Ok and now let us take a look at africa!

seriously fuck people like that

Other urls found in this thread:




The fuck is a pholosopher? What is that even a pun of?

Well fug



Not even Africa. Somebody post a pic of a slum in Seoul, I'd upload a picture, but I'm almost out of overpriced portable data.

I got ya fam


But don't you guys know? having food on market shelves is only possible in capitalism :^)

capitalist shelves are full because of overproduction crisis and workers unable to buy the products

socialist shelves are empty because the people took everything home

This is probably the strongest point against that tweet.

Fucking Yelstin


How can we make her a proper anarchist?

Is she an ancap?


Fucking jej, that's your first and FINAL mistake motherfucker.

Maybe just a "libertarian," but something like that:

Damn, so close yet so far.

Can we just hit the reset button on this whole fucking universe already

What does this mean, I don't get it?

It's a political compass showing each segments' worst enemy.

Nice try kiddo, but I don't see any Jews in the top right

This girl is very confused.

The majority in both pics looks white to me tbh

USA is cancer

fruit never even existed till adam smith invented the granny smith apple

American Asians might be the most porkified demographic on the planet.

can you be any more cliche?

Almost every famine in the modern era was caused by food hoarding, usually done by the fucked up regimes in the region. Alternatively by some warlord confiscating everything and selling it for kalashnikovs. There were sizable stockpiles of food in Ethiopia during that one famous famine, for example. The middling level administration goons who were responsible for redistribution just withheld it so they could sell less for more.

yeah this

You never lived in korea that's why you say that. There was a thread a week ago were I explained what happens around american military bases in korea. I can assure you koreans are pokified from the day they come the world.

Hey, I saw that thread user, that was really good.

she's right you know

Brief summary?


wtf no? There might be some but saying famines are just caused by governments is complete bs

Bernie is a Jew

Fugg DDDDDD-::

I work on produce, if a bag of apples or similar fruit splits we're supposed to throw everything in the trash even if the actual fruit it totally fine. I just throw them in with the loose apples because I can't abide that. If the flimsy plastic wrap on a box of grapes or anything similar splits we're supposed to throw that away too even if the grapes never even left the box.

what happens?

I don't understand how Capitalism can be so radically inefficient and wasteful. I can get farmers not harvesting their crops because the market makes it no longer profitable to waste any more time on it, but when you've already bought something like produce, why would you just waste it and throw it away? Doesn't that cut into profits?

Basically consumerist culture is killing real culture and people are literally killing them self over bands that break up or stars dying. Plus slums that are nigeria tier occupied mostly by orphans and old people because of the most retarded pensionistc system in the world (also suicide is sky high for them too). Plus people feeling more and more isolated, plus an obsession with apparance that leads in suicides. Basically is very common to see people jump down if you live in a tall building. Literally the country with most suicides in the world.
Second part was near american military bases…. they act like true americans and beat civilians when they are drunk, rape girls, have a massive prostitution ring and basically do everything to fuck a local girl even underage a lot of time… The problem is that being raped, beaten, fucked, mocked or impregnated is a dishonor in our culture and so no one tells no one so nobody knows whats really going on there

Basically we're expected to work at such a pace that even at minimum wage it's not an efficient use of our time to try to prevent waste, tossing it and stacking em high and fast is more profitable. Plus every corporation is terrified of lawsuits.

Is the suicide rate real suicides or like Japan's "We don't want to investigate this death to see if it's a homicide or not, we'll just call it a suicide, greatly inflating our suicide rate and making our homicide rate really low"?

Damn, that's fucked up. I remember reading that similar shit happens around U.S. bases in Japan.
It's disgusting.

Criminality is american ghetto tier is zones like that… western people don't give a fuck because muh kpop, muh animu and muh arcade games so east asia is basically a dream land. "OH KOREA U SO WEIRDUUU" but half of the people there is depressed. It's a strange mix of confucianism spooks and capitalism

Oh and also something that stands out to me is when we wipe down the surfaces we're supposed to just toss the cloths we use. I mean that can't be eco friendly, can't we just toss them in a bucket to go in the washer?

It's suicide. People there would prefer to kill themself over a beef instead of killing the one who did you wrong.

Capitalism is fucking insane.

