Give me your best ancap memes. I need to expand my collection

Give me your best ancap memes. I need to expand my collection.

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You're a fucking moron if you think the capitalist mode of production is "white supremacy". That's literally a Tumblr-tier image.

I think it has more to do with /leftypol`s/ paranoia about crypto-fascists.

Not capitalism, but quite a few ancaps are white nationalists.

Nobody brought up white supremacy except you

No, but the capitalist mode of production requires an underclass to serve as the reserve army of labor/ do the shittiest jobs. In european countries these people were called lumpenproles, but in America blacks were forced to take this role. See Corey Robin and his theory that race is a kind of class. So ending racism requires ending class society i.e Communism.

The image has a white supremacy and nazi symbol

celtic cross is a white identity symbol that doesn't necessarily denote white supremacy

what about the swastika armband lol

Maybe this image has multi-faceted meaning. By rejecting ancaps at face value they instead turned towards white supremacy


lol didn't even notice. the picture is so fucking grainy

Yeah, AnCaps are not nazis any more than they are anarchists or capitalists. They just turn into nazis when they are forced to confront the fact that they are neither capitalists nor anarchists.


They're Nazi's within the fiefdoms that are their "private property".

"My house my rules. No colored allowed." Sounds like a Nazi to me!

Japan what the fuck..

Actually its 16, since you can get married at that age with your parents consent.

Except you'll find a lot of ancaps allying with Nazis against the scary commies (see: Holla Forums)

They might occasionally ally with nazis but there are so many better criticisms. A lot of their ideas are nutty enough it makes nazis look sane.


Holla Forums has been memeing this "libertarian&fascist brotherhood" shit for 3 months now. It always makes me laugh how easily these ancap kiddies can go from "muh american values" to "muh german imperialism" and ditch all their supposed principles to support the most antithetical ideology to "liberty" and "american values" you can find. In that context, there is no doubt that some nazis sympathize with isis and become muslims, because it's easy to make the jump from one retarded, violent ideology to another.

all the prefecture laws are 16 or 18 i believe

It's not just kids though, Molymeme fell for Trump like a giddy school girl. So did a lot of libertarian commentators who constantly talk about principle. I cant wait until they feel the need to start distancing themselves and pretend they never cared about the "two party sham" again.

I actually think that Molymeme is not a stupid guy (at least he pretends to be smart), and when alt-right implodes, he will regret ever shilling for Trump, fascism, race realism and that shit. That will be a real blow to all those ancap kiddies who few years from now are already too far into flirting with fascism and feel betrayed that Molymeme took a step back. Holla Forums truly is on suicide watch.

You underestimate lolberts' capacity for self-delusion.

Top-fucking-lel. Do they not know that there is already an ideology that fits their "brotherhood?"


I think Molymeme is shamlessly doing it for the money and it wouldn't surprise me if the other e-celebs are as well. When the cash dries up they'll move back to being lolberts or mutate into something else.

Pretty much all ancap 'intellectuals' hated blacks with a passion. Go to r/physical_removal

doesn't 8pol ban nazbols and strassserists ?

I have no doubt he is doing ti for monetary reasons but the way it so shamelessly happened without a hint of self awareness or any kind of reevaluating of his previous positions is both sad and hilarious to me.


Ancaps: In order to get rid of the poor and disabled who leech off of us, we need to get rid of the state

Nazi: In order to get rid of the poor an disabled who leech off of us. we need to kill them.

Different degrees, same mindset.


Holy fuck that's garbage. I thought these were the worst ones there were, but that's absolute garbage

Final. Keep finding mistakes.

if you don't see how that first one is a strawman of our memes you are beyond retarded
here, have these

Like pottery.


newfag detected

Lol I had to come here to believe. You leftist fucks really do make wall o text memes.

Learn to read, scrub.


At least the jump from Holla Forums to ISIS makes perfect sense since their ideologies are exactly the same.




the first image is awful. but the whole "the left can't meme" thing is retarded because most right-wing memes are significantly worse.

