Am I the only one who wishes the whites won during the russian civil war ?

am I the only one who wishes the whites won during the russian civil war ?

if there was no leninism, communism wouldn't be seen as evil and we'd eventually see real communists rise up through less violent and murderous means and more revolutionary means

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Kill yourself or take off that flag immediately.

fuck off you stupid social democrat

Revolution is violent liberal scum.


Yes, fuck off fascist, racist scum.

I could not and would not ever suggest a return to the days of the black hundreds and the bone crushing poverty of pre revolutionary Russia fuck you for even suggesting such a thing

And then anarchist revolutions never happen because Tsarism is restored

Why are all leftcoms so retarded?

What is that gif from?

Da last time I fucked ya muddah.

you fucking idiot

communism isnt hate because of lenin, lenin is hated because he was a communist

"Hello, it's my first week as a leftist and I haven't read a word of theory but Stalin sure was a meanie. I prefer literal autocrats to socialism because I'm a fucking naive idiot."

Stop using the leftcom flag.

Take off that lenin hat, you disrespect lenin with it.

Oh my fucking God. I'm not a Stalinist. I'm making fun of the OP who lumps in Stalinism with Leninism because he's an illiterate moron.

No. We'd lose the stigma of muh gorgillions and nationalism would be far more hated than it is now.

Also, even if you're not a Stalinist you really should be.

Well ya phrased it weird, sue me.
Know who else lumps in stalinism with socialism? This guy.

I think the Mensheviks were right but the Tsar had to go.

See attached picture it was always seen as evil. It's a revolutionary ideology.

Read Bordiga. sage

Can we please have an option to filter Anarkiddies?

no matter what communists did or would ever do they would be portrayed negatively by imperialist nations.

lenin could have won the civil war by employing a strategy that envolves literally kissing babies and giving out free xboxs until the soviets got into power and nothing would have changed when it comes to how the west interprets communist as evil and godless and inherently violent. its fucked.

mao was ultimately right

every anarchist is an edgy richkid american who was too stupid to be able to shake the "communism = everyone gets paid exactly the same and doctors become janitors and everyone starves" bourgeoisie propoganda he learned in the 2nd grade.

Contrarianism is not a real ideology.

Thank you for proving my point.

But bourgeois propaganda is exactly what stalinists believe, they just think it's a good thing. Can you try reading, anything, Ivan?

t. beautiful soul




Literal counter culture movement.

Is this a problem?
Do you have something against the vast majority of this website?

Holla Forums has stepped up their game I see.

Take off that flag, left communism does not mean "nice" communism. Also read Bordiga.

Nice false flag tankies. Maybe next time, use the ancom flag to praise the Vietnam War or something.