More than fucked up. If they act like this in korea I'm curious to know how they act in the middle east

The Saudis wouldnt let anyone but them rape their women though.

post more pix of her, shes cute

This tbh.
They only act like that on korea because azns are cucks.
Anywhere else in the world they would get beheaded and barbecued.


Oops, forgot my shitposting flag. I was being serious.

I love Venezuela
its so interesting to watch people get excited about bread being on shelves

Not so sure guys

This is so fucking autistic god damn

not true tbh
remember when that saudi princess was caught by MI6 in a penthouse raid on a suspected terror suspect
and oh so virtuous muslim saudi princess was getting dp'd by two white british boys with another white boys cock in her mouth and 3 in the alcoves waiting their turn
she wont be going home to talibananaland cuz daddy might stone her to death for organising her own personal white boy gangbang while in London

That wasn't a rape tho.
It was just a slut being a slut.



no no no no no
that was a virtuous muslim woman being viciously raped by evil imperialist western devils
or at least thats how its spun in the saudi sphere
remember kids islam is a bigger joke than christcuckdom and the kikes book of loopholes on how to screw over your god and the goy
in islam god forgives everything you do as long as no other muslim catches you doing it

Why is she violating the ground's NAP?

She can't walk on the pavement because the state paid for it

fuck i wanted to make the same joke

Literally caused by governments, catalyzed by disasters

A lot of those "brown people" from countries south of the US are of European descent.

if by European descent you mean Spains forest wives
porking the locals and teaching bone in the nose savages how to speak bad spanish and wear a shirt doesnt qualify I think


I wonder who is funding her.

gotta be the Ayn Rand Foundation

It's why communism only works with gooks. You have no spirit to crush out of them to begin with :^)


no such thing

Lol and there was some fucking weeb in a thread the other day telling me S. Korea had a better welfare system than Western Euro countries!

Those are American brands though


The picture is Yeltsin in a US supermarket. Don't know if the person who posted it realises that or if it's part of his post, it's not clear.

Duh, of course. Because only capitalism can produce food.
First pic is former president of USSR satanic commie pinko republics in a visit to the US getting surprised seeing food for the first time in his life.
Second pic is satanic socialist state of Venezuela and of course those few products are still US brands because as I said only capitalism can produce food.


Loooooooool. Literally every pro capitalist should go for a day in a south korean slum

I bet that if we find a cure for autism someday ancapism will completely disappear from people's minds.

They would just say that it's just "crony capitalism" not real capitalism.

The trouble with this idea is that communism seems to attract the most autists out of all the political ideologies.

All the Chinese I've met while working abroad have been unashamed money-grabbers with zero morals about anything.

Sure, Americanisation might make them worse but they start off shitty anyway.

It would help if they stopped popping nine kids out when they can barely feed themselves, to be honest.

What does it mean, comrades?

We can play the "your side is more cringy" game all day, but there's autists on every ideology.


Dude I'm a leftist, I've been to enough meetings, queer-punk gigs and reading groups to know there is a serious autist problem on the left.


They will when third world countries get a decent safety net to take care of the old and childhood mortality rates are brought down to a non-critical level. You know, the same shit that stopped your granny and granddad from shitting out 7 kids on average just a few generations ago.

Not gonna happen until they sort out their barbaric cultures tbh.

You can have babygook™ included in the listing for you amazing samsung car™

There's a documentary bout old people not being able to survive on the little money they get in South Korea. That shit sparked a trend where grannies sell pussy on the streets under the codename of some typa energy drink. It's phucked.

Name just 1 barbaric cultural practice that's directly correlated with Africa being poor across the board. Just 1.

blaming african countries failure and their retarded birth rate on capitalism is a bit of a stretch.

You'll upset Afroplasm with posts like this :^(

Spending all your time having sex festivals instead of actually planning anything beneficial.

t. guy who works with Congolese

No it's not,western countries had always fucked with Africa.
Pic Related


They also killed Comrade Sankara and replaced him with a neo-colonialist puppet leader.

God rest Tommy's soul.

Why didn't the Congolese have a thriving economy based on all those goods before the Euros arrived? Why were they not a world trading power?

Why did they allow themselves to be conquered?
If Congo had all those resources surely they should have developed firearms?

Questions, questions.

Try again.

People go on about how all of Africa's resources were stripped, but when pressed as to why the Africans hadn't thought to take advantage of the resources themselves say 'it wasn't important to their cultures'. So why do you suddenly now care about those resources if they're not important?

