Is anyone scared shitless by these reports that Gen Z is apparently conservative as fuck?

Is anyone scared shitless by these reports that Gen Z is apparently conservative as fuck?

We're all going to get fucked over by the most naive shitstain of a generation since the boomers if that's true.

pic not related

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Internet use inevitably culminates in irony poisoning and total inability to participate in politics so I'm not worried.

People said the same thing about millenials until they started getting out of their house and into workplaces and colleges.



Hi Holla Forums
You're all spooked motherfuckers
now fuck off my property

I'll take it

People just make shit up before it even starts.

I do hope gen z is less absurd about being offended at everything and know how to chillax at least.

tbh the majority of people in general can be seen as conservative when compared to actual academic-level progressivism

Democrats are fairly conservative for example while being progressive only on a social-level and even then one could even consider that rather conservative when you realize it's all just idpol

Of true, all this means is generation Z+1 will be Liberal as fuck.

My predictions are gen z will be the punk rock to the sjw's being the hippies.
And the sjw millennials will be the sell out and move to the far right.

Are you implying that isn't exactly what has already happened years ago?

so reactionaries, then

I mean, just look at fucking Laci Green.

Any lib-fem is one depressive episode and annoyance at political correctness from the right wing.

It still isnt complete, i think if trump wins a second term it will squash what remaining hope sjw's have in their putrid souls and demoralize them into apathy or Stockholm syndrome, they want to be on the winning team.
The neolibs will either bend the knee and adopt some nationalistic tendencies, or sell out completely.

By then they will be old and conservative and gen Z will be screaming NO FUTUREEEEEEEEE
Friendly reminder.

*millenials like welfare until they get jobs


What i do picture happening is the sjw millennials will sell out after being repeatedly owned by the alt right and growing old enough to pay taxes and have kids. Gen z will not be conservative but will see millennials and sjw's as failures and sell outs, and will probably be less narcissistic, maybe more spiritual

Obviously. Reap what you sow, democrats. Maybe in 15 years there will be a push to the left.

Those reports think literal kids/teenagers being edgy on the Internet mean they are full blow conservatives and will never grow out of it.

wtf im reactionary now

There will not be a world when the next generation grows up. There will only be the total dominance of Porky and no ability to make comparisons to the past.

I've seen a bit about what schools are doing today and the outcome is certain to be awful. It was starting up when I was in school, and now there is nothing but neoliberal dogma and eugenics dominating everything in the school system.

Eugenics. It all comes back to eugenics.

not just that they said teenagers thinking tattoo weren't cool was one of the signs of the conservative genaration z

The democrats thought they would be in power forever with obama, i think they thought obama was going to be like their Reagan, so it was fine to promote and push liberal idpol, Hillary would just lock it as normal. The big dream was forcing republicans to become more liberal and abandon the far right and racism

But they forgot about one thing.

And so now trump flipped the rust belt and is slowly eviscerating everything obama did. And has moved the overton window to the far right.

If anything, they might grow up to be the next punks

Clinton, Obama, and most of the other dems are the ones who did that.

Gen Z will be a struggle of extremes if anything, the edgy impressionable alt righters and the leftists tired of the same shit

The left is getting decimated. There won't be a political left worthy of the name in 15 years. Just Porky.

15 years from now is when a lot of timebombs will detonate in the US (end of Social Security and Medicare, for one), so we'll probably be in the midst of a population collapse then.

Not really, they still put up the pretense of being socially liberal, catering to sjw psychotics.

HIllarys whole campaign was shitting on poor middle americans and doing the nae nae with beyonce on ellen or some shit while america was a howling snake pit of drug addiction and the unemployed.

Before this election the mainstream media would go on and on about how the GOP was dying and would have to become more liberal and more accepting if they ever wanted to win again.

Then trump…..


Laci Green hasn't gone right wing, it's just another stupid Holla Forums meme.

