Is the problem with leftism the fact you have to know so much theory and do reading?

Is the problem with leftism the fact you have to know so much theory and do reading?

Many other ideologies can be condensed into a sentence or two.

That's why the vanguard exists.

Seize the means of production

The problem isn't pithiness or succinctness it's that ideology and every day people's comfort and monetary interests are forever in the way of them wanting to go left beyond what the overton window allows.

So can Leftism:

From each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her need!

No gods! No masters!

This. Marxist theories are just like theories of Physics or anything else. There's a great deal of writing to justify them, but they boil down to some very simple formulas and concepts. Marxist theories are a lot more intuitive than capitalist theories, and classcucks have no problem memorizing all of those.

Yeah well that's the issue. Educating the masses without having the education structure of the nation is more than a little difficult, and trusting a handful to do the job is always a gamble.

They're good enough for practice in most things, but not enough for you to advance the theory. You must know how machinery works, if you want to build a new machine.

And one practical area they're not enough is running the State, and it's a very important to have as many people as possible doing that.

Explaining socialism is difficult because we are immersed, completely and utterly, in a culture of liberal capitalism. It seeps into everything. For just one example, think about how every relationship, even a familial or romantic relationship, is understood to be a contract undertaken by individuals keeping score and looking for advantage. These are the sorts of things that need years of deprogramming to unlearn.

forgot "property is theft"

That's an important one too, comrade! Probably implied by "no masters!", but it's worth stating explicitly!

The workers should have a say in how they work, and should own what they make.
For every dollar a rich man gets off of investments, a poor man worked for a dollar he didn't get.

Boom. Leftism in two sentences.

The Problem with "just" insisting on workers ownership of the MoP, is that it's far too simplistic, and makes it easy for people to misunderstand the real goals. They might for example just think that coops are totally enough, and that will solve everything, instead of just recreating another form of capitalism.

everything about gommie-ism can be summed up in ONE word.
"dugnadsand". (the spirit of communal work in norwegian)

From each acording to their ability, to each acording to their need

There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.

I forgot to attach this. If you want to start unlearning some of the cruelty, insidious assumptions, and hidden value judgments of capitalist culture, this book is as good a place as any to start.

I feel like the best way to condense the core values of Marxism into a couple sentences would be to avoid talking about workers entirely. Marxists tend to focus too much on workers and not enough on their philosophical motivations.
Something like "Marxists believe in maximizing individual freedom. Marxists define freedom as the ability to enact one's desires in the real world. Things that can limit your freedom include laws, the economy, class, other people, and a lack of knowledge of the world. Marxists want to overcome these limitations by replacing the current class-based social order with one based on your abilities and also by obtaining knowledge of the world ."
It's a bit verbose, but I think it covers almost everything you need to know tbh.

Last time I checked you had to be an idiot to be a leftist. Can you make up your fucking mind, Holla Forums?
Are we ivory tower bourgeois intellectuals or stupid proles?


Marxism isn't just for smart people, dumb people are perfectly capable of understanding Marxism if you explain it using non-jargon terms and you tie it in with their experiences. It's a really intuitive way of thinking and everyone is capable of understanding it imo.

it can be easily understood in a few words. The real issue is capitalist ideologues constantly twisting what these words mean, i.e.

And of course, the actual definition of capitalism or socialism.

i think op is a lefty posting in good faith man


"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." - Karl Marx

What do you not fucking understand about this?

It's actually a very basic core concept. The workers manage themselves.

Do you though? You can learn the very basics in 5 minutes by wiki articles. You don't really need much more.

And now you understand why socialism is more than just two sentences

I said MoP as an example of us already having slogans and pithy statements, the issue isn't the inability to summarize our goals or make slogans. In America it's having to chop through endless hurdles to get to real information about these issues and you're dis-incentivized to do so at almost every turn. By ideology of course but also a million other things.

I think people in this thread are being extremely reductionist, yes you can condense it to "seize the means" and all that shit, but unlike capitalist ideologies which are self evident in our current time and simple to understand (lolbertarian's understanding of the minimum wage is convincing if you have no background on economics), you need to make the person understand the point of seizing the means, and that only comes with a proper understanding of capitalism, I doubt most people have the time to read Kapital

almost everyone has the time to read whatever book. it's not a contest. if you have to read 30 minutes a day and it takes 3 months, you still have the time.

it really isn't that hard. you work for a boss. boss pays you X. X is less than what your product is worth on the market. therefore your boss is paying you less than you deserve. you can't have capitalism and escape that fact. there, explained in simple words that a kid could understand.

it's really not that hard. not everyone has to be a luxemburg tier theorist the same way not everyone needs to learn coding to use a computer.

It's not reductionist we can make a million and one slogans and motto's but the problem is the overton window and ideology are not on our side. Saying we need to make people understand this stuff goes without saying, but the steps just to get to the point where they want to learn are the real challenge here.

Lolberts are a fringe part of conservative ideology but parts of their ideology touch into the mainstream because they are accepted as fact by the already powerful and disseminated as such on a daily basis by the media as just the way things are or need to be. It's also always easier to argue for the lack of something than to advocate for positive changes because the lack of something is intuitively easier to understand and make sense of. Lower taxes make sense to the dumb normie mind because they understand the immediate benefit to themselves personally and they don't see wake of bad long term effects it has on society as whole.