New leftypol media chart (June 24/2017)

I updated the media chart. Mexie has been moved over to academics as she is currently a graduate student(phd) studying political economy. catgirls and rebel have been deleted as they are no longer active. Many new blogs have been added under text including micheal roberts (a marxist economist who worked in the city of london in finance, now retired, hes part of the SWP in the uk i think), Sam William's Critique of Crisis theory blog, BASED WPC's blog, and spirit of contradition, an EU radical left blog, various authors including cockshott, Gavin Mendel Gleason, etc.

Under youtube, Hawaii Left Review, Eastern Marxist, and Leftist perspective have been added as well as Brendan Davison (hes a demsoc). Im not sure where to classify them, IMO most of them are quasi-Tanks, but I don't know for sure so i put them all under 'new'. What do you guys think?

Other urls found in this thread:

I made the original thanks for updating.

Anarchist Library is pretty good and should be added to texts.

proposal: eliminate jacobin, add novara media, novara fm podcast, varoufakis' blog and perhaps diem25

Why eliminate jacobin tho?

Yesh add my gewdd friend varo-fuckus and so on.

im assuming its because he's sperging about "reformist trash" or some such nonsense

Catgirl is back but is now just not that active. Maybe put her back on the chart but just explain she's not super active?

Also, the Zero Books channel is with out a doubt leftist or even marxist and should probably moved to the Leftist Academics section

I didn't know posting historical facts means being a tankie now.

i assume an anarkiddie made this chart so to them, all MLs/MLMs = tankie.

The original list had more jokey titles for all the categories (anarkiddies was one and SJW was in place of "anti-reactionary").

It's just a joke nothing to get bent out of shape over, though maybe future iterations can just say ML/MLM

Add Endnotes under Text & Blogs.

can you?

Does anyone have a link to "Garret"? I searched for him on Youtube, but didn't find anything.

bump, i cant find it either

Let me warn you that while his anti-reactionary videos are pretty good his political videos are pretty lame and his opinions are borderline "woke" liberal hottakes where he advocates voting for Hillary and hating Jimmy Dore and the Intercept/wikileaks. I kind of regret putting him on the initial list but he went with the set and I'm a completest. He's the worst person on the chart in my opinion.

I was gone for this, why did she leave?

Thanks. I'll check him out with that in mind.

No free time/not enough money from obscure political cartoons. She needed money to not starve. Basically we got cucked out of catgirl cartoons by capitalism

Oh. :(

At least it wasn't what I thought it was that we had another Rebel situation. I'll never 4get you cat girl drawer. Rip in peace.

also the morning star, the british DAILY newspaper affiliated with the CPB even though Corbyn and John McDonell write in it sometimes

Erm no it's not, it was founded by them but has since distanced itself from then (rightly so, but that's a topic for another time) it's now a cooperative owned by its readership.

From their about page:

I remember an American user wanted to buy a share, I hope you have, I own one as well.

You should add Alan Woods' channel:
Sorry if it's already on the chart. I read it a couple times, but I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it.

Add this ultra-leftist blog:
And libcom too.

Add CrimethInc under text & blogs

Blogs: (Marxist economics)


You should definitely also add the zero squared podcast to the list of podcasts, easily one of the better leftist podcasts out there. Manages to be approachable while still being academic.
Some of the guests are cranks though imo, but I guess that's to be expected.
Also CGP grey is a pseud with absolutely no respect for even mild criticism or academia as a whole. He deserves none of the attention he gets.

Any good lefty twitters? I'm getting tired of following centrists and liberals

The chapo sphere is pretty good if you don't mind irony twitter, and also don't mind DSA shilling and a large focus on burger politics and reform movements.

You should add In Defense of Communism to text/blogs and Commieball to Fun Stuff


Good work man

good work

add Jodi Dean's icite

this sounds reasonable
though it is telling that anarkiddie and sjw got removed while tankie stayed

"I reject the critique of representation. I think the critique of representation is confused. I think it's confused, because I think it combines two different, I think it's a, a weird active it's, it's become a weird problem that combines some theoretical problems of what are the limits of representation with political problems with real existing democracies. And eh those two have become kind of conflated so it's like theoretical limits on representation somehow are seen to be the same thing as political problems of representation.

Umm, one problem with th-the way that manifests for horizontal groups is they say they're against representation, but they act as if an individual can represent her own interests. So the individual becomes the locus of representation. There is representation, it's self-representation. That's it. If however, you accept any basic ideas of psychoanalysis, you know there is an unconscious, and that someone can never fully represent themselves. If you accept most post-modern theory-theoretical positions, you recognize that the individual is a fiction, that the individual is em em ahn entity created with all sorts of in- urr exclusion you represent its ideological structure and so this idea of self-representation doesn't make theoretical sense. But yet, horizontalists speak as if k-you know they can just say, oh critique of representation and this has a kind of political, theoretical coherence. So the first problem is, it is basically individual self-representation but that's theoretical faldada dats a mistake. Ahm, I think, ahm, the second problem is the supposition that you can have politics without division…"
-Jodi Dean