Does anyone have the picture of various anarchists and at the bottom Rothbard admitting that ancapism isn't anarchism?

Maybe, but if you turn to fascism because anarcho-leftists rejected you, then you have shown your true colours. You were never any kind of anarchist in the first place.

Just like marx, che guevara, fidel…

You fucking moron.

No, user

They've been doing that for years.

It just didn't take off until libertarians gave up on having any pretence of liberty and just starting being naked yellow fascists.

I can't tell if ya'll are joking or not? Is this really how leftypol see's Anarcho-Capitalism?

Yes, based off numerous encounters with ancaps.

ayncraps are just nazis with a yellow coat of paint, they'll get the bullet too on the day of revolution

t. actual anarchist

Must have been some shitty encounters. I wouldn't necessarily claim these features to be the main platform behind our movement. But of course everyone has their own motives.

Castro used to call Batista a turd nigger and put queers in concentration camps just like anyone with common sense before marxist movements in the west started pushing for mental illness and he needed their moral support.

Yeah they think you queers bitching about evil nazis and trashing your race because of your little self and Mr. Shekelberg needing brown slaves would get called ebil nazis. Fucking rethuglikkkans.

Go on /liberty/, it's full of them.

It is 13 in Argentina though.


Can you guys provide some more details on your perspective of Anarcho-Capitalism? I'm trying to get a perspective on your guys view.

We don't like companies controling us and a couple of choices is not enough. Being born and More or less being property of a company one does not agree with is not anarchy.

Mostly the Hoppe tier ancaps, I don't dislike Friedman (not Milton) ancaps, they are not edgy 12 years olds, but its unfortunate that they're not the ones representing the movement at the moment

Of course they are autistic manchildren who always escape into their little abstract fantasy situations when confronted with the complexities of real life, but since the election they started worshipping Hans-Hermann Holocaust Hoppe and Pinochet, say that they want to abolish the state but want to preserve the borders because of immigration, and generally consider the fascists their friends. It does not help that all their e-celebs also started turning crypto-fascists claiming that fascism is justified against communism and bullshit like that.

Ah yes exploitation of workers. Well that would be kinda difficult to put in practice in to a large degree. Company owners (or the "bourgeoisie") do want to pay workers as little as possible. Although that's not really a good business practice when you're competing with companies. Who are you going to work for, someone that pays 6 dollars an hour or 8 dollars an hour? And if company owners don't have an attractive enough offer, people won't sell them their labour, and they go out of business.

Who's forcing to work for companies?

How did you become someone's property?

If you don't agree with them then don't work or buy their products. Companies rely on money to survive.

"Your prole, people and anything worthwhile in this world is nothing, it doesn't matter all of this is drowning in fun and niggers because it makes money, but you can own some insignificant business, see?."

How long until Molymeme starts some kind of insane Galts Gulch Jonestown anti-commune?

Lol, it is usually the crazy ones that stand out the most and get the majority of the attention. That applies to all groups

"Anarcho"-capitalism is social Darwinist corporate tyranny.

I don't want every aspect of my life to be controlled by private companies.

fun = deg*eneracy

Forgot about these cancerous filters

It doesn't matter because the company owners just meet secret to fix the wages or agree not to hire each other's workers.

Revealed: Apple and Google's wage-fixing cartel involved dozens more companies, over one million employees

I don't see how that could happen without violating property rights.

Someone exerting property rights is no different from a state.

This only works if there's a surplus of jobs relative to the amount of labour available. Which is never going to happen in an age where most unskilled labour is automated and is only going to get worse over time.

Well they are by forcefully claiming private property. It's the very institution of property wherein lies the force.

How would I even know I don't agree with them when all media and academia is privatized? Taking "donations" from shady companies would sure pay better for these industries than pure investigative principle.

It's made possible by property rights.

The idea is that property owners can mutually agree to exclude certain demographics from their property (read: borders) and collude with each other to make sure this is enforced.

In Nigeria the age of consent is 11. In the middle east there is no age of consent law at all, but you have to be married first before you can bed that 4-year-old you've been eyeing.