They'll change their minds when they all turn 18 and have to actually look for a job.

Generation z doesn't have the luxury age the boomers lived in. Having to work 2 jobs(3 if you got kids) and kissing porky ass for 30 hours will change even the most ass kissing my bootstrap righty.

Most of pol are basement dwelling neets so of course they kiss corporate ass just like the sjw until they had to get jobs and have a heaping helping of muh privilege

maximum idealism

all the radical 60's movements came from the sons and daughters of WW2 vets, the most patriotic, pro-porky generation to ever exist. and the WW2 vets would have been communist revolutionaries were it not for WW2, as they were growing up in the Great Depression.


The center is crumbling, kids are either going to go full fashy or full commie.
Liberals will be stuffed in lockers.

Daily Remimber

That's the point. They were right wingers pretending to be the opposition to the right wing party. That's why there is no left in America.


Europe’s youth don’t care to vote—but they’re ready to join a mass revolt

Awesome millennials got computer internet, Z'ers are phone addicts who have the attention span of a gold fish.

Literally comrades in the making, they see their parents struggles and go to the left

>socialism is government ownership of the means of production
What the fuck? Even the dictionaries I've seen have the decency to say "collective ownership".
Jesus Christ, she's lying about something she supplies the source of. Propagandists are shameless.


That's not being right wing, that's just being a horny girl with shallow tastes.

You shouldn't get your picture of political views from chans. Chans are a hot-bed for right-wing views because they attract social outcasts, and social outcasts have a tendency to be filled with the kind of malice and rage that comes from the right-wing. Obviously there are exceptions to this rule (us here being a prime example of these exceptions) but clearly we can see the general trend. You go out into the real world, though, and you'll find that while most people are still not Communists or Anarchists or Socialists, they are probably closer to Holla Forums than to Holla Forums when it comes to their politics.

This is also the generation of which apparently less than half identifies as fully heterosexual:

I'm gonna say it's a bit early to call the views of a generation whose oldest members are barely 18.

Generation Z is also going to be like half non-white so…are we going to get some sort of multiracial Nazism? That ought to be interesting.

Im not a Generation Z kid in highschool, but I'll larp as one since I'm bored.
pic semirelated

That's funny. I was a vague semi-hippie anti-capitalist in high school and now I after working full time I literally want to paint the streets with the blood of every porky for trying to steal my life from me.

How about an anti-political left?

Believe me when I say it was lamer growing up in the 90's when everyone thought they were too good or cool for politics, socialism died with the Berlin wall and Bill Clinton playing the sax was the utopia we were waiting for in the Reagan nightmare years. Gen Z sucks donkey dick, but Gen X was cancer.

I'm not really one to talk, being a Socialist, but they're annoying. It's like their first impression of something is it. I live in Burgerland, and you would not believe some of the hot takes I get on race, gay, trans, international, you know what, just name a controversial topic and I've probably heard an extremely fiery take on it. You would not believe the stuff the

I went through a Holla Forums phase despite not being white.

I still have occasional Nazi relapses.

I'm very interested.

I don't even think it's that uncommon. If you search up those Holla Forums meetup pics, it seems half of them at least are always some shade of brown.

I was a 15 year old who liked history. That lead to an affinity for SS runes, stahlhelms, goose-stepping, and conquering Europe. I was your prototypical angry teen so liked the disregard for sentimentality and egalitarianism inherent in fascist/Nazi ideology. I enjoyed learning German. I hated black people because they bullied me in school. It was all quite conducive to stormfaggery (that was just before the term 'alt-right' really picked up steam).

I used to obsess over exactly what percentage of European blood I had (I'm hispanic). I was terrified it was less than 70% (and even that would have been a bit low for my liking).

I would tell myself that the Aztecs also created a glorious civilization to make myself feel better about my Amerindian blood (it didn't work).

I was incredibly embarrassed about the average hispanic Autism Level hovering somewhere in the high 80s/low 90s.