The mental gymnastics regarding Africa are quite something.


The Congolese aren't so bad.

Cuz if you don't partake in the global economy you're left to starve. Are you saying that getting rich off conflict minerals and colonialism is just $$$human nature$$$ now?




Ancoms: not even once.

Why is that wrong?

Probably because of that fly species that Africa blames all it's problems on

applying occam's razor to the long winded explanations as to why oppresshun happens to follow the negro disproportionately wherever he goes (ex haiti being the most impoverished nation in the americas)

Most of Europe was literal mudhut land until the Romans conquered their asses.

Black nationalists are retarded but still.

Yes but not in 1668, which is when that image was made by a European visiting.

The British Isles had some pretty neat mud forts.

Seriously, read a book, nigga.

>>>Holla Forums

Most of society looked like that in the 17th century, the majority of people didn't live in the modern capitals and economic centers with the nobility.


This was their capital though, not some unimportant town. It was their economic centre where the nobility lived.

Pho noodles.

And relatively speaking, it was only slightly less advanced.

They also made them pay a huge debt to France that their actually paying till this day. Surprisingly, Haiti also has one of lowest murder rates in the Carribean

Phoebe, I'd guess.


I know. This is why I keep tryna tell Pan-Africans to denounce capitalism. No capitalism, no debt, no debt, a clean slate.

How is that an achievement?

Very simplistic way of looking at things. Just because you've decided you're communist doesn't mean the countries you're in debt to (whether the debt is fair on not is not the point) are going to wipe your slate clean.

You're still gonna have to pay off the debt if you want to live in peace.

Yes, they bad bigger, neater buildings. It was still a filthy, disease ridden hellhole by modern standards.

This is why Turd Worldism doesn't work, and never will. Realpolitik takes precedence over pure ideology, and weak countries are vulnerable to imperialism. That's why no genuine communist reform can take place until the world's sole superpower and biggest anti-communist crusader collapses.

I didn't even know congoleans had weapons such as those, looks like a fucking gladius.
And what was a spear with two tips used for?

presumably stabbing people.

Yeah, yeah, but you only use one tip for that.

you use the other tip to stab yourself so the guy you just stabbed doesn't feel so bad about his situation.

The Congolese were very polite.

Cmon lads… you hold it in the middle and use it like a staff.


You have brain damage.

Ah, thanks, him also holding the sword confused me.

I was joking around for crying out loud.

That's most cyberpunk image I've seen that is real.

Haiti's murder rate is higher than the USA though.

Also hows about them rape statistics, huh? Pretty nice ain't they.


There is a rape problem in Haiti. What about that is hard to understand?


Better than Sweden's.

Have we explained this to you before or are you being a dick?

*have we not

You said somewhere was peaceful, I don't consider a place with high murder rate and a rape epidemic peaceful. No goalposts were moved.

You are the one ignoring information that doesn't fit the narrative you want to believe and propagate.

yeah I knew some of you were but still

Yep, it's not like birth rates have been linked to harsh conditions through all history. The niggles must be stupid.
Kys faggot.

Nah, cuz the debt racked up wasn't legitimate we ain't paying sheeeit.

I'm not even leftypol, but that shit is one porky act too far, imo.

I personally know a few lads who used to collect that stuff for the homeless and poor, but now they either lock the dumpsters or even put their trash in fucking walled compounds like it's high-risk prisoners waiting for the bus to Alcatraz. They even break all the non perishable or nonfood items.

You can think that all you want, imperialist countries aren't gonna let it slide.

Mostly for ceremonial purposes cuz the king/emperor's job wasn't to charge into battle, but to just look sharp. Same goes for other weapons of members of royal bloodlines…


What's the narrative anyway? Not condemning the country as irreparably broken with no redeeming quality because of le nigggers? I love how you didn't even reply to the point that there are African countries with lower murder rates then major developed countries. But I'm the one pushing a narrative?

Still Haiti has a lower murder-rate then its many of its Latin American and Caribbean neighbors despite being the most impoverished.
What was America's excuse for its Haiti-tier murder rate in the 90s? And the fact that it's still very high for developed nation. They don't even have fallback excuses like the legacy of colonialism, dictatorship and massive natural disasters.

I tend to think murder is worse then rape as a violent crime btw but I don't think there's a reason to think that Haiti couldn't solve that problem in the future. According to the stats I've seen Haiti is about where 1700s France was in GDP per capital terms, a nation that also had an exceedingly high interpersonal murder rate and a culture of violence/rape against women.

