Why are reactionaries incapable of articulating their problems with capitalism without blaming the Jews?

Why are reactionaries incapable of articulating their problems with capitalism without blaming the Jews?
I see similar sentiment whenever abusive corporate practices come up: it's never structural issues with capitalism, it's always some outside group.

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Because it's easy to personalize a problem. You have criminals to blame for the misery of the world.

When the misery isn't personal but systemic, however, it's somewhat dissatisfying. Although people here do say "kill all porkies" and so on, we know (or should know) that wouldn't by itself change capitalism into another system.

There are multiple reasons. First, there is that Jews are extremely tribalistic and make full use of the capitalist system for their own benefit, and the benefit of their family and religion. This is of course not uncommon for white people to do either, however, Jews have been more successful compared to others. Therefore they are more noticeable when they use blatant nepotism and bribery to further their own goals, even if any rich bastard does it under a capitalist rule.

Second, being born under capitalism makes one blind to the systemic aspects which follow. Capitalism is viewed as human nature, because, this is how it was during our parent's, grandparant's, and great grandparent's time. Institutions further this perception of capitalism as normalcy, especially when capitalism is abstracted into being free trade between free people, instead of production of commodities. This effect is strengthened, by earlier modes of production being abstracted in the same way.
Even if this is a blatantly false conclusion.

Third, not being able to discern cause and effect. When stormfags claim that current trends are heavily influenced by Jews. Then this is true, because Jews bought the media, due to their immense wealth. This is, however, were their thought process ends. They look past other subversions such as wealthy right-wing organizations who push capitalist ideology because they don't perceive this as such. They don't make the connection that propaganda is always created by the wealthy to further their goals and consolidate their power. They also don't seem to understand that removing capitalism removes the platform for propaganda.

Because they have been indoctrinated to think that capitalism can do no wrong. They have been told all their life "look at all the wonderful things you own. You own all these great things because of capitalism. We have progressed as far as we have because capitalism is inherently a good system that gives prosperity to all who work hard enough." So any problems that occur to them must be because someone is trying to cheat the system.

Because they like capitalism except when it's fucking them

Many reactionaries do blame capitalism. See Rod Dreher and most communitarians. Hell, even Richard Spencer hesitantly blamed capitalism for bastardizing culture.

Holla Forums is not all reactionaries.

Because they can't blame capitalism anymore, as trump is their only voice , and his economic policies are standard GOP fare. Even if Trump was a secret neo nazi, he couldn't do jack shit cause the Congresss would block him.

I guarantee a large section of these people are of some kind of jewish descent anyway. Don't know if anyone has that image where a load of Holla Forumstards realised they where of Jewish heritage

they might do that but when push comes to shove they will always come to the defense of capitalism

Because it still defends the basics of capitalism. Just pushes the excess onto the Other.

No different to liberals idolising small businesses really.

Well, was the movie made by Jews or not?

This. Most of the original reactionaries were aristocrats.

Americans ruin everything. They are everything Amerifat nazis claim the jews are but worse.

What movie was it?

Convince that a society which has trade and property necessarily behave Jewishly and that all those places and times which had trade and property, and which did not, are actually forgeries.

Then why is communism not banned in many European countries when nazism is?



Wow, how strange.



I for one wish fire upon germany

It's not just one though. The Baltics, Poland, Hungary, all crack down

I'm willing to bet based off OP's description it's the new Death Note adaptation.


No we are not, it`s just the retarded hitlerites of nazism.

Because most forms of "communism" that we see today (liberals and SJW's larping as defenders of minorities) actually fit the current program. The program is tolerance of others, which always was part of the post-war ruling class campaign. To foster non-militant people, who accept everything which is showed down their throat. Aside from that, there are less real communists than there are real Nazis. So communism isn't seen as a real threat. While the useful idiots which claim to be communist are useful to the ruling class. Also, there are organizations and campaigns even today which talks about the horrible acts of communism. So even if they don't outright ban communism, they are still performing a smear campaign.

