
So the alt-right dominate youtube. Even mediocre sized right wing "Rationalists" have subscriber counts 10x that of the biggest left wing channels, you now have some of the largest channels on Youtube, spouting alt-right shit, people with subscriber counts in the millions.

Because of their constant rigging of Youtube algorithms, alt right videos always fly to the top of youtube search and recommendations for any political or cultural topic. In the past, I ignored it, thinking that if it stays on Youtube, it isn't an issue, but now I have Normies on my social media, and in real life, literally talking about Sargon shit and the like, because Youtube keeps recommending them his (and people like him) videos and he plays to peoples already reactionary preheld spooked beliefs.

So really, the left needs to get off it's arse and start getting its message out there on sites like Youtube. Because you're getting an entire generation growing up with Youtube as their "TV" and youtube is a reactionary right wing shithole.

At the moment this is pretty much the most we can do. If anybody wants to make a comprehensive list of left wing channels, fell free to do so.

Other urls found in this thread:

What about opening a channel? I was interested in doing it but It'll be too much work for a single guy


YouTube is why I stopped believing that revolution in the first world will ever be possible.

Most painful hit to these alt-right youtubers is demonetization. I think Lauren Southern was moaning on about that. I think youtube sometimes does it to many right-wing youtubers mostly because the companies are worried about being displayed on alt-right channels, but alt-righters still use sites like Patreon to compensate for it. In case of InfoWars they even sell their supplement shit which makes them impervious and independent from any ad revenue whatsoever and can survive without it. One explicitly nasty alt right animations channel, MurdochMurdoch sells some custom T-Shirts online even, with their memes on it.

You can complain to YT and Patreon and it's all good, but it's not enough, they find one way or another to fund their shit. Although MillenialWoes, some scottish alt-righter who got doxxed but has small subscribership, he said in his vids that he is a NEET and purely lives on Patreon money by now to keep doing vids for his channel.

My solution to Holla Forums is to keep doxxing. They are afraid of that shit the most. Find the employers of these alt-right guys and tell the employers that their employee is doing racist shit on youtube. That will get them fired or hassled at work. Tell family members too. If they hide their identities, try to estimate their geographic location and spread the word in the subreddits tied to the area that there is an alt-right youtuber in their area and you need help to locate them.

If they are secure and trenched-in and undoxxable like Cernovich, Southern or Spencer, just make their lives difficult by going after their money revenues wherever possible. Alt-right people are most concerned over their revenues, you can demoralize them REALLY HARD if you cut their money out. Not kidding.

t. former alt-retard

I can agree with this statement. Seriously I almost got sucked into Sargon's bullshit when I was a succdem.

Anyway, do we Cycle this thread to share links to vids we should dislike and actually be able to demonetize? Or should we just do it on our own?

Fuck wrong reaction picture


Shaun and Jen.


MaoistRebelNews/Jason Unruhe (Tankie central)

Thats all I can think of in terms of channels off the top of my head.

like every left wing video, dislike every right wing video, report every right wing youtube to all their funding sources.

I've been thinking of opening a technology related channel as a past time to keep me busy

I'll never understand why people give money to strangers on the Internet. Even if it's to encourage more content.

Because Youtube pays channels so little for ads that many channels couldn't operate without donation.

apparently, youtube doesn't really differentiate between likes and dislikes, it views both as positive user interactivity and continues to propagate the channel if it has a ton of dislikes

We can't report EVERY video

If you report too many times on false claims your entire account can be suspended. I don't want that shit.

No ProSocialism, Eastern Marxist, Mexie, Hawaii Left Review, Leftist Perspective?


i think its brasil

Take the videos on cybernetics and not the rest.

I feel like someone as anti-gender ideology as me would not be welcome on youtube. Same goes for everyone else here.

How exactly are those youtubers tankies? I mean ProSocialism is a literal trot for fuck sakes

ProSocialism is a leftcom now.

makes sense, he hasn't posted videos for months, I guess he thinks making YT videos for his subscribers is 'activism'.

Lmao nah he said on Reddit he was gonna make a response to the finnish bolsheviks video "marxism-leninism was not real socialism???"

I dunno, OP, I don't feel comfortable using right-wing tactics psh, like it's really just their tactics, though


Is this real? I know retards on this site (not this board) and elsewhere spend inordinate hours a day doing the same shit.

Is he /ourguy/?

Speaking of Youtube, is there some kind of bot that uploads Tucker Carlson clips to different channels? Here are two different channels but the titles are sometimes written in the same manner.

You guy have all the rest of the internet, ya know.

Are you scared, porky?

More or less, though he leans to the SJW side of things.

I don't know whether to be upset or enraged

Don't forget Ex Worker. It's a small channel, but he makes pretty good videos in my opinion.

You should be indifferent and unsurprised.

You could fry beacon on that Goldy skank

WTF is wrong with that woman's mouth?