I tried to 'subtly' redpill my asian best friend (who I had a massive crush on) by constantly talking about Bolshevik atrocities and the benefits of order/hierarchy. I also talked to her a lot about German military achievements. She wasn't into it.

It was not a good time in my life.

Wondering how I'd be if I hadn't gone to a therapist over my extreme anxiety with school. I feel that.
Similar, puts doubt in my mind when I listen to stormfags sperg.
Fuck. I'm happy I dropped that. Now I just joke about peoples hot takes without putting out my admittedly radical opinions. I'm happy you grew out of that man. Sounds terrible, obsessing over Autism Level and "whiteness".

on the one side it's conservative as fuck, and on the other side it's also radical as fuck - there are bigger extremes, it will soon be weimar germany in many western countries

don't get this
back in school when i was sheltered and naive i thought libertarian capitalism was good
after growing up and seeing the world of work, i'd happily operate the guillotine for porkies

Every report I've seen was some Daily Mail bullshit that ironically included a disproportionate number of new immigrant muslim kids. I shouldn't have to tell you that they aren't exactly representative, and that those kids are more likely to grow up with more radically changing values than their native counterparts.

an uprising isn't necessarily socialist
see; Ukraine

Just complete bullshit coming from the tankie yet again.

In the UK (where the Daily Mail is writing from) most Muslim communities voted for Jeremy Corbyn. Most immigrant communities in general voted for Corbyn. I literally had a chat with a couple of Indian/Pakistani/not quite sure guys who were giving out fliers in town for some restaurant, I had a socialist newspaper with a picture of Corbyn on it, they both started talking about how much they liked Corbyn and how much they hated the Tories, and how everyone they knew thought that too.

Everyone I know who uses stirner memes is a limp wristed hypocrite

Oh yeah, super scared, conservatism is the new punk rock right?
OP you are not just a shitty falseflagger, you're also delusional.

it helps when you put signs near the voting polls in arabic, farsi and punjabi telling voters to vote for Labour

yes, because people with UK citizenship need signs in arabic, farsi etc.

now back to pol

The survey it was based off of was apparently a poorly designed survey done through social media and isn't that reliable. It's just conservative and libertarian websites projecting, they say this about every new generation.

The autists of Gen Z, yes.

you can get UK citizenship without being able to read and write in English
there are people in the UK that have lived there for decades and cant speak english their kids can though

there is nothing to fear from people who value virtue, justice, marriage, social harmony and think life is sacred and meaningful God is good.

we don't want to gas anyone (gas chambers are a hoax) we just want to conserve the beautiful diversity of the world: asia for asians, europe for europeans, africa for africans. A small amount of intermixing is okay, large scale melting pots are not.

yep, and let's not forget who won back then

Spoiler: not the ones who got immediately BTFO and dumped in the river within 3 days of calling for revolution

one group was used to operating within the confines of society and their 'revolution' was going into public offices and putting guns to the heads of clerks
the other group just came back from years of fighting in the second bloodiest war of all time to find armchair philosophers had taken over the state with pea shooters and were responsible for them losing the war alot of them would have preferred to die in

yeah, but that was just germany and spain :P

nice to see a nazi supporting a zionist

I'm not worried; ethnat is the next best thing to civnat which is the next best thing to socdem which is the next best thing to ML

Liberals, on the other hand? Anarchists at best and even then that's a stretch.

Yes, there is. It's called Islamic terrorism.

Nazis being nega-SJW sounds like horseshoe theory claptrap, but goddamn, it really is true.

Straight from the tankie's mouth


If you want people to stay in their own countries, maybe you can stop invading and displacing them?