It's neo-feudalism. See pic related.

HAHAHAH ah yes, Collusion, where the companies come together and form a wage. I remember when i once believed in the same thing.

Well friend you have to remember people are greedy, and the more they want to expand their business, the more they have appeal to people. If you have everyone paying the same thing (6 dollars) and you start to pay above them (6.50). Which companies are workers going to go to first? Now the contract is broken and everyone is competing again. Also if they did agree. What is stopping another company from coming and undercutting them. Collusions don't last long because companies are always at others throats. Collisions can be broken by outside or inside forces. One company's slip up is another's profit. The Free Market is a place of competition

Elementary physiognomy should tell you that these men look insincere and therefore are insincere and Wikipedia is wrong when they claim it's a pseudo science.

….What? How is you owning your house same as a state?

If they're hiring robots, how are they exploiting people?

How is owning land, forcing people to work for you?

Plus if all companies are privatize wouldn't other competing companies own other medias to? And try to expose their competition?

Not every Ancap hates immigration. To some its profitable to and help the economy. All you have to do is go to the border, obtain some land, and let immigrants walk on through.

Houses that one uses themselves are personal property not private property.
They aren't exploiting people in the traditional sense but instead keeping unemployment high.
If people have to work on land or die, that is force.
Except that you fail to see that it would be in the capitalists self interest to collude with each other. If they own all the land and resources together then they could make more money and have more power. And if they were doing that then they wouldn't want to bring each other down normally.

Why would you need a hierarchy to voluntarily exchange goods with people?

In a Free Market the only way money gets made is if you have something worth selling. Wealth gets made

Lets saying you have and music artist, he makes a hit new song, everyone loves. Everybody pays for his album. Now he's a Millionaire. He didn't steal anyone's money, people voluntarily gave it to him.

The millionaire is no different than us he just has more money now, and is able to do new things. What is the problem?


I never said they were. I said what's happening is that by having the vast majority of unskilled labour be automated there can never be a surplus of jobs in comparison to available labour so the idea of competition among employers driving up wages in the 21st century is simply absurd. Employers are past the point where trying to compete for employees is a necessity (indeed, I would argue it never even as a necessity) rather it is the employees who must compete for employment.

And it should be obvious why this is a recipe for disaster.

When all property is held privately those without property are forced into a situation where they must work for someone else, otherwise they would starve to death.

Not an argument?
In case you haven't noticed websites are also private.

What possible incentive would say, NewsCorp or University Inc. have to expose say PhoneCorp? They're not in competition, they're in competition with other news companies or academic institutions - it's not industrial companies that they're competing with. Rather they would be more than welcome to industrial companies "donating" to them to keep quiet about anything they happen to know, as the only incentive they have is profit.

Unless you're suggesting the news, academia and industry will all coalesce into mega-corporations in which case the fact that the industrial corporations also are the information outlets that are supposed to be exposing them should tell you why this is a dumb idea.

I never said all ancaps do, I said some ancaps do. And by virtue of property being a thing those ancaps have every freedom to set up their own borders in their concentrated areas where they an enforce migration laws.

Okay, now you just need to make sure that every other property owner on the route to where they wanted to go is cool with it or otherwise they're going to be stuck in your yard.

I'm a white nationalist pan-European Identitarian Social Nationalist Anarcho-Capitalist.

Capitalism is incompatible with authentic folk culture.

What is the difference between personal and private?

If hardly anyone had a job, that means no one would have to money to buy stuff. Do you know how drastically the prices would drop just to meet equilibrium? Also the free market is creative as hell they're are always opportunities in a negative situations. When the sewing mill first came up, people had the same fear saying "oh no now all the sewers will be out of business and be poor".
However, what actually happen was the it created a new industry where merchant could sell clothes at a cheap price due the mass production of things. This lead to the creation of clothes stores.

If people have to work on land or die, that is force.
No one is forcing you to work on that land. You could go somewhere else and work. If they are threatening you with force to work on the land then that violates the NAP.

