Scottish Socialists/Communists

Any other of my kind here?

May the Scottish Commune rise and prosper!

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No, but Red Front Republic seems cool





literally drinking irn bru right now just noticed

Glasgow, here

Damn, so many of us already, we really need a party to get rid of the SNP in favour of our own ideologies.

Scots, we need you to report the misdeeds of your NuLab collaborators. A full purge of the Labour party is imminent and we are lacking input from your region.

So pretty much all of Scottish labour then…

If you want to put all of Scottish Labour's names forward, I'll put them forward. I have no idea what's going on over there but I hear it's bad, also I'll want to get a list of candidates that don't deserve their position to pre-empt them from using entryism with new MPs.

Stalin is that you?

Well there doesn't seem to be many Corbyn type people at the top of Scottish Labour but I imagine that there must be some in the lower levels.

I've been making a big list comrade. I'm a complete no-name in the Labour party but what I lack in prestige I make up for in work ethic. When the time comes I will be contacting people and instructing them what to do to make a socialist labour party.

Let's clear them up and make English and Scottish Labour socialist again, hopefully we can stick it out together and make a successful country outside of the EU, paving the way for a future socialist EU.

Aye, I'd endorse that purge.

I straddle the line between socdem and socialist but I'm here, for now at least.

I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned with Scotland, though. Being between the SNP and Corbyn with occasional TV interviews with Ruth the Tank driver is an incredibly awkward position with no real satisfactory outcome.

Sup fams. Are you part of any IRL groups I've been looking and going to demos recently but the pickings are slim

Me 2


Why haven't you joined the Scottish Greens and attempted to push them further left yet, user?
Anyone can see that a far left pro-independence movement is just waiting to burst forth in Scotland.

Also a black and red lion rampart is the superior communist Scotland flag

stop voting snp

we could have socialism together but you're still focused on that independence meme

"Just keep on accepting governments you didn't vote for because MY country won't vote for socialism"

This is where I'm at to tbh. Although I would still vote yes in another ref. Right now we need to save our Engliah comrades from the Tory menace and unfortunately that means aligning with Scottish Labour, if only to give the worst kind of proxy vote to Jez. For me it's either that or just sack voting entirely. I want to push the Overton window, so that means making it look as if there has been a big swing to labour for Jez, which sadly means voting for Scottish labour

The greatest socialist revolutionary of all times lives there.

What do you lot think of Gordon Brown?

Best Blairite tbh, shit politician though

picts>————-→everyone else

What's the difference between Blairite and Brownites? I've recently heard nulabs go "akshually" over the distinction but I've never been given one.

Gordon Brown was slightly less directly evil, but only because he was more thick

Not with half of England voting Tory we can't

I agree with this tbh, they just need to insist on civic nationalism, which can easily be dealt with later.
Britain is a lost cause and will burn itself out pretending to be an empire that was only ever great in size.

The British identity is fundamentally incompatible with socialism. It's a compromise solution for an imperial power. Only by destroying it can we ever hope to move forward as equals. I say this as someone who would broadly support an EU-style union between the former countries of the UK. (i.e. independent nations with some cross subsidy and so on.)

Political cancer, but a real human being unlike Blair.

They prefer a different guy.
Also they generally want to pretend they're slightly more left wing, which is ironic given that Brown was arguably more fiscally ""prudent"" than Blair, if only to piss Blair off. (See: "You've stolen my fucking budget Tony!")

I think in some ways it's also probably a proxy for the soft left vs right of the party kind of thing. (Where the soft-left almost invariably just acts as a proxy for the right to undermine the left.)