What's so inherently bad about Trump?

Yeah he's a jerk, populist, appeals the right wing masses, orange and stupid. But at the end of the day I fail to see what how what he wants to do and do is really that different from reagan, bush I and II, Bill clinton or even fucking obama…. and by this I mean that he is shit

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i've said for a long time he is basically reagan 2 electric boogaloo. just look at the facts

Real fuckin controversial opinion there Holla Forums, this entire board totally does not already share this opinion


That's bad you dumb mother fucker

That's why. If you mean why some liberal are so triggered it's because Queen Hillary got beaten by a mean orange guy. If you mean why some leftists are spooked it's because they're old or scared climate change will kill us off. Frankly seeing him fuck up is satisfying because it will hopefully damage the right-populism if there's a crisis.

You answered your own question…

I'm not Holla Forums I'm asking what is the appeal and why he's so controvertial while he's basically he's doing what the average president does. Why Holla Forums loves him? Why liberals hate him?

'Trump' is a simulacrum.

Apologies we have a lot of Holla Forums master baiters here who use the hammer and sickle flag becoz le ebig infiltration strat.

Because he's senile, lies a lot, and basically embarassed the fuck out of the right-wing faction of the Democrats because they are idiots who ran the most unpopular candidate $$$Hillary Clinton$$$

The far right thought he was going to 'break the status quo' and cut ties to Israel and build the wall etc. He turned out to be another George W in the sense that he doesn't know wtf he's doing

Lmao yeah you know this board is going to shit when threads start off with how Trump is good actually for maintaining the status quo

Yeah he's basically for maintaining the statuos quo but I never said that is athe good thing

Trump is a bumbling idiot who makes Bush Jr look good in comparison. What pisses me off more are Trump's fanbase who unironically call him Lord Emperor Trump and think he can do no wrong. The types that think he's paying 4D chess when he's just playing tic tac toe.

I'll tell you…

I could go on and on, but at least my list of reasons are valid.

So yeah basically he's nothing special. That's what I meant to say in the op


Yeah, basically.

The only difference between you fucks and the KKK is

well looks like I can't really find a difference, congrats, you really are that bad a person. I wonder what people think of you.

death to idpol scum amirite.

I'd dispute that - he seemed to be a populist early in the race, but he's pretty far from that now.

He's different from Obama and Clinton, in that those two "threw bones" in the form of social policy. Also, they were actually competent capitalist politicians and improved the economy (or prolonged the suffering, depending on your view). Like, in the mainstream eye, the tarnish on Clinton's legacy is still mostly Monica Lewinski. Clinton and Obama shat on workers and did horrible things in the interest of US imperialism, but politics in America sets a pretty low bar. Gay marriage and the ACA are big deals here - and in the context of American politics, the ACA was probably a good idea to the extent that it could potentially pave the way for actual single-payer.

There's a whole host of reasons to dislike Trump, and a lot of it is not ultimately irrational. First off, he's the second GOP candidate in about 16 years to win without the popular vote. Only GOP candidates have ever done this, and 2016 saw the largest popular/EC vote difference - this immediately brings an air of illegitimacy, because millions more people voted for his opponent.

Then, there's the wall. It had been teased a long time, but it had almost been abandoned. Most Americans don't want it. It is and was a diehard Republican masturbation fantasy made to "subtly" appeal to the party's racists. It only functions as a waste of money, but it's also clearly hostile so you can't expect Latinos to all be on board with it like it's no big deal just 'cuz he and Obama were both capitalists.

And like latinos have a rational reason to dislike him, Muslims and religious freedom advocates clearly do, too.

As do people covered because of ACA. What the GOP is doing with that is going to fuck a lot of people over, and this is still in the context of a president who had 3 million less votes than his opponent.

He's not just business as usual. He's business as usual + overt racism and xenophobia, 3rd world level corruption (trying to use his position to pressure Nordstrom ffs, firing Comey, lying about pretty much everything), total incompetence, hostility towards the press (and communications in general), and a very public association with alt-right tards. All this wrapped up in an incredibly vain man who was born rich and inherited his father's business and barely avoided running it into the ground.