And what if one person wants to take the others power? Also maintain such land and resource is EXPENSIVE AS HELL. That shit will go through your budget.

Plus what is stopping other companies from coming/developing and competing with them?

If it's cheaper to have a robot do low skilled labour then what is the point of hirings?

New jobs arise all the time with innovation.
Plus whats wrong with working having to develop a new skill?

???????, that's called getting a Job.

Which means it can be owned by a vast majority of people.

….Its Ratings, and that profitable to talk about other companies failure. Have you not seen the news?

Seriously, have you read even a single book in your entire life? Even the cover? Be honest now.

Private property is productive. A factory, for example.

Almost as if he sees being forced to work for someone else to survive as a bad thing or something.

You're mindcucked by porky propaganda. Read C4SS until you become a mutualist or somesuch.

That's exactly my point, if it's cheaper to have a robot do it no business is going to need to hire very many workers. Thus there will be a surplus of workers compared to job openings. Thus it is an economic impossibility for competition for employees to drive wages up.

That's true, but as I said we're at an age where virtually all unskilled labour is either automated or close to being automated. Any new jobs arising are skilled technical professions that say, a cab driver, couldn't just walk into when self-driving cars make him obsolete.
Nothing in itself. But the problem is that the new skilled positions opening up won't be numerous enough to replace the old unskilled positions that were made obsolete. Even if everyone that got laid off learned to program or something they still wouldn't all be necessary as you don't need one programmer for every one machine, you only need a few of them to sustain and produce an indefinite supply of machines. Either way this is going to lead to either mass-starvation, or workhouses like they had in the Victorian era were the bourgeoisie were basically able to use the unemployed masses as slaves because starvation was their only other option.

Yes, now you see why we say jobs in the capitalist system are exploitative. In order to live you must give us your surplus value because we have property and you do not. And if you disrespect our imaginary property lines we will shoot you.

This is force.

All of which are still bound by the profit incentive and so nothing has changed. Which ties into the next point.

You mean the news abound with climate change denial because corporations are paying them to say that?

What gets ratings is random sensationalist gossip and conspiracy theories. Proper investigative journalism doesn't sell too well, no one wants to read that boring stuff, they want to hear about how Russians hacked the election and vaccines cause autism.

???………..If an immigrant wants to enter a place they have to go through someone that will allow them in. That doesn't stop immigration.

There are plenty of forms of transportation. Flying, Boats and Vehicle. Plus as long as immigrants don't come in contact with the " white nationalist" i don't think they really care where the fuck they go. As long as they don't mess with them. And the "White Nationalist" can't really dictate how other people should live their lives on others property.

I'm talking about land. All of it would be claimed under ancapistan.

user 1:Hey I'll trade you 8 donuts for 8 oranges
user 2: sure
*do this for a long period of time*

Congratulation you just practiced Capitalism

The myth of barter got BTFO a million times over, Smith.

That isn't what capitalism is. Come back when you own a donut company and extract the surplus from your workers.

I don't think you understand. If white nationalists all want to congregate in one area and not let in any brown people the only way to really foil this plan is if they're not white nationalists, which they are hence why they all agreed to concentrate in one area and set up their white nationalist community.

Which has borders.
Which is statist.

I don't think you get the point. The problem isn't white nationalists, well, existing (though that is a problem). The problem is how this pokes a hole in anarcho-capitalism being anarchist in any way shape or form.

user 1: Hey, work in my donut factory
user 2: Okay, do you work there too?
user 1: No, i just privately own the factory which means i am entitled to a portion of the value you produce
user 2: Oh i'll just work somewhere where that doesn't happen then.
user 1: You can't, every business is privately owned. Give a portion of your value to a private owner or starve.

Congratulations, you just practiced pure voluntary capitalism

More like

user 1: hey can i stay your house for the night, I'll pay you for it
user 2: sure
*Boom Hotel*

I doesn't matter if personal or private, with enough creativity they can be used to make money with. There is no difference between personal or private.