Also , using corporate culture to shut down the opposition will turn back on you sooner or latter.

I have trouble talking to the average person about how the reactionary right-wing IS a large part of the mainstream, and not opposed to it. It's weird how they can't see it.

eastern marxist is trash who doesn't understand marxism tbh famalams

how so?

Of course it's real, and the biggest actors are probably getting paid for it.

He's changed his mind since then.

where did he say that?

Are you drinking THE BONE BROTH?

Have to get down and dirty or we lose.

It's not just the rationalist right doing it, look at how Shareblue and such have hit social media and Plebbit trying to rebrand Neoliberalism and are smashing the left into oblivion on pretty much every major Plebbit board.

We're being clobbered by the Neolibs on Plebbit, we are being clobbered by the Alt-Right on youtube.

Beyond podcasts, the left has really no major online outlet to reach normies.

How would the right function if the alt-right followed Jeff C instead of Alex Jones?

i DM'd him on twitter he agrees that socialism abolishes generalized commodity production now, at least the labor voucher cockshottist version


This is pointless. The Alt-right is only prosperous because it feeds of the excesses of liberalism/SJW Idpol. Kill off those and the alt-right will starve, killing two birds with one stone.

to be fair right-wingers are nailing all the problems of late-stage capitalism while the left is all about decadence .sry bois.


they're complaining about the problems of late stage capitalism while blaming it on globalists and jews instead of the actual source of the problem.

I dunno going after the globalists would, in practice, impact a very large size of the bourgeoisie.

The entirety of the bourgeoisie is globalist. They are also nationalist. They don't care about ideas. They care about control.

A (shrinking) part of the bourgoisie is not globalist as it relies on borders to remain competitive within their country and would be uncompetitive in a globalized market.

The globalist part of the bourgoisie is definitely not nationalist at all, personal pet peeves of some individuals notwithstanding.

Yeah he's BRBRHUE, @danilogentili.

What the hell was the channel with the dude riding the bike yelling "Communism will win" and lit an effergy of Unruhe on fire?

It was Fuckmiur right?

you have a deluded romanticized understanding of "nationalism" that does not exist in reality. nationalism, contrary to internationalism, is inherently globalist. it is rallying through class divisions behind national identity and has thus only one class as the beneficiary, the capitalist elite.
it is just as social democracy an empty promise of redistributing muh privileges amongst a nationality against a "hostile" to the bourgeoise hegemony force that are always the poor but can and usually are socialists but also foreign capital and national bourgeoise of other nations and so on.
imperialist nations like the US or Germany use national chauvinism then to justify its "globalist" attacks against exploited nations souvereignity, be it the third world or even its closes periphery (examples in this case are greece and mexico).

Comrades, we have a window, the Right is now waging a meme war against CNN. Let this be an opportunity for us to retake YouTube in their unknowingness!

If Holla Forums comrades are gonna start making videos we should prolly tone down the class consciousness so we don't scare off the normies. People have kneejerk reactions to stuff they *know* is socialism cuz of all the leftover McCarthyism in society so it's prolly best to sell them socialism under a different name or no name at all so that they grow to love it before that part of their brain tells them they shouldn't cuz "Stalin killed half of all atoms in the universe" or some shit. Let them come to their own conclusions and they'll find their way to Holla Forums themselves.

Agreed. We should first debunk right-wing BS like Kyle Kulinski does to show that the Right are the evil ones, and then slowly bit by bit go more and more radical until we move them far left enough to be at the very least SuccDems

This guy gets it. Is Kyle actually a socialist though or just a social democrat?

SuccDem from what is in his bio, but often he sounds ridiculously radical for a SuccDem

Kyle Kulinksi often doesn't know what he's talking about at all. For example, in his video about the Dutch politican Geert Wilders' hate speech trial, he made several crucial mistakes. Firstly, he claimed that Wilders' speech was about Marrocan immigrants specifically, but it was about Morrocan people in general, most of which have been in the Netherlands for generations. Secondly, he claimed that Wilders' punishment would be jail time, but that's just completly not true. Wilders was found guilty but wasn't punished at all. And thirdly, he talks about how because many people disagreed with the trial's outcome, it would radically boost Wilders' party. He fails to notice that there are other reasons to dislike the trial, such as holding a politican to different standers as he wasn't punished even though he was found guilty. Lastly, he claimed that because of this Wilders has a much higher chance of becoming the next prime minister, which is totally retarded because in the Dutch electoral system he would have to have a majority (since all other parties have excluded working with him) to actually become prime minister, which is not feasable in the slightest.

Also, check this:

You got a source on this my dude?


Doesn't stop me bro. Just make them on low hanging fruit if you can't think of anything smart to say

T. Marxist Media

Nobody's asking you to make makeup tutorials, comrade. Just drop Marxist theory on the YouTube proles and spice your videos up with a little meme magic. It's a winning formula.


post some pls

Let him make Marxist makeup tutorials if he wants

This post is making me start to appreciate the word "buzzword," which I normally hate. It's impressive how the entire justification of this post is basically nothing but name-calling, completely lacking in anything of substance, just one rhetorical tautology after another.

