Getting insanely triggered by a 400 year old play is the new counter culture. deal with it

getting insanely triggered by a 400 year old play is the new counter culture. deal with it.

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Gerbils don't even have the cognizance to perceive what is going on. Strange guy.

So much for the ""free speech"" right

The fact that people actually think this was some valiant display of vigor and not two idiots embarrassing themselves is blowing my mind. The American right-wing is really completely delusional.


W-why is he pronouncing it like "Goerbels". He's trying to say Goebbels, right?


Honestly whenever I see this shit of the right embarrassing themselves, I go to tweet threads made by right journalists about how many of them got fucking alienated and barred by their repulsed family for acting this retarded. Hearing about how many family members these people have lost contact with is just the best

It only fuels their hysterical self persecution which continues to make them act more retarded/get outright rejected by more of their family and friends.

This faggot has made me forget how to say Goebbels. What's going on anyway? From what I've gathered it's Caesar but this time it's Trump? In the comments apparently they did it to Obama too.

that's what happens when you live in a bubble. They all just pat each other on the others backs no matter what they say. Then they think everyone agrees with this in the whole world and if you don't you're damn liberal.

They're getting even more hysterical because a good number of them have already lost family and friends this election cycle for being such annoying fucking chuds on social media.

Now they're all screaming about how the left is filled with hate because their aunt doesn't want the guy associated with 4chan to come to Thanksgiving anymore.

Julius Caesar did nothing wrong. Fuck landowner Brutus and his fucking porky bros.


Tbh, you just explained politics in America in general

I wonder how many have got drunk and talked about ebin pol maymays, then when called out on his bullshit accused everyone of being pozzed liberal cucks.

Caesar was /our guy/ tbh

A lot

My god how alike they are.

Never change Holla Forums, never change.

Pic related, it's the state of user's assblastation.

Are you one of the people I mentioned getting banned from attending yearly family thanksgiving because people are sick of listening to you.

How many family members have unfollowed you on facebook, or do you not have a social media presence at all, further isolating you from any contact your family actually could have gotten to reinforce their decision that taking you out of the picture was a really good call

you really make me think, trumpflakes

we're not the ones getting triggered by a goddamn play on behalf of daddy trump

What did I just see? I am so confused. All I saw was some lady walk on stage during some performance….. speech…… thing…. and then get removed by security. Why is this a topic?

it's like you aren't true revolutionaries

not my proudest fap

I'd rather laugh at the retards who take it seriously for all the wrong reasons who are in a self destructive vice that is going to lead to their total social destruction with family and friends

But whatever everyone has different opinions on humor

but retarded people associate with retards unless by total social destruction you mean in the revolution

Meanwhile, in Minnesota, people are confronting an armed, militarized police force.

Wait what does the Goebbels line even fucking mean?

Wow, five responses already. Have another, you dirty boys, you. Last one, though.

That's some fine butthurt you have there, user.

Wow I've never been on Holla Forums this changed me


This is fucking weak
Did you just start using Holla Forums or something?

It's a nazi besides Hitler which makes him intellectual for knowing who that is.

I guess? He's probably saying something about propaganda but is too fucking mad to make sense

I just don't get the reference. Is he referring to the propaganda ministry? Is he implying that a 400 year old play is propaganda?

Something like that. The autistic right isn't the brightest.

Well no, he wasn't. Brutus was the good guy of the play forced to do something he didn't want for "the greater good", or historical necessity if you will. Lenin had to make this decision when it came to the Romanovs, and he made the right choice. No matter how vilified he has been in the past (at least in the west), I think history will come to the conclusion that this was something that needed to be done.

However, the great irony in Brutus' actions is that in an effort to stop tyranny, he actually empowered the movement that ushered it in. Brutus was antifa before it was cool, is what I'm trying to say, but like anitfa, he also fucked it up.

is that your chafed anus? you should have that looked at m8

Trump supporters pretending that Donald isn't the establishment would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Optimate Internet Defence Force get out.

I thought one of the main factors was the possibility that the White Army might recapture them and use them as a rallying point

Brutus was a total spurge, and was so spooked out of his mind between nationalism and hero worship that the literally started seeing ghosts.

What the fuck, I cannot handle all the cringe

The absolute state.

Bitch Brutus was trying to return to me to a hardcore oilgarchical class rule of shithead families in the Senate
Ceaser was fugging bea

The dressed Caesar like Trump. That's all.

Man, i can't identify thoses lesions, time to review my classes once again.



They got it on YT


This has to be a joke.

Why though? I don't get it.

You know how SJWs rejoice when a p.roblematic event is shut down?
Same thing.

Yes, let's try and change the entire superstructure of society without any reference to the material conditions that brought it into being, or keep interest in it alive.