? That's nature. If you want something you're going to have to go out and get. If you want to eat, you're going to have to hunt. If you want to get in shape you're going to have to work out, If you want money then you're going to have to get a job. You don't have to work for bad companies, you can make your own. If you want something great in life you're going to have to work for.

That's Life

Not necessarily, once you obtain that land you're going to have to maintain as well. And that takes a lot of resources. You're going to have to do things within your budget.

Here's the thing, we're not against working. We're not necessarily opposed to the idea of working to support ourselves and further our interests.

What we are against is working for someone else. Do I want to work to feed myself? Sure. Do I want to work for someone else and give them the fruits of my labour? Fuck that.

This is not living, this is slavery.

And once it is used to make profit by exploiting others then it is private property.
Yes people need to do things to survive. They don't have to do it under a capitalist system however.
You didn't mention the part where this doesn't apply to the capitalists who don't have to work and profit off the labor of others.


I should also have said:

Yeah, sure, but that doesn't mean you have to lick the boots of a rigged game.

…..why would a company have job openings if they don't need them? How would anyone apply there? They don't need you.

Wait what? First you say that robots will take low skill jobs ,and now you're saying that new skill won't be enough to replace???

If robot took it, then the old jobs don't need to be replaced, they are already taken?

Then the cab driver will find another job or make his own business.

To put faith into one programmer is pretty risky. Plus they're are plenty of opportunities out there for programmers.

As times change people adopt, this is how we function.

If you want to get your own property then go work for it? How is that a problem?

You know you could go live on your own right?
In the woods.

No one is forcing you to work for that company. Plus if you want to start a company that is shared between workers you can do that. It's your property. Just don't force anyone else to be apart of it.

Nothing wrong with self-interest. If you want to get profits then your're going to have to provide something that people like. Its called motivation.

No boring investigative journalism doesn't sell. Since there's a limited supply of rational journalism out there you could step in and set the records straight. Its a Market, how do you think ideas spreads?

Not necessarily. You can't force people to buy things

Then work hard another way insteads of licking boots

That can't block every innertrance, thats a waste of time and money, plus very unlikely to pull off.

Then what do you call the system I proposed

Hard work might get you money, it might not. Capitalism will still not be anything close to a level playing field, defending it is licking boots.

Read C4SS stuff.

user 2: then I'll create my own business.

WHAT! Investment?

Plus the workers need the employer and much as the employer need the worker. If not then there is not factory. This is where agreements come in

And that person gives you something in return of your labour. Its called exchange. You can't make everything, so you exhange with what you have for what others want.

T-thank you job creator.

Yes. Owning is really hard work, I even have to to hire a manager for my new factory, then collect the rent from my other properties, then decide what to spend the dividendies on. Misery!

How is exchanging thing exploitation?


It's called 'part of your labour'. Exploitation.

user 2: then I'll create my own business.
user 1: You need capital to do that. And since you don't have any then you are stuck wage slaving as a worker.

I never said they don't do anything. I said they don't labor. They don't use the factories or machines that they claim to own. Instead they take value from those who do labor.
That's not true. If there is no private owner the factory doesn't just fade out of existence.

Taking value from people who produced that value is exploitation.
Investing doesn't make someone entitled to the value that other produce.


Accountant does it.
Lawyer does it.
Lawyer does it.
Manager does it.

How are you suppose to exchange things if you aren't will to give something away???


And who pays them?

Read the books, nigger.

Being coerced into working for some small part of what you produce is bad.

Then put your skills into something else you value.

Yet their produce was made possible on my private property which I must sustain (e.g. rent, water/electricity bills, maintenance costs) using tools I provided to the laborers (e.g. machines, uniforms, ingredients) on top of any training required for the job. If I were to give the workers the full value of their produce they made on my private property I pay to sustain using the tools I paid to sustain and provide, I'd be running a fucking charity.
Then pray tell, who exploits who here? Why would I have to be the one paying up so others can produce value solely at my expense, when they could as well be producing value at their home at their own cost?

Capitalism will still suck.