Of fucking course people hate him. Why shouldn't they? They don't really have a reason not to, and this is where Trump differs from most of the others. There isn't really a silver lining to Trump - even I liked it when he was talking about protectionism initially, but then he came out talking about "making Mexico pay for the wall" by putting a 20% tariff on goods from MX - he doesn't even understand protectionism. What this leaves is a whiny rich man who got elected on a technicality, goes after minorities and whose only coherent economic policy is defunding healthcare for the poor in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich.

You have to ignore a whole hell of a lot to make a sincere claim of equivalence. The problem isn't that he's "against the status quo." This may be what "I'm with her" types want people to think, but it's not the case. It's that Trump keeps the bad status quo stuff, gets rid of the not-as-bad stuff, and throws in Klan shit along the way.

People despise him, and the solution to that isn't saying "oh look, it's not so bad calm down you silly liberals Obama was bad too!" Americans have been screwed over for a long time, and now they're getting it extra hard - the solution is doing something about it. We don't hate Trump because we like all our other politicians.

There isn't anything all that different about him and run of the mill conservatives of the past and if the Dem's were smart that is how they would be presenting him. Instead they treat him like an outsider which makes him more appealing and it absolves the Republican party and other conservatives of their responsibility for this piece of shit and his policies.

Everyone should be pinning Trump to the Republican establishment as much as possible. His absolute unlikability should be an anchor on them instead people at the top are fucking this up again even from the standpoint of doing whats best for them and keeping their shitty jobs a few years more.

Instead Dem's talk about how great the Bush years were and how much they love every Republican scumbag that isn't Trump. Last week Joe Biden suggested to Romney he should run again for office, like it's all a big game and their policies wont hurt real people. Disgusting.

This is another angle of it, Hillary and her goons have to think of Trump as something extraordinary and foreign to make an excuse for why she lost the easiest election in history with almost every advantage available to her. This makes it harder for people in the establishment to see him in a precise way because it is in their monetary interest not to.

I am giving him a chance until he breaks one law or temper tantrums and causes a deadly incident. I knew he would beat Clinton and lose to Bern. Can anyone honestly think Clinton would be better?

Someday I hope people realize that it isn't always the one in power that matters, but those they enable.

Why are we posting conservative Facebook stuff?

I didn't - but I expected a popular vote for Trump, in traditional "liberal foot, right foot" fashion.

Just to piss you singularly off.

This but so much. Americans should do this if the want him outside instead of strawmaning him


In the short term, yes.
Trump's primary benefit is that he is indeed worse - Clinton would have been better at about everything except destroying the GOP and making neoliberal/neoconservative imperialism and economics indefensible even to Americans.

Trump himself isn't bad, what's so sad about him is the fact that he's finally confirmed beyond a doubt that 90% of Americans are lumpens.

He's going to sign in the healthcare law that will send more than 300,000 people to an early grave. For that alone he should be guillotined.

I meant breaks one law as president. I like how he is rounding up the pedos. That will help the left rebuild proper, as in its current form will never achieve power legally again. Spirit Cooking ensured that the Christian right will come out and vote pretty much until the left reforms.



Nah, this bullshit is largely ineffectual. As someone who followed conspiracy theories more than a decade ago, there has always been something and always someone who believed it. Pizzagate is a hilariously mix'n'match manufacturing job even by those standards. The crowd who buys this stuff isn't even most GOP voters. And the Christian right still begrudge gay rights.

Stop it with the idpol
liberal spotted
don't even be an SJW ironically, Holla Forumsyps will repost it out of context

There was never a difference between the dems and the reps. Why do you keep hoping that they'll do something reasonable? You're setting yourself up for disappointment. They're a right wing party and have been since Carter, just accept it.

Source me fam.