Nazism, on the other hand, is dangerous for a part of the ruling class because they wish to kill all Jews. Nazism is also a great rallying point for any member of the elite who wants to gain power. It is ideal to gain the support of certain important branches which are required for a takeover. It can win over the military, by allowing them more power, and better funding. It can win over large businesses by granting them special tasks and priveledges (such as making the equipment which was promised to the military), It can win over the people by claiming to remove [insert scapegoat] and restore the former glory of the nation, essentially granting the people power over other people.
Compare that to communism where the businesses get shafted, the military has no power and only gets the equipment the people deem necessary. And the people have to give up all their useless capitalist trinkets.

Now please go educate yourself on the real world you faggot.

right wingers already attempt to reduce everything to genetics so it's convenient for them to claim that Jews are biologically and culturally predisposed to "subversion" and "degeneracy" and are corrupting previously wholesome and benevolent aryan institutions and systems

Most alt-righters denounce Spencer though.

I really don't understand why leftists read the bottom half of that and like it more. Right Nietzscheanism, with a bent on political mobilization and conquest, is much more AIDS than ethnic nationalism.

tisk tisk

Swallow your pride comrade. There is no use in arguing with alex jones-tier natzee loonies. Doesn't matter what arguments you use, you'll just be dismissed as a shill and you will help him derail the thread even further. Ignore him.


It's because most people, either left or right, are stupid and can only see things from a superficial perspective.

Never change, Holla Forums bootlickers.

Is it a fact that needs to be brought up though? If the whole of the bourgeoisie was Jewish, and you eliminated them, yet kept the same system, a new bourgeois class would arrive. If all of Jewry was composed of bourgeoisie, that doesn't mean that every Jew will die. Many I think would see that things are not going their way and fall in line, as it is more beneficial for them to survive than it is to die.

fuck you faggot

Said no one on Holla Forums ever

The point isn't that they're Jewish. As a matter of fact kill every single Jew, someone else will just take their place in the pecking order.

That problem, is again, capitalism. What you are upset about is capitalism and you don't even fucking understand it

All I'm saying is that denying that jews are a nepotistic, corrupt group that advancea their interests no matter who stands in the way is just delusional; many of the worst, richest capitalists are JEWS, despite them being about 0.08% of the world population. The facts are right there, trying to cover for them is just plain bootlicking.

Also, doesn't means that non-jewish richfags should be forgiven. In fact, they are WORSE than the jews for they are TRAITORS. ALWAYS A TRAITOR BEFORE AN ENEMY!

Considering how much Jews disagree with one another on their own teachings, to think they have a universal dogma is such utter bullshit idk what to think.

All I'm saying is your identity politics analysis of the problems of capitalism is so hammy that most of us moved past, that you need to consider the facts around what made affluence possible in the first place.

And it is not "Jews", it is Capitalism. Capitalism is grander in scale than any Jewish person can make of it.

Your hyper focus on Jews is idpol and distracts from actual criticism that points at the right direction. At best an observation, at worst a distraction.

So do the rich, in greater measure, ie Carlos Slim will disagree with Donald Trump on many things.
Yet you have no problem lumping them as the same enemy, but when rich jews do it you leftists trip over to defend ( ( ( them ) ) ). Why is that I wonder?

But we don't. Fucking lurk.

I'm half Jewish, half Latino. I know plenty of other half or part Jewish people. This is clearly false. Most young Jews ignore their parents when they try to influence their personal relations. It's not even a financial thing that the moms do that. Traditions simply take a while to die, even if their original purposes (in this case, it probably goes back to self-preservation in Poland and Russia) die off.
The Waltons and Kochs and all the other big family-owned institutions are all non-Jewish. The only Jewish family-owned institution of prominence which comes to mind is the Rothschild banking system ominous music plays, and they're nowhere close to what they used to be.
A lot of Jews are in finance and media because of historical circumstances (being barred from other jobs and not having religious restrictions against money laundering, for example). You're being unmaterialist.