Then go find someone that values your labour the most.

I'm still exploited. Capitalism will still suck.

.>Then go find someone that values your labour the most.
The workers themselves value their labor the most. Which is why they should keep the full value of what they produce.


A single man cannot produce everything. People rely on others for good. How are you suppose to buy goods if you aren't willing to sell your labour?

Are you fucking thick?

That's what I just said, there are more labourers than there are jobs, so it is objectively and scientifically impossible for competition to drive wages up. At this point I'm inclined to think you're just being deliberately obtuse to defend your retarded ideology because in this entire post you rarely engage with my actual arguments.

Could you rewrite this post in a way that makes any sense whatsoever?

Jesus Christ.
"Cab driver" was just an example of an unskilled job. The actual economic argument being made is that unskilled labour is being depleted without new socially necessary unskilled jobs being created. If an unskilled labourer was made redundant we're approaching a point where there would be no unskilled jobs left for them because we have the technology to create machines that operate themselves.

They would either have to become a skilled labourer (which would be extremely unfeasible in AnCapistan because education is privately run, or just die of starvation.

And you need capital to start a business. And if someone had the capital to start a business getting laid off from your taxi job would be no problem at all.

Here's the thing. Systematically that has not solved anything, the same material material relationship is still in full effect it's just that now I'm the exploiter and my employees are the exploited. It also implies that hard work=upward mobility, which is a flagrant lie.

Here is the crucial difference between ancaps and Marxists. Marxists analyse economic relationships on a systematic basis. Per se no one person is forcing us to work for a particular boss. What is happening is that the system itself is structured in such a way that you get the same result as if this were happening, we still have the non-choice to work for someone else or to starve to death as people without property. By the artificial functions of the system we are forced into being proletariat, it is no one person that does this, it is the entire system. This is what we mean when we say it's not the people, it's the system.

I fully agree. We as Marxists are not moralists, we are materialists that think classes naturally over history follow their self-interest and as proletariat it is our self-interest to overthrow capitalism. "Property" is against our self-interest, wage labour is against our self-interest, capitalism is against our self-interest. Our self-interest is socialism. Where's our incentive to respect property? It seems like it's an absolutely useless institution that only benefits a small few at our expense.

In capitalism we're peddled the myth of the free market of ideas, that inevitably the most rational of ideas will be able to win out with evidence, logic and reasoned debate.

That is a lie. That is not what happens. If that were true The Daily Mail would not be the best selling paper in Britain. Of course there is a market for proper investigative journalism, but it's a niche market. The greater market is absolutely dominated by sensationalist fiction.

You are aware that we are criticising the capitalist system, right?

Yes they can. Indeed communities in the United States actually have done this successfully for decades until the government forcefully intervened (and in some places I'm quite sure they're still doing it).

If all land is private they could easily just buy out a vast area and settle there.

Which is worth less than what I produced, this is how they're able to make a profit. I make a dollar, I get a dime in return. This is called surplus value.

Indeed, which is why all the workers should unite and co-operate to build an efficient and productive economy in order to push out the people who make nothing (capitalists).

Problem is labor is worth shit and wrecks your soul and body. There's too much fresh, juicy meat eager to do It out there. You are a nobody if that's all you can offer, no matter how good you are. Construction, waiting, cooking, serving, driving, coding (to an extent)? Even if you're a miraculous worker, you're beneath them. And they love it. You are less than dirt. And they will make you think like this. They will laugh at your experience /suggestions and flaunt what they have as if they miraculously farted it out of their cunts unassisted. In our lifetimes, we will see labor be worth less and less until it's put out of its misery. This is happening.

So don't be like me, kids. Earn some different value before they get you.

What do you suppose happens when nobody has to perform any labor anymore?

Oh, well that's just basic supply and demand.
Since there for such need for a low skill and there's a lot of people who have it, the value kinda goes down. And people have to Adopt and improve there skill set in order to find a job. It call adopting to change.

An as i said before Prices will drop drastically to meet equilibrium. And people can put their new skill set to something else?