Does that mean most European Americans have to leave the Americas?

ethnonationalist idiots struggling to link their pasty asses to the collective billions of white skinned people who speak different languages, enjoy different c-artificts, engage in warmer communities, fight in absurd petty tribal wars that ethnos will never be a part of

Americans need to grow up and realize they will never ever be Europe because it's been 300 years since the us has been an immigrating irrelevant shiting country and lol if you're going to reverse that with idiot memes. You should get over your fear of black people instead.



no I'm not really scared of self-hating snowflakes with daddy issues

the breathless media reports are based off of a mock election of american high schoolers where trump won a plurality over clinton and a consumer survey of british youth. The mock election was actually split almost exactly in thirds between Trump, Clinton and "I would not vote in this election", which won most of the liberal states. The consumer survey was confusingly worded and contradicted by detailed voter demographic breakdowns by YouGov that show 18 and 19 year olds voting for Corbyn in even greater numbers than twenty or thirtysomethings. There is a lot of evidence that generation z likes 'clean living' and tends to be more worried about debt and saving money, but this has no intrinsic connection to the right wing and opens up strategies for the left as well (the average member of generation z thinks 0$ is the only acceptable amount of debt to graduate college with. it won't take long to see that this can't happen without collective action).

As far as the idea that they're all little Holla Forums users see chart related (source:

libfems couldn't be more far removed from hippies…

There isn't much to liberalize anymore.

Thats not how it works. In fact the opposite is true. People become more conservative as they get older.


1/10, stop making the rest of us here look bad

literally the same

In the case of young people going away from their parents' homes where the parents have more control over them to college where the parents have less control and are exposed to a wider range of ideas than they did at home, I would not say that these people become more conservative. Once they get to be in their late 20's- early 30's we will see.

No because America is for the Americans.


She doesn't even look remotely like Laci Green

Except college enrollment is declining, and has been since 2013.
less gen Z's will even go to college, meaning they will become minimum wagecuck 7-11 workers or NEETs bitterly shitposting on 4chan about niggers or jews or w/e in their spare time.


And after that there will be a better world. Which is ultimately what motivates us, you chode. We don't glorify revolution, If i could snap my fingers and have socialism right now, id do it.

Given historical Soviet and ChiCom incompetence, I highly doubt that.

No, what motivates you is a secularised Utopianism in which you can channel all your frustrations with the real world (i.e. "capitalism).

And you'd still be as miserable as you are now, so you'd find some new way to argue that it wasn't "true" socialism, because if it was "true" socialism, you wouldn't be miserable. QED.

I guess

you misspelled history

god, why frog women make me so hard

because of the smug

Lol not at all. I'm not even a tankie my shitposting flag was still up. I just have a better memory than you and remember the last 12 times this conversation was brought up around here. Or maybe you've never even had this argument because you're both safe spa.ce loving little bitches.

Oh and just to reiterate how much of a fucking retard you are, the opinion poll was a few years ago and had broad policy questions on social policies it wasn't a fucking election poll. Seriously how many buckets do you go through a day just mindlessly drooling into?

"Democracy is good," they said.
"The people can be trusted to make the right decisions," they said.
Look at them now.

Nobody on Earth likes that guy anymore though

"it's only logical"
you burgers really need to think in terms of gulags now

Why should anyone on the left be worried about it? Gen Z is becoming more conservative, sure, but its liberalism that is taking the hit, not leftism. Its a common enemy and im glad they are dying.

Because they are of european ancestry, and most of the french women you know are a select few you've met irl and movie actresses,

tbh I hope irony poisoning kills politics forever

t. CTH listener

Probably about 40% of the US and a lot of Eastern Europe. And Macron apparently. Trump has done nothing he hasnt promised so far except deliver things on time. Even with the liberals constantly bitching abour "Russian interference" they are still totally incompetent, in that they are attacking Trump the person and his campaign rather than Trump the ideal of what people want him to be. Until they can subvert the ideal, people will still look up to him no matter what yellow journalism they employ. Fucks sake, you think people could learn from the Machiavellian success of Goebbels or the theories of Sorel.

