Thoughts on encyclopedia dramatica ?

thoughts on encyclopedia dramatica ?

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Haven't visited in years but I remember enjoying it


i figured it might be slightly relevant since some user is being charged £10k for libel

Like imageboards, eventually became overrun with newfags and had every joke on it driven into the ground.

This seems completely irrelevant, but I'll indulge:

I loved it in like 2007.

Those were just good times in general. There were like 30 big, active social networks and plenty of fuel for lulz. And Chantards still actively mocked racist idiocy back then, too. It was a different era when forced memes were frowned upon.

they have a pretty good article on Marx

Marx is a dirty nerd who needs to bathe

I'm not sure what the hell happened to it. I viewed the forums and saw a constant stream of butthurt, and the site its self is not much better. Most of what I see on it is some kind of autistic, inoffensive screeching, usually laden with sore asses.

Compared a page released this year or last year to one written, say, four years ago, and you'll see what i mean.

Taken over by 8/pol/, and has been going downhill since. Although it still serves as an archive for some genuinely lulzy shit, even though those days are long gone.


Fuck you I got a virus from that fuck

hahaha what

They are being sued and need your help.

Yeah fuck you

That's another thing.

Part of the reason I almost never go to ED anymore is that they used to only have lots of extremely dodgy ads. After GirlVinyl killed it, the renewed versions had even more and with even more likelihood of malware - and they're more aggressive, too.

This. Like everything else on the internet, it's been castrated to serve some pathetic agenda.

We're really in the death knell of internet culture. Everything is becoming homogenized and divided up. I sort of feel like the cowboys when the eastern farmers starting moving in. Everyone is bringing their prejudices and safe spaces to a once open and limitless frontier.

If you're not using adblock, you deserve your PC and your bootyhole to be molested.

I liked a lot of there really old pages where the jokes were intended to offend everyone in a rather nice catch all and big tent way. Really no matter who you were as long as you like some sort of offensive humour; there was something you could like on the site, despite some pages being rather childish (this person likes to eat penis lol trolled etc.)
Most of their new stuff is mostly taken over by the types that make low effort 'Feminist rekt' videos and have their humour to be what ever is trending on the internet.
It can still be funny in a limited sense but it is not very creative and often be very predictable.

From what I remember, adblock wasn't even a foolproof method to access nu-ED.

I've been a member of the ED forums for a few years now, you'd be surprised how many of us are from the left (or at the least centre-left cucks). Most of us just post vile and offensive shit for lulz, some are outright neo-Nazis or right-wing white supremacists of whatever flavour (incl. Some of the admins). Some of us are just trolls. One common thread between us is that we all hate Jews (or for me it's just the Zionist Jews) and revel in our antisemitism.

I sincerely hope you guys realize that Paul Joseph Watson is actually involved with the ED staff going as far back as 2013. He hasn't said a word about it, and most likely doesn't want people to really now about it. Just take a look at the page he has on ED, and who's behind it.



I promise it is super cool with leftist, you just have to hate the kikes! But it's okay because you can just hate the Zionist kikes.

I hate it because it's what made me find 4chan in 2005.

I don't care what veil they use to say "LOL SEE ITS JUST IRONIC XDD TROLE!!!", the wiki paints a completely different story, one of untold amounts of butthurt on the part of the editors and a genuine shift from the type of shit that got ED on the news to bland and inoffensive trash.

Idk always found it a little bit too edgy and tryhard for me but whatever.

It was funny until I turned 16.

t. antideutche

anyways, it was funny when I was a 12 yera old underage cancer Holla Forumstard, got bored of it.

this, it was great when they focused on everybody's butthurt equally instead of sucking orange schlong

we're not the cowboys, we're the indians.

Has a p good article on the alt-right tbh

Just gonna bump this

This seemed to happen to the entire troll/"cringe" community. Reading that short of shit used to be a guilty pleasure of mine. Now its just alt-righters circlejerking each other off while making fun of boring people.

founded by a bunch of assmad Holla Forumstards who were perma'd for posting child porn (I think), so theyfounded their own supper seekrit club with blackjack and hookers.

It's just an entire site's worth of ""LE EBIN TROLEING XXDD done straightfaced which makes it twice as fucking cringey. Every article is hewn from insults and sarcasm and there's only so many times "ironic" reaction images and calling something gay occurs before it starts to grate.

tl;dr shit site founded by shit people.

I had one too a few years ago after I've clicked on a picture that was on the page of a pedo guy

Another sad example of a site co-opted by Holla Forums.
Slowly all the fun is being sucked out of it for their activism.

Just look at this trash.

can we just euthanise ED now, we need to stop this autism from spreading.