OOOOH i see what your'e getting at.
Well actually there's option on schooling for the poor.
Also education and schooling are not the synonymous.

Plus if companies is in demand for a skill, they can provide job training for those want it.

Well shit, i guess it was so easy for thomas edison to come up with a light bulb.

Huh, you know what, i'm going to give you a simple thought experiment. Go along with me here.

1. Can you make everything that fits your daily need/wants?

Government faults

Have you seen the map?

People will adapt to discard the need to live off labor I guess.

But then what would people do if they no longer have to work to provide for others or to simply survive? Become artists, or grow complacent?

…..wait what???
If you all cooperate and create things together? How do yall determine the value of your products and exchange them effectively?

They will have to work. It would just not be labor.

Read the books I posted you fucking nigger holy fuck.

what a long winded way of saying "I'm a nazi"

Yes, this is what I've been trying to tell you this entire time. Because the supply exceeds and will always exceed the demand wages going up through competition is an absurdity.

Here's the thing, though, those dropping prices are the wages people need to live. The fact that they're going to drop is a bad thing, it means people are getting plunged into unemployment or poverty.

And as established earlier retraining still poses the following problems.
a) Where are they going to train from? Everything is private and they don't have a job. Depend on charity? Well that's extremely irresponsible, if a system needs to depend on people's goodwill in order to avoid mass-starvation it's not a very good system.
b) Even if they succeed in retraining there's still a limited supply of skilled jobs and the entrance of large amounts of redundant labourers entering into them is only going to drive wages down again. This won't actually have solved anything, it will just have displaced the problem from one field into another.

Which is?
And for the love of god, don't say charity.

But here is the thing. In a massively automated economy what skill would that be? Computer programmers? Engineers? You don't need many of those and the training for that is expensive anyway, it would be vastly more profitable just to exclusively hire already trained professionals.

Unless it was something less education intensive, in which case it would be automated soon anyway.

It was, all he had to do was hire hardworking engineers to work for him that would go on to die in poverty and steal patents from foreign inventors.

No, other labourers do that. Thus why we must unite and overthrow capitalism.

Did you read my post? It was the government that had to break this arrangements up. Though I would consider private property to be a government fault.

Do you understand what a border is?
It doesn't mean the national borders we have now for 2017 nation states, as if they're an immutable constant of history.

On an ancap planet every property line is a border, if a bunch of white nationalists decide to congregate in a certain area and institute a common-travel area between themselves whilst barring all brown people the boundaries of their property would be the border.

We determine the value of work by the socially necessary labour time that went into it and we do not exchange, we produce for use.

"""""anarcho"""""" capitalist is a meme
you better read Bakunin

the last one is a bit…eh
lenin did mass murders too and he's revered here

So making times affordable is bad?

a) They can get trying on at the job.
a)How is people voluntarily giving there money is bad.

b) If worker are making less then companies are going to have to charge less. If not, no one will pay to buy things.

And for the love of god, don't say charity.

Well that and mutual aid societies.

Expensive? why would it be expensive? No one would pay for it. And the train professional could go start a business where they teach people these skills that's a market right there.

Plus you seem to thinks new jobs would arise? Have you forgotten about Space? Science? Healthcare?

???? do you not know how Edison discovered the lightbulb?

So if other people create the things you want how do you obtain them?

If there are people who are will to stop nationalist from stopping immigration. Then who is to say there won't be people helping them get in?

Create a new route

How do you determine the necessary labour time behind items?
What if your timing is wrong?
How do you determine the amount of who gets what?

Not enough mememes


No. He paid a team of engineers to discover it for him. Not only has he successfully been exploiting his engineers for fame to this day, but he then exploited the fruits of their labor by raking in the profits off of his company which manufactured and sold the lightbulb en mass. Starting to get why capitalism is a shit?

You didn't understand my point. It's that what you're describing is basically the economy absolutely tanking. The fact that capitalists have been forced to bring prices down is a mark of extreme economic depression, people are now so poor that unless they brought down prices they wouldn't be able to afford anything shows that times are shit. The system is not working well at all.