We're not liberals, if we somehow lose wagecucks and NEETs we might as well fold up and go home.

I’m Gen Z. All I can give is anadoctal evidence, but it may be useful. My generation (the ones who are political aware)is more nationalistic, but still support most social liberal policies. (gay manage, majjana legalization, etc) Also tattoo are fucking cool, but that’s just me.

yeah that is just you, im borderline Gen Z (96) and most of the non liberals are anti-tattoo, extremely anti-gay, and anti drugs. Although when it comes to drugs most people are either extremely for or extremely against. There has been a massive pushback against liberal indoctrination in the schools. But that too is anecdotal evidence, thats just my experience idk about gen Z as a whole.

Gen z is more actually reactionary because it's generally less white in terms of raw percentages, non whites tend to have healthier family life immune from Jewish subversion like trannies or homosexuality, Sjws literally take for granted that the average non white wouldn't mind throwing a tranny off a bridge and only brow beat white people if they are disgusting by trannies or tattoos or promiscuity or what have you.

The average white teenagers is wholly pozzed and full blown degenerate. Non white not so much.

Looks more like Evalion than laci lel


Neck yourself, Common Filth. You havent been around blacks these days if you think they are any less pozzed than whites. Blacks especially are 10x more hedonistic than white people.

Yeah, as a non-white I'm incredibly degenerate.

being a non-white doesn't make you degenerate a priori

I am a non-white who is also a degenerate, is what I meant.


either way you are an faget

The Greatest Generation is legitimately the most left wing cohort we ever had, the hippies were a minority of the largely right wing baby boomers, and frankly mostly didn't give a shit about business, the big evil was The Government.

Not common spic but if you don't think negros are not more immune to shit like trannies or faggoty you have another thing coming, mestizos especially still have the mentality that was common among whites as recently as the 90s that faggots deserve scorn, trannies as a concept don't even register to them and they consider it a complete joke. Not extolling them or anything, simply stating facts.

wew lad. The study which asserts that gen z was the most conservative since ww 2 also has polls that directly contradicts your sentiments here. Baby Boomers are the most left wing generation the US has ever had.

…of the left which made up for half of the US nearly. The other side of the boomers that was "right wing" were still liberal as fuck.

Can confirm as a mestizo. Unfortunately most hispanics know are incredibly reactionary to the point I can't stand it and rarely hang around other hispanics. It's sad.

m8 you havent lived around faggots if you think blacks are unaffected by this. Black folks have less tolerance for homosexuality out in the open, but you should see the gay shit the blacks get up to in secret. I live in an extrmely pro gay liberal college town, and let me tell you its the black gays that are the worst. They are also over represented in trangenderism and homosexuality as a whole. Including the rate of STD transmission.

Whites are far less touched by liberalism than people give them credit.

'Liberal' to a Nazi is not liberal to anyone else.

A lot of fascists would disagree with you on that. Also, this isn't a fascist talking point this is a common leftist talking point. Liberals are capitalists.

The reality is “degeneracy” (gay sex, drugs, tattoos, etc) has become a part of white culture through cultural shifts. This is why younger nationalists are in support of these things. It’s became part of white culture. Now nazies must chose weather to abandon white nationalism or abandon anti-degeneritcy.

Please don’t go to white majority areas of northern american countryside.

…No, again its a problem that is more of a problem with non whites than whites and is not a part of an exclusive ethnic or racial culture. Its the byproduct of extreme consumerism.

No fascist would fucking disagree on that though. You can't just make shit up and say it's true.

Gen Z here.
I consider myself neither left nor right. I don't subscribe to any ideology but, I like the idea of spooks.

School was so shitty that my last few years were just me scrambling to get out. It worked and I managed to actually graduate by 16. Then I went to university for a semester and hated that too.

Now I live in Japan and study the language. I hate it also, but I at least have time to get my life straight and do the things I love.

