How does Leftypol stay sane and not become cynical?

How does Leftypol stay sane and not become cynical?

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user is pure like anime girl.

it doesn't.

By being constantly politically engaged with real people in my community. Doing things for other people makes everything worth it.

By straight up not giving a fuck anymore about shit out of my control, and focusing on doing as much shit for myself as possible.

Just don't analyse to much to much always, keep in mind things can be changed.
And protip: Beware of Society of Spectacle,I read it before Christmas and just fucked the holidays for me.

You eventually grow sick of being cynical when you're a cynic. So my suggestion is definetely become cynical. It's the best way to grow out of it.

I don't, I am cynical and depressed. I just learned to hide it

I don't know what Leftypol does, but Holla Forums is full of cynical alcoholics who have lost their minds by starring at too many "hot takes" by stormcucks.

sounds like pic related

by bottling up my anger until i become numb

Not so much
A little, but I believe in the importance of the revolutionary struggle. Otherwise why bother living?

left wing politics are gaining ground in my country, i'm pretty optimistic. we could have a left government by the end of the year

Embrace the possibility of complete failure and live and fight in spite of it all.

Oh, we are very cynical if you haven't noticed.

Dr Bones pls.

read christian existentialists

Ignorance is bliss.

Be involved with real people as much as possible.

moe sucks ducks

We don't.

I ask myself the same question regularly. The answer is basically that suicide would hurt other people.

I only feel good when I'm high anymore.

I don't. In fact I came here cause I became cynical.

Talk to people, show your feelings. hear from their experiences and, even the way they articulate the words, their choice of words. You need new data to get rid of the mental confusion.

Don't invest too much time into politics. Despite all its flaws, the world can be a wonderful place if you know where to look.

If you really can't silence that nagging voice in the back of your mind, take a break from this board and go to the park. For whatever reason, I've found that leftists tend to be more appreciative of natural beauty.

With a bit of fun every now and then

I'm cynical and bitter to the bone, I'm afraid. I deal with it by trying to read beautiful works or works that try to be sincere. I actually find David Foster Wallace to be intensely moving since I get his alienation and love his style.

Yeah he was a complete liberal but who fucking cares.

This^. A lot of people seem to take the whole "muh ego and nothing but my ego" approach. Which is all well and good, but some over do it to the point they become more cynical.

I'm not sane. I am crippled by alienation caused by capital that makes me so disheartened and anxious about working I ca't get a job and rarely leave my house. I can't even leave the country because immigration is a bitch .

I'm not. I've really given up hope and I'm trying to move out of the US the first viable chance I get. I'd love nothing more than to move to some small mountain town where I won't be as affected by world events. I just don't know where that place is.

I want my magic mountain, Holla Forums, where do I go? I want off this spectacle of a ride

New Zealand is pretty politically isolated I think. Estonia seems nice too.

Estonia seems like a sick move, but that seems like prime real estate for Russian expansionism.

New Zealand is also promising, but if and when climate change goes into full gear, it could be fucked.

everyone else has already gone mad, we're just detatched spectators

I can help

We should start a lefty support group

Wait wait wait… What do you mean "cynical"?
We are all cynical bastards here. We just don't need spooks.

Any sane person on leftypol is cynical.

Shitposting and alcohol
Oh you sweet child of summer. Anyone who is not cynical about the state of the world and the left haven't gone deep enough. We live in an insane world, and leftists are usually the ones who feel that most strongly. Things grow worse and worse by the day, and all the signs point to our society, or even our entire ecosystem, collapsing within our lifetimes if things don't change.
But there is an oppurtunity in all of this, an oppurtunity to actually make a change, and that's why we have to keep fighting, even if everything seems hopeless.
In the end, there's only so much we each can do, and we'll probably fail no matter how hard we try, but at least we're fighting, and so long as we keep fighting there's still hope. So keep fighting, stand with your comrades, and for fucks sake remember to live. You only have one life, fucking make use of it.
Tldr: Embrace fatalism

I've been a leftist for more than a decade now. I'm far less cynical than I was before Occupy. Honestly don't know why you'd be more cynical with socialism gaining popularity again in the west.

Beyond that I don't make my whole life revolve around politics and have hobbies to relax.

Read Marx

Because the "socialism" that is gaining popularity in Western countries has literally nothing to do with our beliefs. There is a difference between a word and a definition; words with unacceptable definitions are given new ones to stifle the discussion of unwanted ideas.

