So… aside from the lingering IdPol I think this is a pretty interesting video still today...

So… aside from the lingering IdPol I think this is a pretty interesting video still today. It may have been posted already, since it's been a while since the Spencer punching, but I only recently discovered this channel.

Other urls found in this thread:

Contrapoints has good videos, but please contain this to the /leftytrash/ cyclical

Counterpoints is fantastic, but this is the kind of stuff /leftytrash/ was made for.

He and others who partake in the fascist homosexuality and capitalist decadency will be shot once the revolution comes.


and obviously I forgot to put the link of the video I mentioned.

Literally who?

Nice leftytrash thread, good job mods are fags.

a femboi qt who tears apart youtube 'rationalists'

Traps are disgusting

No matter how good his arguments are nobody will ever take a man using make up and dressed like a fag seriously.

yes they will, you fucking retard

Hes good for a liberal, but still a liberal


So are jazz musicians and jazz aficionados.

Back to id/pol/

If you would bang Contrapoints you've crossed over from prison gay to real gay.

he's a liberal because he doesn't think socialism will happen in his lifetime, apparently not out of actual ideological convictions
take that as you will

Why not just become a nihilist or socdem?

Not to imply those are similar.

SocDems are liberals.

But are they a socdem?

I don't know. In the videos I've seen of them they just shit on Holla Forumsyps rather than elaborate on their own views.

He's trash

What is actually wrong with intersectionality?

What is wrong with jazz?



You tell me.


Well that makes sense doesn't it?

It seems it does.

Nothing, you reactionary Holla Forumsyp - you must consult the politics graph.


thanks, Doc!


Because your race, sexuality, etc… should not influence your ideas. Intersectionality is completely superfluous in addressing a problem. For example, you shouldn't be against police brutality because you are black, you should be against police brutality because you arent retarded. Focusing on the fact that a certain group is affected is literally a revolving door where problems are dealt with group by group, instead of targeting problems themselves.

Traps are gross. Holla Forums is more disgusting than traps Traps beat Holla Forums. Traps inherit the earth

Imma be honest, his whole shtick distracts me while watching his videos, even though he is intelligent and has great production values. It would be akin to watching an entire video of a guy talking straight Marxism, but wearing a gimp suit while doing it.
Too flamboyant is the word, I suppose.

This actually sounds like a great idea and something I would watch religiously

It would make a great leftypol banner to be sure.

Kek bullshit really is this disgusting new generation's more obnoxious flying spaghetti monster

What's wrong with feminine things

You're just mad he's probably got a bigger dick than you.

It's basically the same people. The entire "anti-SJW" movement is the cultural progeny of the internet militant atheist movement.

The movement they're in opposition to is basically religious fundamentalism shorn of the actual religion part, so it's not too surprising.

If they don't ask "If I'm upset about people being zealous, and I have to respond by being zealous, at what point do I start to become what I hate about others", which is a pretty important part.

I mean they don't care but I don't think giving them credit for anything they do is possible. They just shit everything up.

I've only seen the free speech video and I'm not impressed.

I don't know why you'd expect too sophisticated a critique from that movement; even their critiques of religion itself weren't that good.

It's meme-tier barbs thrown at people and institutions which may be genuinely a negative social force, but who also merit more thorough and intelligent rebuttals.

i actually fucking hate the anti-anti-sjws on youtube right now. its literally the another reaction style, the one modern right now. it's not offering an alternative, just your basic queer theory "resistance" to the status quo or whatever. how does this challange capitalism? how does this actually change things for anyone?

i mean i wholly agree that gender roles are thrash as they are, but seriously as if the only thing that's wrong with reactionaries is homophobia, transphodia, whatever-phobia and so on. what's the favourite minority going to be next? how many lifes will be changed by this? fucking none.

and they arent even advocating for re-eveluation of gender roles and the systems that solidified them. it's as if the symptoms don't have a cause and everything can be solved by studying some more queer theory (which the majority of people DONT HAVE THE TIME FOR). sure, they're doing a good job being ambassador-types for this stuff but we've seen time and time again that reform changes jack shit and all reforms are recalled as soon as it's convenient for the capital.

they're just liberals larping as radicals

Except he's constantly wrong. Harmful Opinions recently did a vid on him. ContraPoints is having a hard time not being an SJW, but that's the way he leans. He's a huge faggot just because of that.

Contrapoints strawmans Communism to make Liberalism seem reasonable too much. But he presents that SJWish idpol in a way that actually convinces me it's not all completely insane 'Big Red' types screeching like strait-jacketed psychopaths.


I hope you're trolling

Contra isn't a capitalist though

where does he strawman communism im genuinly curious

That's how it works, you engage people who disagree with you. Why is this problem. Why does this flag always have the worst takes

i don't even disagree, they're just wrong on praxis

I know at least one person who posts under this flag vehemently hates any and all activity in opposition to the alt-right on moral grounds. When the topic of any outlet or personality shitting on the alt-right or its constituents come out they always say it's bad and the people doing it are bad people. Makes you think

I'm sorry but this guy is way too much of an SJW for me to be able to genuinely enjoy his production value

The freeze peech video was fucking retarded. He was using typical SJW tactic (but better phrased because he's smarter than the usual SJW) of muddying the water to the point where you have no fucking idea about what his concept of free speech actually means, and then he simplifies it by acting that actually everything about who is wrong or right would apperently be crystal clear. My sided were in orbit when I heard that YouTube actually took that video down.

He literally does it in his response video to Spencer getting punched. He plays a Communist/Antifa type who pretty much acts as some kind of always chaotic evil unrelentingly violent extremist who won't accept any alternatives that aren't violent solutions, even if those violent solutions are incredibly stupid. He presents the opposing argument from a centrist liberal standpoint as being perfectly sound and reasonable and concern trolling the entire time.

much of the 'sjws' also became politicised via new atheism and the secular movement. And all of those movements, form the far right to liberals, still share an eerie similarity with American Protestantism.

antifa isn't communist

What about Communism isn't about destroying Facism?

Would legit savagely bang Jackie Jackson Contrapoints tbh. Not even ashamed.


Not an argument.

Not an argument

Antifa is filled with reactionaries who focus on fascism but know very little theory. You should oppose fascism yes, but opposition without meaning and just because you happen to dislike the current backers of capital and not capital itself is a folly.

Also, anyone who uses the Iron Front symbol doesn't know what their doing.

Guy's a total faggot, but he's one of the only YouTubers who can take on the alt-right/le rational skeptic hive mind without making himself look like a dickhead so I fucks with ContraPoints a little.

Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Antifa doesn't know what they're doing. They know EXACTLY what they're doing. Antifa is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world. That's why they punched Richard Spencer and rioted at Berkeley and killed 100 million trashcans. It is a systematic effort to change America. When I'm president of the United States, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest nation in the history of the world.

I know your joking, but I have a feeling this is exactly the kind of rhetoric their going to pull come congressional reelections to counter the dissatisfaction people are having with the administration

Would legit let her do pic related to me tbh