The people giving the money aren't bad. The system that depends on human goodwill to not degenerate into Mad Max is what's bad. Socialism does not have this problem, things like poverty, an entrenched class system, scarcity and unemployment are not built into the system. As much as charity is nice it does not depend on charity to rectify its failings, it seeks to design a system without those systematic failings.

See the first point of this post.

As I pointed out that's ridiculously idealistic. If people aren't feeling generous today or poverty has gotten so extreme charities aren't going to be able to handle it there's a big problem on our hands. It basically leaves these important issues up in their air with no concrete solutions other than hoping someone else will take care of it.

Have you forgotten how your own system works? Employed trainers aren't free, trainees are going to need some form of pay while they're in the training process so they don't starve to death. For the business with that considered it may well be cheaper to just not bother with this scheme and only hire already trained professionals.

Have you forgotten the train of conversation already? It was that since education is private newly redundant labourers wouldn't be able to afford it.

Yes, unemployed cab drivers are going to go out and become astronauts, scientists and doctors by the pure power of the invisible hand. Genius.

Yes, an English guy named Joseph San invented it then Thomas Edison "discovered" his UK patent, and applied for the US patent of the exact same product without inventing anything.

In capitalism? I buy them
When capitalism is overthrown? They're distributed by the democratically planned economy.

That's a violation of the NAP, if you're ferrying people onto their property-zone you're violating their holy private property rights and must be physically removed.

How can you do that? The property is theirs, if they don't want people on it that's that.

Well you see we have these things called clocks . . .
Well you see we have this thing called Earth's orbit upon its axis that determines what time it is 100% accurately all of the time.
How much they need.

*provided they work. non-contributers get gulag'ed


People need to work to produce food. People who get food for not working are exploiting those who do work. If you want to eat, you work.

Automation won't happen all at once. It a gradually process.
Where did all the workers for the internet and computer revolutions come from? Factory workers would've been field workers and cloth-workers before steam power.
At one time we had 'hello girls' that ran the phone lines, plugging in manually the calls on manual switchboards. The phone company employed many thousands of them.
Then the automatic dial system was introduced which automated the jobs of these girls.
However, the resulting lower cost of telephone calls meant that use of phone calls expanded rapidly and all these women were employed instead as operators, even more than had worked as switch-board operators.
And now, if the phone company had to go back to using manual switchboards, there aren't enough women in the entire world, including babes in arms, to run the demand for phone calls that exist.
And if automation took over the work force. Then robots make everything, which means they can provide for your basic need.
Although this would change how society operates as well.

As robots take over, Specialization of labor come to be, greater productivity, and more free time.

The can get training at the job.

A mutual aid society is where people come together to and provide money for a service. Its worked before.

If no one is giving the training how will there be professional?

Yes, unemployed cab drivers are going to go out and become astronauts, scientists and doctors by the pure power of the invisible hand.
Specialized skills.

How are you going to distribute things equally? How will you know not to under or over produce?

There are plenty of alternatives to helping people cross. Boats & Planes.

Buy it out or build around them. Get creative.

Thats not what im saying. What if it actually takes less time to produce a product, But people instead find a slower way?
People would have to incentive to make things faster because the slower the labour the more value.

What if they're wrong? what if you over produce?

Capitalism made the lightbulb.



It's not equating capitalism with white supremacy. It's equating ancaps with white supremacy. The point is that ancaps know dick all about anarchist theory and tend to have a lot of extreme racist sentiments hiding under the ancap label.

forgot one…

What's the point of this argument?
Non-capitalism made agriculture - the basis of all progress - therefore non-capitalism is the best. Is that a legit argument?

First one is really cute I wished the creator kept making more.

Had a few more of those, I really liked them too.


Then socialism is just bartering too fam

Socialism. It is this simple.
Once you are tired of arguing on the internet, you know what to do.

So that's a "no", you don't even know what a book is. I'll give you a hint: it's something you read.



90% of startups fail, fuck off with this shit