At least being public enemy has the comfort of your opponent legitimizing your existence. It's something else entirely when they are trying to erase the very concept of your existence from collective memory. Humanity has never before had the constant, mind-warping flow of information it has today, and the implications of that genuinely scare me.

I have thought about it and the best thing that could happen for the american far left is if they neo liberals lose in a landslide in 2016 to the GOP. Then the schism between the socialists and neo liberals will become an open wound. The bernie bros will be able to bullycide the fuck out of the center.
This is a faustian deal because it means trump wins again ahaha.jpg
But in the long run the more the center loses the more the far left can push them against the wall and purge them.
I see this leading up to the 2020 primaries where it will be an all out battle for the very soul of the DNC between the berniecrats and the neolibs (and mark cuckerberg)
And if the socalist doesnt win then you burn down the DNC convention and make 68 look like a picnic




The taming of the masses with reforms and all the propaganda out there is why I don't think we will have a revolution until a cataclism happends. At least in the past the masses percieved the elites as something bad. Now you are told since you are a kid that you have to vote in order to earn the right to complain, that you have to play their game… And people follow politicians or big businesspeople like their lifes are on the line.

Also, listen to music dudes.

You become 'super chill', but don't become too 'chill' or else you'll become a dead motherfucker like me.

True. It's easy to forget how much freedom of movement people had in Marx's time, there was no concept of "going off the grid" because there was no "grid". It's hard to imagine opposing the current system in an era where people are constantly being watched and rejection of this surveillance gets you called a terrorist.

I'm mad also testing

How? That could mean a lot of things

It's impossible, cynicism is a prerequisite for leftism.


I don't know I think some are delusionally optimistic a violent revolution would happen

An unshakable belief in the potential of other people is how I beat cynicism. I don't view people as good or bad, they're just people with different motivations and desires. The goal in life is to help people understand how to align their desires with society in a way that is fulfilling! Also there's a band I like named Nana Grizol that I listen to whenever I'm feeling like dying and they snap me out of it 100% of the time:

I don't.

I intend to try dude drugs lmao soon, as apparently, they're better than actual medicine for depression.

stormcucks I can take, it's the tankies and anarkiddies who jaded me.

I find comfort in the opposite. Politics only takes up my time when I feel like it. I hate those people on Twitter and the like who only ever talk about politics. It's cancer of the soul and being dedicated to nothing else makes you a soulless husk of a person.

Anything else you could enjoy is connected deeply to politics. It's not like you can escape it.



The Left has always survived through undying, unrelenting optimism. We cannot afford to ever give up hope. It is better to have fought and failed, than to have never fought at all.

Help you leave the country and give you a room to live in.


But if all else fails, remember this OP: in due time, all will be consumed by the sun, even the reactionaries.


There's this sweet spot far past sanity when you're pretty unhinged and conscious of it, yet do not give a fuck anymore, either about that or any humane affair. That's where I am right now and it's pure sweet lulz.



There aren't many public gyms, sadly. Universities have gotten more strict about people using their equipment too, which blows. Obviously if there's one near you you ought to use that, but I'm not about to suggest that people buy their own equipment. As far as capitalist indulgences go, gym memberships aren't so bad.

And Yoga's great dude, don't knock it til ya try it. There are often free Yoga sessions around bigger cities, and it's easy enough to learn, there are tons of instruction videos and pdfs floating around online.

That would be quite kind of you but what country are you from? There are only a few locations I'm interested in at the time being.

If I'm to be honest, I think it might be because I'm Christian.

yea dumbasses underestimate Yoga a lot. It's great for warm up, you can still do abs and push ups later on through. you're only limited to what you're physically able to.

I had been doing yoga a while to try to fix my injured back that makes me not able to do physical work. Not much better so far actually aggravated it.

So Jesus is the solution to my crippling depression?

I do neither of those things.
Well, except when I completely remove politics from my mind and just play train simulators. Never am I happier than while trying to guess whether that signal was a 30 or an 80.

Nutrition and problem solving is the first place you should go.

I do become cynical. However, hobbies give me an imitation of work without alienation, which keeps my spirit up.

back to Pol, grammar nazis

Functioning alcoholic here, this user is correct.

I'm not alcoholic i just drink every day

alcoholism is a spook anyway, I'm just enjoying my property.

That will take a long time, odds are that some other catastrophe, man-made or not, will do us in way before the sn expands. Not to mention mankind will have spread far beyond the stars by them. We should just pray that they aren't carrying the capitalism contagion with them.

