You have no place to talk, Holla Forums.
Men's rights and feminism are both fine. MGTOW and 3rd wave are insane and retarded
Not an argument. No wonder you people always fail.
It actually is an argument my full spectral autistic friend, because your suggestion that we believe feminism isn't idpol is false.
Incel-tier from what I could observe of them.
The most fruitful argument they have is how fucked the divorce industry is, and I completely agree, but then they shit all over themselves over how they view women in general. They seem to have this view that women are inherently parasitic creatures and this view is the catalyst behind why they are "going their own way".
Seems to me their views are based around not being around women enough tbh.
Neither is running on the presumption that women are parasites, which is the entire basis of MGTOW.
neither is what you posted
your "argument" is just a projection.