The good thing about him is that he exposes the fact that the alt-right is painfully retarded and morally bankrupt for all to see. The bad thing is that this has a high chance of driving the proles back into the arms of liberalism rather than prompting them to seek a leftist alternative.

Look how much weight he has gained and how quickly he has aged. I think he'll be forced to medically retire after his first term.

I mean, it's also about the shittiest possible form of a Keynesian employment program, if you want to try to cognitive behavioural therapy meme yourself into thinking the world is anything but awful. I mean, it's terrible, it's quite literally paying people to dig fucking holes instead of building infrastructure, but after 3-4 decades of neoliberalism frankly even strawman strawman keynesianism is a mild improvement. Pay people to build a giant monument to racism if you want, just pay them.

Of course, this is probably best timed to occur during the next recession instead of trying to finally tidy up the last one a little bit.

unlike raygun he doesn't have the cold war spook though so he's just retarded



At least you can criticize him now for being awful unlike the personality cult behind those two, ignoring Holla Forums.



We aren't liberals we don't think he is so much worse then Obama, Clinton, or Bush, we don't care about corporate brand selections like Republican™ and Democrat™. Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc are all American imperialists and are all similarly bad.

those werent good presidents either. 2 wrongs dont make a right.
it sure doesnt help that his fan club is worse than the ponies ever were

Huge Porky.

What I'm saying is why everyone is making fun of him and calling him names while he's literally the same of the others… why only him? Why not the other ones too?

Not everyone, just liberals. Ignore them.

Well I'm from Italy and our press makes fun of your president. We are far from liberal here. Pic related is the smug reporter in the usa from national television she's saying: Even the press and the republican press went against him… but he won, what kind of world is this where the mass media is loosing influence on the masses?

I correct my self there she said: what kind of world is this gonna be if the mass media lose influence over the masses?

He's a retard trying to serve the interests of the bourgeoisie. He's also leading other retards I.E. Republicans (Democrats are shit too but Republicans defend him).

The Alt-Right should seriously be sent to Siberia.

He's capitalism with a huckster's face and PR team.

This so much. As an Italian who's lived with a meme president I don't expect nothing else fron trump.

several reasons
first of all, hes the current president, so of course people are going to be focused on him more than former presidents who are not the president at this moment, and are not currently making stupid decisions.
second of all, he and his fans go out of their way to annoy people. so of course theyre going to respond.

I don't expect a big difference between the parties but even if you look at things just for the rat race of politics angle their actions seem dumb and against their own interests. The party is almost extinct at this point and they keep doing this dumb shit, I don't expect them to actually fight for the people but they cant even seem to fight for themselves.


This is why Trump won(Not that I support Hillary Clinton, I don't because she's an untrustworthy bitch), because of idiots like you making liberals look bad. Not all white people are racist. Just because some are, doesn't mean we should be racist against an entire race of people.


the most dangerous thing is his cult of followers. they still buy the narrative that he is an "outsider" and they love him because he makes the dumb pink-haired women on tumblr mad, or some fucking stupid thing. they see a bloated arrogant millionaire who has never had to work and yet somehow decide "yeah this guy understands working class joes like me", and they'll defend him to the death. they are getting more violent and bold in my city already, we've had several problems just in june. he represents the GOP capitalist status quo but his legions of followers think he's somehow still an outsider. it's doublethink on a level i've never seen before, and this is america we're talking about here, where doublethink is the norm, not the exception.

What I truly hate about Trump is his base.

Liberals may have licked Obamas and Hillary's boots while they supported them but at least they didn't commit to creating mental gymnastics when ass kissing for them. I've never seen such circlejerk around a political figure like this before from neither Democrats and Republicans. Trump repeatedly fucks over his diehards numerous times and they still defend him or deflect criticism from blaming either Democrats, Hillary or Obama. You can't have a discussion with none of them on Trump without them spouting nonsense on an unrelated subject or even changing their views to fit their new narratives because of "daddy trump". The only thing that they have going for them is barely winning an election(while losing the popular vote and gerrymandering the fuck out of proles).

