It's come to my attention that anarchkiddies and crypto-liberals are abusing polls to make it look as though the board supports imperialism. All of those polls where flawed and had low turnout and were probably brigaded by r/leftwithoutedge because they showed 90% disapproval.

Lets vote again and show what we, Holla Forums, really think of based BO.

Other urls found in this thread:,_2014

is the BO really banning people for supporting the YPG or just the FSA

because I can understand the FSA tbh

GUYS. Stop voting No! if this trend doesn't reverse immediately, we're going to have to create a new poll, because we're obviously still being brigaded by anarchists.

Anyone for forces other than Assad and anyone critical of Assad.

Sage and ignore this could very well be Holla Forums trying to divide us and if not the way its worded is shit enough anyway

Are you talking about the ones who support Russian imperialism ?

gee whiz looks like this poll is being brigaded too. OP can you make new poll so we can get the correct results.

Some people argued with the BO and got banned and faggots act like they're being purged in the streets even though no one else has been banned for it and those bans got overturned

Gee, literally seven people support BO's policy, just like last time! I guess it's rigged again

CTR shills are rigging it in retribution for not voting Hillary.

good idea
new poll

ignore all other pro-imperialist polls.

Fuck off

okay. new plan: inorder to vote, you must post your response in this thread along with a timestamped photograph of your state issued ID.

Only the Syrian elections are fair and democratic. Everything else is an anarcho-imperialist fraud.,_2014

who would want to vote for this though, lmao

better than a 5'5" manlet with unprecedented lack of chin.

Fuck off reddit we dont need purity tests and BO enforced dogma.

Even though he is killing all his population with barre- I mean, anti-imperialist bombs, Assad does seem more sympathetic than this guy.
I'm sorry but he looks like he is going to sell all your children to the nearest Turk black market or something.


looks like we just need 21 more polls until we get a majority.

What if I told you that you're always going to be a minority and need to deal with it that people disagree with you?
No. Most of Holla Forums just isn't as insane as you.
We all know that it doesn't matter whether it's the "real" board opinion or not to you. You just want your stupid safe space. Go back to r/fullcommunism. If you cannot handle real free speech, you don't belong on a chan.

its almost as if you want people to vote yes and keep making a new poll if it doesn't go your way


we are the will of Holla Forums and anyone who disagrees with us excludes themselves from Holla Forums. The anti-imperialist vanguard will have this poll as many times as it takes until we can prove Holla Forums doesn't want imperialism.

these thinking emoji edits are getting out of hand

enjoy making a lot of polls


Board owner was a lot better at their job when they were a man.

Daily reminder that all trannies are counterrevolutionaries who should be shot
Unless they're traps

Is BO really a tranny? Are you sure it's not a smear made up by Holla Forums?

Got an archive link for that thread?

All BOs should be rounded up and shot before we collective the boards.


I doubt it, but based on posting style and lack of humor, I don't think BO is the original BO.

No they are banning the Bookchinites who have been claiming that imperialism is good and/or irrelevant because in this one instance American imperialism is "helping" their cause.

It's actually something of a meme on /liberty/ that if you post BOs pict



Do you have actual proof?

Do you have proof that socialism is sustainable?

its just a meme, I dont know for sure. It's just funney to see people be banned for longer spans of time than the existence of the Soviet Union

kill yourself

everyone vote!

This is so fucking stupid. Anyone who thinks like this should punch themselves in the head until they stop having such idiotic ideas.

The logical solution then is to support no one since Rojava will go away the moment the US doesn't need them again (in other words they will not persist after the conflict has resolved.)

Yeah, because the US was able to wipe the Viet Cong out within months, as everyone knows.

Don't you fucking dare compare your little band of losers to the fucking the VC, NVA, and North Vietnam (i.e. actual Vietnam) and their war against French and American imperialism. Don't you fucking do it.

Well, yeah, there are some big differences.

Namely, the YPG are actual socialists.

The latter part is very disputable. Seymour Hersh wrote an article recently that casts doubt on it. The recent chemical attack would have been illogical for Assad anyway, if you've been paying any attention.

Only a few people are claiming Syria is actually more socialist than Rojava. The main argument in favor of Syria is anti-imperialism and skepticism that the Kurds will be able to create/preserve any kind of socialist state after the war (i.e. they're being used as an imperialist cat's paw and will be destroyed by Turkey/US once the war's over).

Not really.

The UN said with a high degree of confidence that Assad has used chemical weapons attacks at least three times over the course of the war. I don't recall if any of those attacks were directed at civilian targets, but, in any case, it's still a major war crime.

It feels much more like the Kurds are using the US than the other way around.

They get free weapons, supplies, and military assistance to become more entrenched in Syrian territory and the sole condition is what essentially amounts to a good faith agreement that they'll give the weapons back to the US once ISIS is neutralized. Obviously, they're not gonna do that. We're basically looking at the same thing that happened during the Afghan War except this time we actually like the guys the US is building up as their own new enemy.

Except they renounced Marxism years ago.

that's some nice left unity you've got there

Damn you YPG kiddies are something else. You're like trots but not nearly as intelligent.

I'm not shitting on anti-imperialism.

I just think people who use anti-imperialism as an excuse to support shitty dictators crushing powerful working class movements are an abomination. Yes, you are a fucking abomination and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I never fucking said that.

I'm justifying the Kurds acceptance of US aid, not the fact that the US decided to get involved in the war, you stupid fuck.
It's at least disputable, assuming the narrative isn't false outright.

I don't think it's possible to know. The Kurds are getting material, training, and US air support, but the US is also getting its non-Assad/anti-ISIS fighting force to occupy northern Syria and force Syria/Russia to negotiate during the peace process. When that happens, it isn't certain what will happen at this point.

There isn't any evidence either way yet. They very well could as part of a peace agreement, but it's possible they won't.

Yeah, sure. Like the mujahedini went away in a month after afganistan war.

lul, the BO is an emo slut?

It's not the BO. I don't even know why that keeps getting reposted.

all right for a moment i thought there was anoter example of a male to fem trans stealing womens arhievments of beeing in the position as a manger of a board