No Eastern Marxist??
I think he makes great content

idk it might be an old one

Figures that leftists will resort to organized manipulation of a search function since they realized they can't win the war of ideas legitimately, lmao


Figures that fascists will resort to organized manipulation once they realized they can't win the war of ideas legitimately, lmao


Do you not understand how it is a lie?

I'll tap. How is it a lie that good ideas tend to prevail over shit ideas and breed success?


You've a long way to go.

Do you think it's a coincidence that political messages that support things the rich want are usually given much more funding, exposure, and airtime than ones that oppose what the fuck want? 555 come on now

The entire mainstream media is a counterpoint. It's honestly embarrassing you would try to make this point given the state of the "fake news" narrative

Right wing youtubers funded by rich capitalists now? Since when?

for an obvious overt example but I have no doubt theres shit going on in the background too (ie. 'liberal Tory' Sargon getting paid $4k for each static image video of his fat ass rambling, yeah I'm sure that's all from his viewers)

Yeah there's definitely something fishy about Sargon and I wish we could dig up the dirt.

People are much more likely to believe things that are in their immediate material interests than things that are more rationally or ethically justified.

Leftists confuse NEETs with enough disposable income to donate to a youtuber's Patreon with Teh Ruling Capitulists


Also Prager University advertizes on Youtube, not Sargon. They have no control over who's video their ad gets put on.

The lack of self awareness here is…unsurprising.




So because Socialism is in someone's immediate self interest automatically makes it irrational?

AdSense attempts to match ads to relevant interests. When I watch political videos I see significantly different ads (polisci/econ shit) from when I watch sargonite le rationals (video game shit) from when I turn on incognito mode and watch slutty fashion hauls for fap material (feminine products).

I want you to read your last two posts back to back and see if you can spot the flaw in your logic.

Prager ads show up no matter what sort of politics you follow. They don't have a distinction between left and right. Prager therefore supports both Sargon and Kapitalism101, huh?

Sorry honey, my retarded Commie mind impedes me from recognizing "logical flaws". You're gonna have to point them out to me.

The entirety of the right wing narrative regarding the pervasiveness of "left wing ideas" renders your argument contradictory.

Being a good idea isn't enough to warrant popularity on it's own.

Ok, this may be true but
They literally do because that's how ads work.

Just that? Nothing else?

Also, the fact that virtually every tactic currently used by the Right Wing comes from Leftists sources, even though many of these tactics shouldn't work considering a right wing conceptual scheme is itself indicative that there are no good ideas on the right. Rather, the spreading of ideas has more to do with access to resources, and since the left espouses social orders that at best inconvenient to people who control the flow of capital, the right will necessarily always have better access to those resources and are consequently better able to manipulate media.

Really makes you think

Guys, if we want to retake YouTube, no sectarianism pls. No Trots responding to Tankies, or Tankies responding to SuccDems, or Marxists responding to Anarchists, and Anarchists responding to LibSocs.

-Like and Sub to as many leftie channels as possible
-Dislike/Ignore all right-wing 'Rationals' and Alt-right YouTubers
-Post as much lefty content as possible and promote it here or anywhere possible (try plebbit too!)

Come on bro, all that pot can't have destroyed EVERY synapse in your brain. Yet.

Left-wing ideas are only pervasive in limited areas, like the sociology department of universities. Most normal people are center-right libertarians.

I can tell you're retarded because that's your sincere take away from the message you're lampooning.

Lolberts are autistic as fuck and anything but "normal". Actual normal people are most easily swayed by standard socdem shit.


Yeah baby keep on sucking on that Koch

Where the fuck did I say I looked down on you? Talk about a fucking victim complex. I never said that anything you specifically believed was only in your immediate material interests, I was making a general statement about the concept of the free market of ideas.


Just go on twitter and call it a day, youtube is dead, it's been dead.


Yeah that tends to happen when the left is exclusively composed of either loud mouthed morons who think socialism = free shit or self-identified "intellectuals" who think they could be more popular than Infowars but are just "lazy lol."


Wow. You're still here


And in the Media, and in the Democratic party, and anyone who lives in US cities. Etc etc. At least keep up with your own sides shitty fantasies.

Discourse is good, it just needs to be respectful. Reserve the hyperbole and histrionics for fighting pro-capitalists. Internal criticism is a good thing, and we should learn to take it.

Yeah, like more passive discourse is OK, just no firing shots at each other. Maybe absorb some knowledge off of each other, livestream and such, just so we can ready up to intellectually bombard Carlgon and co.

You dont have to. Just make an account and subscribe/like stuff.

Heres what these chuckleheads are doing