Feudalism 2.0

Feudalism 2.0

Sad thing is that long commutes are so shit many people will gladly embrace this as the lesser evil, and they might legitimately be right to do so.

the REAL road to serfdom.jpg

You didn't give this much thought, did you?

If the workers controlled it, this would be ideal.
Fuck the Zuck tho

Who the fuck do you think is hiring you, retard?

Once UBI comes out, tech companies will hand them out directly with the catch being that you need to use 100% of your services from that company including things like an "amazon internet" or facebook internet.

Once that happens, the conditions for revolution wont exist, and we'll just be living in a rollerball dystopia.

Google is doing the same thing. Multinational corporations are regressing back to the industrial age of "living at the factory".

Just because commies are against it doesn't means it's good. Faceberg is Jewish anyway, they don't even hide how they manipulate the public.

You don't want your housing to be controlled by your employer, it means you can't easily change jobs.

Why are you talking about jobs like you've held a job

please, if you fags ever gain power, kill the marksocs first

Honestly as long as annoying Clinton-tier liberals and 'muh constitution israel is our greatest ally' conservatives die with me I wouldn't even mind being shot by a fascist dictatorship that much.

Classcucks in 2050.

didn't they try to pass a law in Brazil to allow employers to pay employees in food?



wow is that a worrybear

what is this meme doing outside of kc, it's dangerous here

It's going to just end up like Hardware fused with something worse than Paul Verhoeven's most cringy parody of society in the 90's as the future

I was talking about this a couple years ago with friends and was totally mocked.

I claimed that, soon enough, large, multinational corporations will become nation states in themselves. You can live, eat, exercise, and get all of your needs fulfilled by your large "benevolent" company. Its eerily similar to Zizek's idea of Groucho-totalitarianism.

So jokes on them, I guess.

How is KC these days? I used to lurk there daily, but I haven't for a long time.

Not even feudalism, just plain old industrial capitalism. The irony is that the entire thing of "buying from the factory shop" doesn't really work in the age internet purchase.

Are you ready to stand for the Facebook corporate anthem?