I remember it wasn't blocked at my school and a friend I knew got caught while browsing it just as he hit a giant picture of old dudes sucking each other off.

My nigga.

here, have a gif.


wow, that's way too earnest for an ED page. I haven't actually been to it in years though

What the fuck. It's not even remotely offensive, or funny. This is more tragic than Ol' Yeller.

Thanks neighborino

that's the kind of corruption that Holla Forums spreads. Remember when Holla Forums was good?

I don't think anyone remembers when Holla Forums was good.

I do.

This is now a Commissar Woody thread.

You should have seen what they tried to do to the Hitler page.

Tried to? Please, god, don't let them have destroyed that, too.

Not gonna lie.
I miss old ED

I miss the whole era. Imageboards were going down the shitter and Holla Forums was full of Facebook and Reddit memers by the end of it all, but it was better than the hot garbage pile we have now.

Buzz is damn kulak

a damn*
shit sorry fam I can't spell for shit yo

It was essentially made into a serious holocaust denial page until someone restored it.
You could tell it was these fucking Holla Forums Holla Forums faggots because of how it was written.

Look at Holla Forums man.
A shadow of it's former self.
A vestigial empire, now irrelevant and colonised by Holla Forums.

Please, god, no. It's like seeing your pet dog go rabid.

There's a whole account on Twitter dedicated to screencapping random lol so random stories off Holla Forums and Holla Forums now.

This is literally everything ED claims to hate

Not surprising, tbh. Can't be any worse than the influx of newfags that /r/4chan and the Zimmerman trial brought in. Just look back at early Hotwheels era-Holla Forums and think what could have been, had the stormfag redditor influx never happened.

Fuck you for even linking to wesearchr

This reads more like a rant by someone who tries so hard to be edgy and funny, than a proper ED article.

Suggestion: Ban all stupid dumb phone poster scum

nigga stop, are you trying to give us cancer?


Aut-rightists would have been mocked relentlessly 10 years ago for being moralfags. We're never going to get the Internet of 10 years ago back. Idpol of the aut-right and sjw variety have totally poisoned what once was great.

I guess you could say they infected our pool with AIDS.

I love it. It's missing a fully fleshed out article bout Ben Shapiro though so if any of you lot are contributors please get to smearing that Khazarian manlet of a Zionist shill.


I like it when it makes fun of liberals, but not when it's just being butthurt.

The pendulum will swing back. People are always tired of moralfaggotry and aut-shite values, even if they have shite morals, it's still some sort of moralfaggotry that people get tired of.
No one knows which board will be coining the dominant culture, but if the nati/v/e upraising against Holla Forums's blatant colonialism is any indication, Holla Forums's days are numbered.

fucking where? it's all
as far as the eye can see

Are you referring to 8/v/ or 4/v/?

I'm talking about 4/v/.
Holla Forums sperged out about Far Cry 5, and got BTFO by Holla Forums for it. They assumed we were behind it, this was why shorty after that, we got raided. But they didn't believe their own propaganda, because on the same time, they did punitive actions against Holla Forums as well, which leads me to believe that there are some frictions indeed.

I really hope you're right. I would love to be able to go back to hobby boards again.

Staying away is just letting them win, user.

Holla Forumsposters annoy me, but I'm not going to leave /a/ over it. Just gonna tell them to go away when they try to drag their cancer into our board.

thing is, even telling them to can it and stay on topic is essentially like attacking a hydra. You tell one person to shut the fuck up, two mroe accuse you of shilling or whatever the fuck.

you point out they they are the ones being off topic autists and then four more post le happy merchant. you can't fucking win.

The internet bogeyman has been reduced to curling up into a fetal position and autistically screeching "muh bogeyman". What a time we live in.

I remember I created an account made an edit on sectachan's page almost a week before it was deleted for the first time.
How time's change

but user, don't you know that we coulda been anything what we wanted to be?
but don't it make your heart glad, that we decided (a fact we take pride in) we became the best at being bad.

we coulda been anything that we wanted to be, with all the talent we had. No doubt about it, we whine and we pout it, we're the very best at being bad.

you're rotten to the core, and my congratulations, no-one likes you anymore. we're the very worst, each of us contempttible, criticised and cursed.

we mad the big time malicious and mad, we're the very best at being bad. we could have been anything that we wanted to be, we took the easy way out.

with little training, we mastered complaining. manners just aren't unnecessary, we're so rude it's truly scary.

with little practive, we've made every blacklist, we're the very best at being bad.

I've seen this a few times before even on Holla Forums.
The problem is that it's all just a cycle, only a temporary victory that never solves the root of the problem.
One day there is progress in getting rid of the cancer, the next it's literally all forgotten in an instant.

