Exploitation of workers is wrong and stealing their surplus value must be stopped


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This board really have a meme understanding of leninism.
nice try succdem, now you can go back sucking capitalists cock

Only difference between social democrats and ML`s is occultist nature of Marxism-Leninism with its worship of the party.

Just join the more Machiavellian side, comrade.

Read Gramsci, you opportunist scum

O yes because the SPD in germany proposed the same as the communist party.
Reda nigga

Germany is exception when it comes to leftist policies, not the standard.

It's not, everywhere the succdems turned full capitalist sooner or later.

Just like everywhere the ML`s took power they banned free trade unions, centralized the command structure of state apparatus and exploited the workers on behalf of party officials?

social-fascists are incurable.

Point is to gain mass attraction, increase the membership of the trade unions internationalize them and ultimately make enough concrete demands form capitalists to force them out of power.

literally no socdem party made this after 1920.
Also socdems have not the monopoly of parlamentary action, the PCI (Italian communist party) was the biggest communist party in west Europe and your friends succdems where the one allied with the DC (democratic christian literally the most hated party in italy) trying to stop the communist to gain power. Also both Lenin and Marx encouraged the parlamentary action as part of the revolutionary struggle. Just read some history and you'll learn how disgusting the succdems were after the second international, and how they slowly have gone full reactionary, and how disgusting and reactionary are they now (if they are not already full neo-liberal which for the most part they already are) .

Reason why you are opposed is the fact that you hate unions and workers. You do not participate in their struggles or even want to improve their immediate conditions. Stark promises of power and change do not feed the hungry,help the unemployed or pay the rent.

You're a fucking idiot.
Read again what i wrote, i have not denigrated reformism (when is part of a more wide struggle).
MLs where always the one near the struggle of the workers, succdems where the who killed the german revolution, who opposed the alliance with communist during the rise of italian fascism, who allied with reactionaries everytime there was the menace of a worker uprise and that have gone full neo-liberal when neo-liberalism was born.
Just as i said before read some history and some theory and stop pretending you are some sort of pragmatic genius side by side with the workers.

Social democrats started the finnish revolution trough. Germany is the exception.

Only if you mistake old succdems (the one that acfter the October have formed the various communist parties) with opportunist succdems that came after. By this point of view Lenin is a socdem too.

When the Finnish Communist Party was banned, the Social Democrat party was infiltrated by right wingers. Now they're the worst class collaborationists and disliked by both socialists and right wing voters. Social Democracy has failed.

Yes effectivly he was one.

come on now


What does this mean? You should try to make complete thoughts instead of making people guess as to what your intentions are.


Succdems shouldn't be fighting each other, stop being sectarians.

This little comic always makes me laugh.

As the rose's link illustrates the ussr didn't have anything comparable to taxation as seen in the west. A few taxes aimed directly at kulaks during the NEP and a VAT were the extent of taxation since the state could directly take surplus from state run enterprises by withholding part of the value produced by workers.