And this is how we know that you didn't even click on the link. Put some effort into your posts or go back to r/T_D.

No one has said this.

Nobody is defending anyone rich here you fucking moron. We're saying identity politics is only a distraction to actual criticism of how we got to where we are. Focusing on groups and demographics get you nowhere if the solution won't solve the problem.

There's one right here
But then again, he claims he's a JEW so it's not unreasonable he's defending his group's interests. lol so much for this place frowning upon "idpol"!

You guys have no problem gathering to destroy "white pride", whether real or perceived. Why the double standard?

Because it's idpol. Did you not just listen to what I fucking said.

That does not rebuke the point that idpol is a distraction at all. It's still critiquing your inability to focus on the problem itself that creates what you dislike about Capitalism. Therefore you are doomed to repeat it

It may not change the system, but it sure as hell feels good!

Is this a shit post about ancoms? That's for you to decide!

Are you being intentionally obtuse or is your reading comprehension sorely lacking?

We are saying that we oppose the ruling class on the grounds that they are the ruling class and not because of their background. We do not give a fuck if the ruling class consisted 100% of Jews, the ruling class still has to go.

garbage idpol all of it

spooks. they believe to strongly, they're religious to the ideology.

simply put they don't read enough, they just follow a master/idea. Immaturity, simple mindedness, stupidity, credulous, etc.

and this obviously
lots of reasons but that are spooks.

you're enough proof that Holla Forumstards don't read lol
but thats nothing that the individuals here didn't already knew.

Because the jews are the champions of the current system, their main proponents, their main defenders and ideologues, they operate important ethnic monopolies and if it wasn't for them we would have changed systems a while a go.
Gentile-jewish conflict is several millenia old, you are just ignorant of it, it seems.

Isn't Marxist "class warfare" inherently idpol? The arguments you're trying to make as Marxists are in conflict with your professed hatred of identity politics. Unless class is not an identity, somehow.

no they're not if you want to see who the champion is look at your ruler. The president and it's party.
It might trigger you but they're white. In reality that does not matter, what matters are their actions and the system they use to get away with subjecting you.


Because they're just controlled opposition. Shittalking the Jews you legitimize the state of Israel and immunize capitalism from criticism.

When a homeless hobo says "I identify as a billionaire CEO" will he just magically become rich and obtain power? No he won't.
Your class position is determined by the material reality of the capitalist powerstructure.
Class is not an identity.

Why did you even assume that guy was a Holla Forumsack? His post didn't seem right wing, it just seemed jaded and condescending.

All systems and cultures develope from peoples and globalization and capitalism/bankism is just talmudic messianism.
You go in circles talking about this or that ideology without realizing peoples are the creators of ideas and are behind and enforce those ideas.
This board is full of kikes and kike worshipers so not expecting anything from you, furthermore you are autistic and retarded.

Could u elaborate on your thesis?

The president is a puppet who is not doing what he said he was going to do, his daughter is married to a jew and his descendants future is jewish, jews control the US, thats a fact, they themselves say they are the strongest group and its not a democracy among groups competing.
YES, they are Ashkenazim jews, half european half jewish, thats what makes them so dangerous, the intelligence of the europeans and the psychopathy and mental illness of jews.

why can't communists not accept that a lot of fat porkies are jews?

It doesn't matter if porkies are jews or not. Porkies gonna pork regardless of their race.

Sure, you wont find any other messianic vision for the world that talks about one world goverment, a mixed population of slaves enslaved to one race, the jews, and so on and so on, what is unfolding before your eyes is just the bible/talmud plan for the world, point by point, its not that some magicians predicted the future millenia ago, its that the kikes work for their prophecies to be fullfilled, its a game plan and its better to have one than to have none, thats why we need ideology in the west asap.

when you call out porky jews they cry anti semitism


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