Great dialectics fam

That was pretty funny.

Were they dabbing with only one arm?
(As known as ave-caesaring)

This is just more proof that americans hate western culture and want replace it with their own "culture".
They hate traditional plays and want replace that with their retarded musicals from brodway.

I like the "they're making Shakespeare too political" crowd. Also intersects with the "I've never read Shakespeare" crowd

Who the fuck is Gherballs?

someone should do something about that other new play, Antigone.
it's full of feminist and anti-authoritarian messages

Why the mixed messages, why confuse things so?

did he actually buy a ticket to get in?



It's like those reactionary idiots back in 2003 that bought French wine and then poured it into gutters because the French opposed the Iraq war. Lol.

Nazis shut down Brecht's plays several times - to the point that he had to flee the country in 1933.

I hate to use the whataboutism card, but uh, there was an Obama version of the play in 2012…

It's amazing how quickly they became SJW-Right.


Richard Spencer has been owning these people on Twitter since it happened and it's making the aut-right lose their minds, lel.

Yes. And after a short 10 minute physical removal break, the play continued and people enjoyed it.

Is Spencer displaying his natbol core to the public now?
Always knew he was a tankie sort of guy.

Or, more recently, the idiots who were going to Starbucks and buying coffee just to make the wageslaves behind the counter write "Trump" on the cups

It's because unironic nazbols are indistinguishable from ethno-nationalists


I bet these guys think that the play was written specifically to slander Trump. Kind of like how they think that antifa was created in 2016 and exists solely to pester Trump and his supporters.

Why aren't we calling these idiots liberals?

we do

I'm honored that this guy retweeted me once. A pity his such a idiot.

tbh that's politics in general

Check these out, they own the spectacle in anglosphere

Don't forget about Paul Manafort and Roger Stone too.

True pieces of shit.

BIDF oligarch detected

Yes, and The American Conservative wrote n article praising it.
I won't be surprised if staging Julius Caesar with the current president is a local tradition

Trumpcucks are now officially more sensitive than the "snowflakes" they love to mock. I really do understand now why red army soldiers didn't view fascists as human.





They're even more sensitive now since they got exactly what they wanted and now find themselves on the defensive.

It's the fall of the SJW all over again.

Didn't knew Trump was beheaded since 400 years in a theater play.

"If I'm pissing them off, I must be doing something right". Also popular with SJWs.

He isn't a nazbol, he's just smart enough to co-opt specific parts of leftist rhetoric.

Sometimes I think about trying to start a rightwing persona that's farther to the right of him, treats him like a traitor to the cause and does his best to humiliate him.

they did it again last night lol

Reminds me of how feminists used to shut down people like Milo during GG.


Even Chris-Chan isn't this autistic.

wew lad, Trump will cause reality and Spectacle to become one and the same

But honestly, having Trump as Caesar is ridiculous.


I thought it was an Amerifat tradition?


Read Parenti. Better yet watch:

Shakespeare in the Park is free, retards.



do you have any knowledge of the class struggle in ancient rome? cos your analysis of brutus is full of shit.

What a horrible bastardisation of the play. shoehorning contemporary politics into Julius Ceaser is lazy and artistically bankrupt

lmao that's hilarious. fucking hack.

>JUNE 19/17 UPDATE AND APOLOGY: Today we learned via social media that extended passages of this video by Jack Posobiec were copied word-for-word from original work produced by Jason Kessler, which can be seen here: and here:…

It's almost as if talentless hacks were trying to make a living out of "educating" gullible people!


I'm not exactly brushed up on my Shakespeare, but doesn't he paint Caesar as a hapless, tragic figure while Brutus is painted as the villain of the play?

I know reactionaries aren't exactly known for their ability to process nuance, but come on now.

Lol they set this site up before they even protested the play. Professional grifters exploiting millions of chucklefucks.

It's kind of left open to interpretation and different plays have had different takes on it, but ultimately Caesar is a minor character whose death just sets up the conflict between Brutus and Marc Antony.

I'm Shakespeare's day he probably would have been portrayed sympathetically though to play to autocratic sympathies.


Almost, but the Holla Forumsack just faps to asians. He can't get a real gf because all he talks about on a date is how women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Well yeah, I had heard his girlfriend is nazbol but he isn't.

Excuse me sir, but it's "talentless hack with an agenda", thank you very much.

The Gauls were a bunch of fucking kulaks anyway.

Cassius is more the villain than Brutus. Brutus is more like a well-meaning dupe than an opportunistic big bad.

yeah buy a decent chunk of the Holla Forumsyp IDOLS have managed it

They would explain it like "Mixing with asians improves the white race and mixing with blacks niggers degenerates it."

White guy and black girl need their races switched for maximum realism.