School is an exercise in obedience. To come out the other side fully intact is not possible. I struggle every day with the habits that school built into me as well as the scars from all of the harrassment and abuse I received.

I plan to read Marx, Kropotkin, Smith, Keynes, Rand, Stirner etc. That way I get to see all sides of the story. I have a feeling that they are all wrong.

I found that I find great joy in programming and mathematics. As long as no one takes my digital freedom then I think I'll be okay.

I think that if anything defines Gen Z it'll be a sense of apathy.

You guy should know that the main reason this Gen shit exists is because marketing research companies compile all of this data to sell to other companies to help impress target audiences. Pay no attention to it I say, it is inherently arbitrary, easily manipulable and only slightly more accurate than tea leaves.


Ever wondered why its called "turd position" or why Mussolini was formerly a socialist? There are fascists who lean more left and right depending on what the left right dichotomy you use. If you believe that capitalism is right wing and communism is left wing, then we are centrists.

I honestly prefer to avoid the left right dichotomy because of this issue.

Not at all, Holla Forums. Go back to your board like the lil slut for porky you are please.

Except he is probably going to get the budget approved for the wall in september as the republicans have all agreed upon it at the very least, and the democrats will follow suit.He reformed ICE and has started deporting illegal immigrants, and the current policy he has in Syria will essentially lead Assad and the SDF to a stalemate. Thats breddy gud considering the old guard of the US has been using the full power of the 4th estate to undermine him.

Okay, let's look at the fascist view on…
1. property
speaks for itself
2. religion
pic related
3. labor unions
pic related again

none of these views are left wing.


First of all, just because the economist first used the word privitaziaion "when it covered nazi germany" does not mean Hitler privatized everything. He Nationalized and privatized what he thought necessary according to his economic advisers. Fascists are mix between pro nationalization of certain firms and pro privatization of certain firms.


Again, you are using your own arbitrary frame work of left wing vs right wing that people commonly disagree on. Some people even consider Stalinist Russia to be right wing. Its stupid dichotomy.

Uh huh. Ok.
Obama did the same and actually made the terrible immigration and deportation machine we have today.

Mussolini's view on unions were very different from Hitler's. He gave them actual representation in the government, something unions didn't have before and haven't since. Granted the union corporations were weak compared to the industry's, but the idea was solid.
Second quote is fake. You think it may be true because you see Hitler as an evil Jewllywood villain. In reality no leader would ever say "we must reduce salaries" in a setting they could be quoted. Salaries increased under the Führer way more than they did in Capitalist London or Communist Moscow anyway so that's a bad point to make. You should stick to the 6 trillion since that's illegal to question.

yeah, i mean what you just said is essentially nothing except
But the budget for the wall is meant to crack down on land crossing assisted by the cartels and also goes to ICE and the Border Patrol in which the wall is only a secondary means of defense.
No, they redefined what "deportation" meant. Its like when people cite the rape statistics of Sweden while forgetting to mention that the Swedes redefined what counts as "rape" a la feminism.

wew lad

Leaders say stupid shit all the time, regardless of whether or not they are in a setting to be quoted. Hitler probably even more so with the power he had.

Nigger please.

No, that's you


Never said that, but he actually restricted ICE, most people who say that there was a drastic increase in reported deportations don't understand that under his presidency deportation was redefined, and Obama also approved of Sanctuary Cities until the last few months of his presidency where he somewhat managed them

Wrong, i was saying that the dichotomy of left ad right is a false dichotomy, not that people do not have differing opinions. Horse shoe theory is contingent on an inherent dichotomy btw

I'm not strawmanning you as a centrist, I'm just using that image to show you that rightists and leftists have distinct viewpoints, and nazism falls on the right side.

You're interested in that? Well, Do I have a book for you

…if you believe in a false dichotomy, libertarians consider nat socialism to be left wing, and liberals sometimes consider stalinism to be right wing.

