My dad has been watching Paul Joseph Watson and is buying into the cultural marxist meme what do????

I wish I had a nazbol mama

But that's wrong you fucking retard


that's a little bit overstatement there, don't you think? Or do you address people as "retards" like it's not a biggie all the time?

This is disgusting

He is not wrong.
Just instead of the left say that is the neo-liberals (because they are).

I've seen more actual marxisists and commies either being indifferent or disagreen with these starbucks che-guevara shirt wearing kiddos.

these hipsters use the left as a badge of honor but I assure you they have never fucking researched or being involved in labor unions or even discuss Marxist-Leninist theory or something like that.

Have you ever fucking seen their sub-reddits and discords?, they are pathetic organizing. If they were actual leftists they would get shit done because like 30% of leftie theory is basically hierarchy talk.

I invite you to explore the antifa servers, they are absolute intersectional feminism safe space bullshit cancer.

How do people even fall for that bullshit? No, the reason people aren't having children isn't because of some fluoride mind control conspiracy you fucking tard, it's economics damn it. I fucking hate your dad l, sorry fam.

It's your fault for believing in the myth there's ethical consumption in late capitalism. As it is theirs.

But I didn't beemovielieve.

How are you alive when your dad is obviously a virgin?