What are your thoughts on patriotism in communism?

What are your thoughts on patriotism in communism?

When I say patriotism, I don't mean aggressive expansionism, rather simply celebration of your country and its non-bourg culture.

Does it hinder internationalism and cause divide or is it a good thing to be encouraged?

A necessity imo. Nationalism/patriotism are powerful political forces and if they can be mobilized for a socialist cause then they can be major assets.

Patriotism is one thing, Nationalism another.

Nothing wrong with nationalism that is based around culture and folk songs. My problem is with nationalism that becomes expansive and war-mongering.

Nationalism is a hindrance to socialism because it assumes the locus of social belonging resides in the the nation (France, the US, Singapore, whatever) rather than a class, and is therefore intrinsically class collaborationist.

I would argue that there is no such thing as a "non-bourgeois" "national culture" — the political framework of nations-states historically was the result of capitalist development and hegemony.

Patriotism for a socialist country or communist society is a celebration of the principles they are established on, and therefore not a spook.

Nationalism is a spook because it takes pride in things that don't matter. In reality, nationalists are rarely patriotic because they see real world government as antithetical to their utopian fantasies.

Social patriotism in large part kept SFR Yugoslavia together for near half a century, and look where the country went after it faded away. So, I would consider patriotism a good thing in that case, but each population works differently.

Civic nationalism can sometimes be useful to move beyond ethnic sectarianism and to ensure ethnically-diverse regions don't rip themselves apart, but it is usually unsustainable as it ignores rather than addresses the underlying issue.

I think that it hinders internationalism a little, but it is natural to feel a tie to the traditions and history with the culture you where raised in, and it isn't a bad thing as long as you understand that you are not special or that your ancestor's accomplishments are yours.

*aren't yours.


How was Papa Tito so based, fellow yugofags?

It's fine to feel connected to others along other lines than "we're both proles" tbh
Friendships are often based on shared hobbies, interests, experiences, and dreams, some form of collective sociocultural self-determination is certainly a prerequisite to assures individual self-determination, and there's no reason a community-wide sense of self and place will necessarily be reactionary/bourgeois. The problem is that love of community, institutions, and "the nation" under capitalism is a cultural arena largely dominated and defined by the bourgeoisie, perverted into ruling class ideology and class-collaborationism away from the natural culture and values of a people. The problem in the final sense has always been this perversion by class antagonisms - in a post-capitalist society we may or may not have some form of "patriotism" naturally arise, but whatever happens will happen organically and authentically, and there should be no need to either dismantle or build up cultural institutions artificially "in parallel to" the material change

There is no fundamental difference between patriotism and nationalism its all the same shit.

You only get that based when you start your career personally killin' Nazis.


Found your problem m8

sharing why you are proud of where you are from and discovering the reasons why others are proud of where they are from is a healthy and beautiful part of life. what is shared, what is different, and what is shared within the differences. internationalism begins with patriotism.

Requesting that Rafiq post on patriotism for OP

That's good, I really can't handle another coalition war right now.

Moral Code of the Builder of Communism says that you have to love you socialist fatherland and other socialist countries i.e. being pround of them.