Hijacking the thread a bit.
Wouldn't they grow up in a crushed era even if they are conservative?
I've got some really conservative family members who've basically come to the conclusion that the American Dream literally can't happen anymore since Trump got elected (someone got all of Daddy's money and grew up rich) with his kids being spoiled to pieces.
So even if they grew up conservative the American Dream (unless Trump somehow flips this) is literally dead and impossible. Thoughts on it?

as a gen Z i can identify this poster as full of shit, but definitely a fedoralord teenager with delusions.
probably the most accurate impression of a 16 year old kid who believes he's much smarter than he actually is who gets bullied at school for being an asocial retard and retreats to the internet to pretend to be the "heh.. unintelligent fools" anime character he daydreams about when eating lunch alone

What the fuck is Gen Z

underrated post

Even places like Stormfront have an average user age of 25-35. Millennials the biggest dogmatic idpoler, and sociopathic motherfuckers on planet earth since assholes that existed during the dark ages.

What are you sorry about user?

newfag generation

I knew this Gen. Z kid back in the late 80's from New Jersey, and everybody on the block called him Ricky "White Lightning" Bellesano. He had talent like no other when it came to skateboarding, and there were even rumors on the street that he invented this trick called the "McTwist" when he was in Hawaii, and it involved a hotel, and a helicopter or some shit. Anyways despite the fact he lived on the wild side, and did cocaine, he was the most conservative person you ever met, so I think there's some truth to this gen xyz Mumbo jumbo Hitler shit if you ask me.

The "no ideology" people such as yourself are precisely the most ideological, unwittingly the greatest supporters of the current order's most extreme measures. Want to watch an interesting movie?
Go to the little bar beneath the player and scroll down to the 13th option. Click on it and enjoy your movie, brought to you by Slavoj "Dialectical Schniff" Zizek.

user, I…
that actually sounds very '80s overall

Behold the future. These fuckers will be total slaves to capital, growing up with mobile phones destroying their attention span and social media whoring and getting their "knowledge" from YouTube entertainment, thinking that shit is freedom. We need to unplug them from the matrix while we still can. We must bring forth the crisis and revolution quickly before porky rolls out UBI or there will be a very, very dystopian future.

Age is a coincidence. People become more conservative as they accumulate wealth, and Gen Y and Z are being largely spared that soul-poisoning hazard.

Wait a minute, what the fuck? You supposedly live by yourself in Japan, but say that you have complete digital freedom? As in, your experience online over there was apparently smooth enough for you to not mention censorship, crappy service plans, or restricted internet access anywhere in your post?

Gen Z here. I've seen a few others post here and it's mostly the same. It's either edgy white kids who just found out the "conservative is the new counterculture" meme or neo-liberal idpols. Few leftists I've met are okay, but are few and far between. Mostly Bernie supporters who think demsoc is pretty exotic. Yeah it's bleak but not as bad as everyone thinks it'll be. Going into college and the workforce this fall so wish me luck. Capitalism ain't going anywhere soon by the looks of it.

that's not what false dichotomy means. leftism-rightism is a gradient, I'm not saying that there's an either-or dichotomy. Nazis and fascists definitely lean towards the right, maybe not as right as Pinochet or objectivists.

I don't post on Reddit it must be my phone. You are right I am probably just an edgy fagois. I do own a Katana and I will sever ur scrote with it tho. When I said that I got the impression that the economic theorists are all wrong it's only because it seems to me that the world has changed too drastically for many of their ideas to apply anymore. I feel like people are sucking on these rotting 20th century choads because of dogma rather than because of any solid reasoning about how the world is today. Was not trying to imply that I am some kind of superior intellect.
The way I graduated was not impressive. I worked a year as an IT apprentice for extra credits. Then through the vocational courses they gave me I was able to get into uni on a technicality not through any kind of score. Everyone told me not to do it and maybe I should have listened. I'm sorry if it seemed that I was showing off I was just eager to give my perspective.