The only wrong thing in the list.

It can be, a lot of people find fulfillment in religion. But the rub is that you can't force yourself to believe something, so you'll need an epiphany or something.

Who said we were sane and not cynical? Every day I pray for death.

You can't just be a Holla Forums NEET and expect to stay sane. You have to live for the people, and to do that you have to live among the people, while at the same time rising to guide them with ideological clarity.

This is a struggle for the liberation of everyone, even those who oppose it. And the only way you're going to stay strong in the struggle is to enjoy it, to year for the struggle. You have to make this fight a part of who you are and love your goddamn neighbor.

So have a BBQ for your neighbors. Share some beers. Talk about something that's not spergy and weird. Complain about how the boss is ripping you off. Run for office. Even if we can't achieve socialism through bourgeois elections, we can have leaders in place for when the whole thing crumbles. Organize around issues like tenant's rights and workplace safety.

And know that with every step forward and with every comrade that you bring into the fold, you're moving us all a little closer to that dream that we've shared since time immemorial - a world where we can work together and all share in the good life.

Or you could be like this asshole. Your choice.

Gee, sorry, you're right, I'm miserable because I want to be. Fuck off fam.

In case you haven't figured it out yet: God said no.

God's an asshole.

God told me to tell you that he wants you to be a positive and constructive influence on other peoples' lives and that suicide isn't the answer.

Meh… Thanks for the thoughts. I can't even be constructive in my own life. In my parents place and nogf/bf working minimum wage one day a week. It's hard to even get out of bed when theres nothing to be awake for.

I know this, but how? Proselytizing in person is useless in the age of mass media, unless you're a charismatic personality who can become a leader. Volunteer work is the proverbial band-aid on a tumor. As for direct action, the only revolution one can help is in Rojava, but few have the mental and physical fortitude needed to serve in combat, altho it leaves open civilian work but for people with specialized skills.

The only way I can help is to read a lot and try to come up with decent ideas, and hope someone in the future benefits from one of them. But considering how many leftist authors there has been in the past century and how few of them influenced revolutions isn't encouraging.

Man I hate life… I just don't have it in me to be a competitive go getter like a good little capitalist. Therefore I fuck up any opportunities I might have. Why is it that society can seemingly forgive any personality trait to an extent except for laziness? Nothing I hate more than those self satisfied 'i used to be a loser until I WORKED HARD and now I drive a ferrrari' articles when I try Google stuff to help. I didn't choose to be this way for fucks sake. Fuck everything. I wish I never existed.

I mean, I don't know if it makes you more or less miserable but blaming yourself isn't worthwhile.
95% of people who try still fail. It's a lottery-ticket situation. You always lose if you don't buy tickets, but it's much cheaper not to buy tickets and accept mediocrity at low cost than to keep buying tickets and losing anyway in the hope of one day making back your losses. (Or in muh bootstraps terms, you'll never be a CEO without dedicating huge amounts of effort - but you'll live better if you relax instead of desperately trying to climb the corporate ladder.)

Or something like that. I don't know if the unfairness of people trying and still failing just adds to how shit the world is, since even if one adderalls away laziness success isn't available.

Making fun of the right

It's not like I want to be rich but I just want a decent lower middle class existence working in my degree field, is that so much to ask? Apparently these days it is.

Red meat consumption is destroying our environment, comrade

I don't lmao


I focus on the bright side of things more, listen to left/rebel music, read books and theory, and drip feed it to my friends. And also put on a persona of a shambling, useless autist I can rake in the neetbux.

My persona would probably be tantalus tbh.

Ah you vanished. Now I donnt get to know if you lived in an area I was considering to go to if I get prepared.


I have that money but somehow my parents receive it instead of me. No idea why, It's fucked up


You just take all of that anger and hate and anxiety, bottle it up, push it real deep down, and then just never think about it again.

(oh and I'm not being ironic the idea that you then "blow up" or whatever is a spook, emotions are passing emergent experiences)

Cynicism destroys everything that is precious and beautiful and after that, it destroys you.
Do not fall for the charm of cynicism, with it false promise of a "realist and rational view of how the world is", it is just lies and a false sense of comfort to those whom still have empathy.

Well, you've got us there.


Pretty sure that isn't healthy user, ever heard of the "return of the repressed"?

made me kek

Erotic role-playing mostly

Why revive this thread?