroying ourselves.

I believe we should welcome the creators to the planet and help us usher in a new revolution where we can finally be freed from our chains and learn the truth about the alien cover ups the US government and others around the world have tried to hide. The porkies are scared of the creators will help the working folk bring forth revolution against their asses. Time for Not just fully automated space communism, step it up to Galactic Communism in the Milky Way.


This Bajoran knows the true mercy of his Cardassian liberators.

Made a poster for recruitment purposes.

I agree full heartedly, we need channels to reach a broader audience.
I do not believe our alien friends are our creators, but it is fully possible, these are the things we need to discuss. If you have material about this I urge you to share for the common good.