It isn't that I have no political opinions or beliefs, it is more that I'm not comfortable putting a label on it yet.

I'm not talking about other people's freedom, I'm talking about my freedom. I personally will be okay as long as I can safely subvert any attempts to censor or block.

I don't agree with what is happening but at the present I'd be kidding myself if I thought there was something I could do about it.

I also don't watch YouTube unless it for lectures, I don't have an attention span issue the internet is just the only time when I have meaningful conversations with other people taht is why it's so important to me.

Didn't mean to trigger you guys so badly.

It's all disgusting opportunism. Instead of getting fucked over, you fuck these passive iphone-toting critters first, that's real revolutionary thinking.
You can't even imagine the hostile environment in which the first revolutionaries acted. Now you complain about a bunch of complacent, indifferent kids who can supposedly "fuck you over" (in reality they can't). As the masses grow stolider, the revolutionaries must grow even more passionate, this is our way.

based on what your inherent dichotomy of left and right its, again its a retarded method of classifying belief systems.

Edgy nigger detected

Nazism and Fascism aren't fucking "alternatives" though, they are right leaning totalitarian. It's that simple

FFS you low 1Q moron, this entire time we are talking about how the left right dichotomy is a false dichotomy that has no inherent meaning and you just repeat the point you wer making earlier? Ill repeat myself again, there are some people who call fascism leftism, centrism, and rightism at all the same time. Some consider totalitarian to be left leaning or right leaning, none of these measurements matter. Fascism is fascism, its different from capitalism and its different communism.

Topkek, no. Its probably 70% gen z at this piont. Also stormfront's average age of users who join is about 19. Its either extremely old people or extremely young people art this point.

Impossible. The average autism metric here is ~130.

The average autism metric on 4/pol/ is about 125. We have the same sources.

Fascism is still socially right wing, that is a fact

HBD is real. When will we admit that Holla Forums just can't be trusted to run a board for themselves. That they would be happier serving in the great southern meme plantations under the caring guidance of Holla Forums?

No, because these same people will call fascism (socially) left wing, right wing, and centrist depending on who you ask.

and those people are uneducated fucks. there are clear leftist views and clear rightist views. You really wanna side with those people?

No those are people who are deeply imbedded within academia who say things like this, and no matter how much you keep re-asserting your own dichotomy that doesn't make it true. See, it doesn't matter, this classification, because it is totally arbitrary. Fascism is fascism plain and simple, you can learn about what its meant to be and what it or you ignore that and scoff it off as left/right/centrist whatever.

Like fucking who, Ben Shapiro? Stephen Crowder? These are the only retards I see spewing the "Nazis are leftist" meme.
I'm not making anything up though.

Von Mises, a lot of analytic philisophers who are in favor of Robert Nozick, anarcho capitalists commonly.
No you are making an argumentum ad populum on the contrary, but even that is your own interpretation of the left/right divide that only generally follows the public to a degree but has its own individual differences most likely. Again, it doesn't matter if it is left wing or right wing, fascism is fascism.

Mises isn't deeply embedded in academia he's deeply embedded in dirt. I haven't seen these nozickians presenting sophisticated arguments that fascists are leftist either. Its just totally clueless dweebs like Jonah Goldberg. Even the briefest glance at history of contemporary politics should dispel that notion. Read Blinkhorn ed. Fascists and Conservatives or just look at who fascists govern in parliamentary coalition with or which side of civil wars they fight on or who they go to rallies with.

Actually he has his own college who believes an teaches this very same same principle and is a talking point amongst most lolbertarians, minarchists, and ancaps. You seem to only know about a few pundits, but this is a very common talking point i hear about.

Sure he is dead, but his legacy lives on pretty strongly.

You're not supposed to talk about lich Mises in public. We can't let the commies know about dead labor sorcery.

I'm talking about actual academia not thought leader stuff.



a women speaking french is pretty hot too.