Zizek is right we don't have a true plan moving forward...

Zizek is right we don't have a true plan moving forward, why do we have no prominent leftist writers who are actively writing a program for what we want to do after the revolution. The old ideas are not in touch with the current material conditions.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Murray Bookchin

Maybe read Bookchin to get a program how to get revolution first? Also dont forget that the form of the prerevolutionary movement shapes the post revolutionary movement.

Just because you don't read does not mean they don't exist.

Utopianism intensifies

What I'm saying is that if a dumb prole like me hasn't heard about a true alternative program don't expect the masses needed to sustain a revolution to have heard of the alternative either. We don't need huge thesis upon thesis that are only understandable to the most well read intellectuals we need a clear program that people are willing to fight for.


Well Cockshott actually suggest what to do next, the thing he does not talk about is how to actually have such revolution.

lmgtfy.com/?q=Murray Bookchin

Don't expect that furthering the 'read a book' meme will actually help your cause when it comes to recruiting proles. Just how many past revolutionaries do you suppose actually read socialist theory?

Honestly? The world needs

less Zizeks

Zizek is complaining about himself. Thinker who can't organize and practice what he preaches worth a shit. Relegated to bitching about how bad the internet is, and gender identity and all sorts of shit.

But never working on organizing the working class.

He can literally help and be the man he wants to see in the world but he's not and he's keeping all that fucking university speaking dosh, all that book dosh, all that money he had on his netflix deal he had, all to himself.

He could be using that to fucking organize like he wants, he can be the prominence he wants, but he's fucking not.

I agree with this totally, the revolution should consist entirely of building or laying the foundations for post revolutionary institutions

we really need to go on and discuss more about economics and different types of it


Ah well at least the guys pushing this book now are openly admitting they've detatched from Marxism.

Really? I must have missed the memo that the Capitalist mode of production ended.

I think OP meant the old ideas about how to organize society ``after the revolution``, like old school soviet style central planning and that sort of thing, not Marx' criticism of capitalism. That's how I interpreted it at least.

No, but what society after the revolution will look like will have to be determined by the actual circumstances.

Right, no need to even think about possible scenarios, how to solve problems that might occur, how to make sure people have food and don't starve to death in a post-capitalist system, etc, etc. The material conditions will take care of it bro.

But doesn't this book just explain a more in depth central planning, while defending thr USSR as Socialist?

Haven't read it so I don't know. OP doesn't mention the book in his post though except for the picture so I don't think this thread was meant to be exclusively about TANS.

Fair enough, although the rhetoric in the OP is the type I usually see pushed alongside this book.

Stop laying words in my mouth. If you want fun little socialism construction kits go read Saint-Simon and Fourier.

since when do philosophers organize the working class

should zizek also bake bread

Your acting like he's an ex-president who gets 500k per event. It affords him a comfortable life but that's about it.
His books sell like shit. He isn't JK Rowlings.
What Netflix deal? Are you implying he got money for having the Perverts Guide on Netflix? You do realize that the distribution company gets that money, right?
So what? He isn't a fucking cloistered monk who needs to practice an ascetic lifestyle.

Well it's a good thing that Bookchin's Libertarian Municipalism is relatively intuitive and easy to understand, at least to an under-read American audience.

Op here I was in a rush but what I meant to say about the "old ideas" was in relation to after capitalism, the critiques are still as pertinent as ever however central planning by bureaucratic means can be replaced by computers and automisation seems like an actual alternative.

Read a book is an alright way to get people to learn theory but pamphlets or other easily digested works are really what gets people into the movement.

Read Bhaskar Sunkara's NY times op-ed. Or Jodi Dean. And Zizek.

Bernie/Melenchon/Corbyn show us the way for now.

I bet you jerked off to Tsipras


Or maybe don't dig around in the trash for ideologies that have no formal definitions and do not fit into the context of scientific socialism.

"Ultraleftists" are adorable. At once communism can happen today, but at the same time we cannot envision it. What nonsense.

The way to were? From capitalism to capitalism? Stop shilling for the left wing of capital.

Do i even have to point out that Zizek himself does not do this? All he does is complain about how no one else has the answers, when he doesn't even try to answer them himself.

t. Marx

You don't know how much the guy makes either, so you're being a little disingenous by making that assertion. Having 3 feature length movies, speaking tours, and multiple book deals on top of his profession as an academic probably does more for him than just allow him to live comfortably. Which would be okay if his work was of any real practical value - which it isn't.

Zizek himself proposes fighting for concrete reasonable demands to expose how ideological the defenses of capitalism are, including universal healthcare.


Tbqh, I'm skeptical if he's even done that. I've personally never seen him defend universal healthcare (not saying he hasn't, but that I haven't seen him do it). Part of the reason I don't believe you is because he's argued against Universal Basic Income here: youtube.com/watch?v=8tVmSHEIKwk.

But that wasn't the point I was making. I was just pointing out that for as much as Zizek complains about how other people don't plan for after the revolution; he also spends zero effort into solving that problem himself. That's all I was saying. But even worse than that: he does not seem to have an answer for what we should do NOW. His "answer" for everything seems to be to stay at home and think some more. Take a look at: 59:53 of this video

It's very telling how when posed with a pretty basic question: what should we do about a certain ethical dilemma, Zizek answers with silence. He has no answer.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about: theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/13/obama-ground-floor-thinking

As for concrete alternatives, zizek is a cultural critic and a philospher, not an economist, and he knows it. It's not his job to come up with an alternative, but it certainly is /someone's/

And for the record, I share his position on ubi. As a reform it goes nowhere, it's an end of itself which could possibly allow our class system to go on indefinitely until capitalism hits it's external limits. Providing concrete universal services for people opens the door, however, for further socialization of production and of it fails shows that capitalism cannot coexist with people having their basic needs provided for.

The best program we have is to simply demand for workers self management, nothing more and nothing less

I have already thought this myself, without the sniff man. The Marxism of the past is outdated and failed to defeat capitalism, it needs to be updated for modern times. Maybe fused with something like transhumanism or hacker ethos

In modern times the people who have done the most damage to the elite are guys like snowden, assange, and manning.

The cyberpunk authors were prophets. Hackers really are a thorn in da mans side.

Just fuse empirical Marxism with post-Marxism fam, post-Marxism as a revolutionary program (just organize the multitude, stop clinging to the mythical working class) empirical Marxism as a program about how to organize production after the revolution.

Good boy, the only problem is that you have a boss!!!

The irony is that Zizek doesn't critique this people, he critiques exactly the liberals who do not want to take the time to analyze current society but want change now - with no real clue on what this change would actually be. Who, when asked for what they actually want, can at best drop quotes ripped out of their context like:

He suggestions something like a peaceful democratic revolution or constitutional convention in a European context. There's somewhere on YT he says it

The best hope for socialism is for the is army to experiment with a self sufficient production unit
(10 thousand or more soldiers farming, constructing, manufacturing in a self reliant and planned economy) and then expanding that economy

read dauvé