As an egoist.. please tell me why racism is wrong?

As an egoist.. please tell me why racism is wrong?

How is racism not the biggest spook that ever spooked?


Read this first Holla Forums

You have yet to show how hating on filthy nigger because he is inferior is a spook.

He keeps posting it, the absolute madman!


So you're saying I should continue to hate niggers?

Race is a biological reality. If anything deny that race is real is the highest spook of all. Might as well deny gravity, evolution and all of science.

You're not an egoist yet, fam

Even if HDB nonsense was real, even if race ""realists"" were right, how would the division and oppression of different races, just like the division and oppression of different class, not necessitate the need for a State? And why wouldn't a spooked adherence to some abstract notion of blood, genetics, and all this other nonsense that you call your "race" not just lead to Nationalism. Also, Egoisism isn't just about following you're rational self-interest, it isn't just meme-tier lolbertarian nonsense, Egoists aren't ancaps, you can act as altruistically as you want, it's often much better for people in the long run to act out of mutual aid.

You can't even help yourself, can you?

Race refers to more than just biological differences. It has spooky elements and material elements.

I am because race is biological reality. To deny race is to deny science. Simple as that. Niggers are an inferior sub-species.

isn't fascism the logical conclusion to stirnerite egoism? if you think about it, fascism is the purest form of anarchy. A Fascist is just an Anarchist who won't let the freedom of the Weak get in the way of his freedom.

these anons get it


Race isn't a spook.



It isn't. Marx, Stirner, et all everyone we worship here were racist. It is an inalienable part of being human.

>The history of the world, whose shaping properly belongs altogether to the Caucasian race, seems till now to have run through two Caucasian ages, in the first of which we had to work out and work off our innate negroidity; this was followed in the second by Mongoloidity (Chineseness), which must likewise be terribly made an end of.

Not being racist makes you a spook.

>The history of the world, whose shaping properly belongs altogether to the Caucasian race, seems till now to have run through two Caucasian ages, in the first of which we had to work out and work off our innate negroidity; this was followed in the second by Mongoloidity (Chineseness), which must likewise be terribly made an end of. -Max Stirner

If you're an egoist, you have to be racist. If you're a Marxist, you have to be racist. Why? Because you are human. You are greedy, you are racist, you have interests. Fucking read a book before coming back here.

It's almost as if the notion of race isn't a concrete biological fact, but rather something largely constructed socially and historically. It's almost as if the entire idea of "whiteness", the idea that everyone from Europe is just one big race, is something that didn't even exist till the 1600's.

No, they do not.

Lewontin's Fallacy

And stop making these shit threads and posts. We've had them a billion times. Race isn't a spook, it's literally real tangible flesh and blood. Again you retards haven't read an ounce of theory and came straight out of reddit spouting liberal nonsense. Fuck off.


But racism is a spook the same way that nationalism and capitalism are. Literally an abstract concept that you value above your own desires. Ask yourself, why are you afraid of other races? What about them limits your desires? Are you simply concerned about your short-term interests within the current system? If so, what makes you any different from Rand, who could only fathom expressing her self interest within the current framework, rather than abolishing the framework entirely so one's full self-interest could flourish. Why would you not want to become truly free, truly unique?

You also have to realize that many non-white groups have been subject to colonialism for centuries by imperialist powers, and oppression in the imperial powers (slavery, genocide, etc.). How would your 'race' fare if all your resources were taken, if a large portion of your population was enslaved, and if you were tested for intelligence based on standards they were not your own, and with methods that had no ground in reality (skull measurements).

So stop being so fuggin spooged m8

No such thing as racism. You've been had. Ha Ha.



Yes, because using the commonplace language of the day to draw (although crude) to comparisons makes one racist. Just like every desegregationist who used the word 'Negro' was actually a secret Klansmen.

wew lad, you're not even trying

There are two lines of thought that supports racism:
1. is because you believe in or value race solidarity. This is the ethnostate culture diversity white supremacist bullshit.
This is obviously spooky as fuck, since it's directly asking you to value your abstract relationship to other people to whom you have no strong material or personal relationship. **This is unlike class solidarity which some egoists can claim to hold as in your interest, through the material relationship you share with your class.''
2. Is if holding racists beliefs about the inferiority/supremacy of 'races' somehow serves your interests, e.g. by being correct scientific descriptions of reality. This is basically the race realist/HBD view.
This view on the other hand just breaks at even slight scientific scrutiny, so is to be discarded as well.