When seen in its context, where Haiti is on social measures like that is surprising given its very low HDI and per capita GDP. Medieval Britain had a higher per capita GDP then many extremely poor countries today and its murder rate was also through the roof.

Haitians should be commended on the progress and achievements they've made in spite of their poverty.

She must be thirsty for some of that morbidly obese/skellington keyboard warrior dick.

Her shirt should say "the government stole my pants"

Her shoulders are wider than her hips. Ew…

Also youtube.com/watch?v=x-uQMADJ6Yw

I would say the same for libertarian/ancap groups as well. I think less mainstream ideologies naturally attract irregular people.

That's a tranny. It's a totally different mental issue. Autists are drawn to idealist ideologies like liberalism and anarcho-capitalism. They strongly dislike materialism.

I'd imagine her nemesis, Marxisomo the Amazing, would be slightly more impressive.

Real culture doesn't exist and never has. It has always glorified the Bourgeoisie from day one. Stop being a fucking reactionary.

what did he mean by this?

"Culture" didn't exist as a concept before the Bourgeoisie.

That the common elements typically referred to as "high society" or "high culture" have typically been amusements developed for bourgeois/aristocratic consumption or to promote bourgeois/aristocratic values.

Shakespeare for instance is typically considered high culture, but at the time many of his plays were basically propaganda for the crown.

You're fucking delusional dude

Only thing is that the situation was like this before the collapse

Why do you feel the need to engage in this petty "competition" with a race that you clearly deem as inferior? It's childish, what do you derive or lose by knowing about blacks failure/success?

Alright you want blacks gone from your country, yet does that mean you need to cast aspersions on them wherever they are? It's one thing to wish for separation, it's another when YOUR identity is directly tied to you being above blacks and their existence. Literally "whiteness" wouldn't hold such sway if it wasn't for the dichotomy maintained by "blackness" - with all the positive/negative connotations they hold.

The people on the right seems to be the same type of people that didn't like math in HS and was more in to art and poetry. in other words complete retards in denial

Fun fact 1 in 10 ancoms are trannies

say what race most of them are, go on

Besides being an unforgivable namefaggot Afroplasm is a good poster idk why hes hated

Right here, fam

Whats the source for this and similar shit

Would love to make a compilation to show military cucked americans

Are you trolling or do you actually believe everything you or some other Holla Forumsack pulled out of their ass?

I believe them because Holla Forums comes at you with mounds of evidence; history, science, economics, psychology, sociology… all of them pointing against you.
Lacking any normal human thought process, you see this mound of evidence and believe it is the sheer size of the information against you which is persuasive, rather than its content (after all, you're Right! How could you be wrong?). Therefore you set about grabbing whatever scraps of napkin bits and shiny objects and, in a cargo cult imitation of what Holla Forums does, you dump their garbage until it constitutes a mound, dance around it and try to use the display to seduce.
You're birds. You have the brains of birds, is what I believe.

oh okay I understand now

Ya he's not too bad tbh. His posting seems to have gotten better than what it was months ago.

I liked him. He has good taste in woman and he made so many people sperg it was hilarious.


It's almost as if their participation in the modern capitalist economy was forced on them.

imperialism isn't the main source of africa's poverty though.

Implementation of Capitalism certainly is. Also historical factors.

Also you dismiss the effect of Imperialism by saying it's "not the only cause", but certainly it is a cause. And how that cause is an effect depends on your definition of Imperialism. I would still call this all Imperialism because Capitalism has caused much of these problems, they're the genesis of much of them.

All areas of academics that do not agree with Holla Forums's back and forth contradictory consensus that doesn't stand well in court.

Is everything in Korea fake? Every time my friends link something to k-pop or some shit it makes me think that Korea is some weird hyper-reality. Everything seems so perfect and manufactured kind of like a well kept American suburb, if that makes sense. It just seems so disgustingly fake.

Not that I live there or have visited or anything, but this is the impression I get from watching videos.

You seriously need to read Debord.

Yeah, we are obsessed with apparance. I swear if you only knew how many koreans had plastic surgery. Everything is fake, colored and weirduuu until someone lose it and they kill them self…. I'll open a thread about korea in few minutes it's right the whole board know

Guffawing whores.jpg