Trump is about to create the next great depression and they'll still suck his cock and blame muslims and "Globalists" for causing the economic downfall.

Its like a fucking cult.


Just yesterday I was debating Hillary supporters on a Jimmy Dore video who outright refused to believe for some reason that anyone had ever claimed voting machines had been hacked. Needless to say I was at a loss for words so I just did some search engine magic and every major newspaper had made that claim and in the first six or seven results of my search. I didn't have to look hard or mine for that info. I never thought I'd have to debate people on shit that has been shoved down our throats constantly for a half year but this is the political climate were in.

The sad thing is they weren't even the most deranged or stupid Hillary supporter I'd ever argued with. This one lady who supported her kept calling me an SJW because she said it was lame to nitpick a candidates identity by comparing them and contrasting them like people did between Bernie and Hillary or you know in any fucking election.

They haven't gotten any saner over time either.

Eh, that was coming anyway.
Though he may exacerbate it with shitty policy. (What's new?)

It's pure comedy gold.

Are we talking about the same people, because the media and liberals (redundant, I know) are still blaming everyone but themselves for their defeat.

Trump is a retard, but I actually fully support the Muslim ban and it doesn't go far enough. We should ban almost all people from majority-Sunni countries from entering the US, and I wish I could ban Southern Baptists from entering my state too.

From a leftist's standpoint, I still think in the long term he was the best of the two options. Mind you, I can't afford health insurance right now, so the thousand that will die from a lack of health care and medicare rollbacks isn't nearly as vivid.

However, I expect the Dems to totally fuck up the midterms, and after/during I expect economy to pull a 2008 all over again. My main hope comes from accelerationist policies and the continued fuckup of our political system.

The best thing about Trump is that the American empire is really starting to disintegrate under his "leadership." This is a fantastic thing.

He isn't, he is simply very obnoxious about it. Most people around here don't hate him more than they do Obama, they simply find him more obviously ridiculous. Trump is the first openly trash American President, his predecessors never came out of the closet.

He's a billionaire. His extended family is 99% Jewish. What the fuck do we need to explain?

Who died and made you grand commissar? Communism is not possible without white people only. There, I said it.

hey Holla Forums

Communism is only possible without white people. There, i said it. I said words. Hitler was white. What more do i need to explain?

Are Italians and Spaniards white?
What about Australians?

i have no idea, ask Holla Forums

He's an unpredictable, stupid man in absolute charge of the world's largest military. That's the worst out of everything. I feel like there's a decent chance we could all accidentally end up dead because of one bullshit order involving Iran/Syria/Russia/North Korea/China/etc.

One would explain Hitler's system absolutely working until three of the world's superpowers ganged up on him but that's beside the point.

But I'm just going to use Aristotle on this. Aristotle knew that democracy whether city-states, empires, or communes could never work in diverse societies. For Aristotle, democracy is possible only within homogeneous ethnic groups, while despots have always reigned over highly fragmented societies. A multi-ethnic society is thus necessarily anti-democratic and chaotic, for it lack philia, this profound, flesh-and-blood fraternity of citizens. Tyrants and despots divide and rule, they want the commune divided by ethnic rivalries. This indispensable condition for ensuring a people's sovereignty accordingly resides in its unity. Ethnic chaos prevents all philia from developing. A commune is formed on the basis of proximity - or not at all. Or do you want to end up like the communists in Brazil again? Or OWS with their progressive stack? Or goddamn every single time a group of tribalists play idpol and you can't get rid of it either no matter what because a person's traits are so obvious. You can't just magically not notice someone is black or native or asian and neither can they themselves. Thus begins the end of community.

In that regard, he's still miles ahead of Hillary.

tl;dr that's why porky promotes immigration, diversity, and idpol by the way



I thought they were calling him God Emperor, or did they catch on and realize they might meme him into a coma by way of his firstborn son turning on him violently.