Rings of Power

>>184990140No, she is gorgeous

>>184990140Nah, she's worth it

Attached: 636378.webm (720x900, 1.5M)

>>184973600> completely ignores the utterly absurd legalos surfing shit in lotr and complains about this innocuous scenechuds clutching at straws>>184982803> rt votes lmao, what's black panther at again?

Hey is this the goyslopping thread? Zamn I love eating turds and the comparing the taste. What you like shitty dog log #1? I knew there were shitty dog log shills posting. I myself am a kino aids diarrhea fan myself.

>>184990878go back to the fishtank threads where you belong faggot

hotd is literal slop - greyish and tasteless. Cynical and trashy. It's all sex and violence and incest. Literally aiming to satisfy the most primitive of human desiresmeanwhile RoP has high production values, beautiful cinematography (literally the best out of tv shows ever) and music. It speaks about universal themes of good vs evil, mortality, upholding your values in the face of certain death, loyalty, honor etc it has literally everything you said you wanted from a quasi-medieval fantasy show. It even fixes the common bullshit of everything looking greyish (what about hotd?). But you can't appreciate it because you're npcs who will always choose trashy slop

>>184991335shut up pajeet

>>184991335Is this AI? Or just bait

>>184991523>someone calls him npc>he replies with automated Holla Forums responselmao

>>184991603chud in dissonance