The fact is that Holla Forums phonefags are pouring in and replacing the constantly dwindling native userbases of each board.
They never respect the board culture and want to change it. They are even trying to rewrite history (like on ED) as if it was always like this.
The future is looking very bleak. Eventually these places will be nothing more than a mouthpiece for cynical political interests.

The big problem with Holla Forums is that the mods of many of the major boards outright favor Holla Forumsspergs over their actual users. Try arguing against the stormfags on Holla Forums, for example. I guarantee you'll be banned for "Holla Forums shill" before you reach your fifth post. On 4chan, that's not yet a problem, so maybe there's still hope.

I still am for the heretical auggestion that bitching about jews is off topic in a thread not even tengentally related. Like I said, hydras.

the sheer amount of hobby boards defiled is unreal, they're like chaos in a way. the only boards I actually frequent is here and /cyoa/ which is slow as fuck.

The administration on this site is financially dependent on Holla Forums so I doubt much of the favoritism is going to change. Remember the constant Trump ads during the election?

Does Holla Forums prove it's own point about immigration?

Fuck, I had completely forgotten about gookm00t and his garbage. Remember when he pulled that "GUYS YOU NEED TO GIVE ME ALL YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION OR I'LL DELETE BOARDS!" to try to get dumb redditards to buy passes?

I hate the "lol im just a dumb jap" act he puts on, he's obviously playing the users like a goddamn fiddle. If anything's going to hold back quality, it'll be him aiming to give 4chan as broad and mainstream an appeal as possible.

Reminds me of that time, where they were convinced, Holla Forums mods became Holla Forums janitors, poisoning Hiroshimoots mind with filthy leftist Jewish lies.

The irony is there, that Holla Forums is essentially everything it hates. But they are completely oblivious.
They could give less of a shit if they are ruining one of the last bastions of the old internet.
The only proof I see is how much they really give a shit about culture.

Fucking seriously? Did gookm00t comment on that?

Holla Forums couldn't give less of a fuck about culture that happened after 1950. reactionaries are cancer and are what ruins it all for us.

No, I am using Adblock.

Except when they do it, it's like
White man coming from across the sea,
bringing them public poo and pee,
killing their tribes, building marts
putting on pants and having sharts

hey maybe if we tell them this it'll be a "and then john as a zombie" situation, forcing them to all commit seppeku.

I can dream.

He himself said something along the line, that he won't ban someone because he says something that doesn't go along with Holla Forums's consensus and speech policies and that all rumours about Holla Forums becoming janitors is bullshit (they checked).

Not that they believed him. Refusing to ban people for having opposing opinions like on 8/pol/ was already sign for Holla Forums infiltration.
Good times.

how much would it take to pay off one of the admins to make me a janitor.

I appreciate the lyrical anons.

Memories of closing the pool on habbo. That shit takes me back.

I feel like such an oldfag

It's outlived its usefulness, if I'm being honest

The issue I have is that Holla Forumsyps bring the board quality down a fuckton, even when not actively sperging.
I have noticed that the quantity of Holla Forums tier threads and posts on /a/ increased a fuckload since late 2015, and seasonal threads aren't even fun anymore.
And this shit happened to every hobbyist board, even /vr/.

Fuck, I used to spend almost my entire time on Holla Forums and Holla Forums and I loved it, now I almost never go there and now I spend all my time here. I'd like to say I just grew out of it and now I have a more serious interest, but that's not true, it's because the fucking board quality has plummeted, mostly because of fucking Holla Forums. I doubt Holla Forums was that cancerous when it was the main board that brought all the newfags, at least with a Holla Forumstard they were intentionally acting retarded and you'd just tell them to fuck off, Holla Forums constantly thinks it's on some moral crusade to fight against degenracy and jews.

I want to go back. I want to go back to a Holla Forums that tried to be funny and retarded and not just constantly post shitty porn. I want to go back to a Holla Forums that talked about vidya, did fun stuff, and was basically a less retarded version of old Holla Forums. I want to go back to a Holla Forums that just constantly memed while sometimes talking about movies that wasn't fucking capeshit.

Hope you enjoyed my blogpost

People started discussing yuri related stuff on blue boards without Holla Forums hordes attempt to derail it.
I don't know why, but aut-right takes porn pretty personally. They interact with it by SELF-INSERTING themselves into the white male lead of said flick, so if it didn't feature one and you still enjoyed it, you were a cuck (because black male lead) or I actually forgot the buzzword for lesbian flicks, because they didn't feature a white male lead either, but they loathed them anyway.

And the same shit was always going on, when lesbians in vidya or comics or animus was featured. Thankfully this shit went back, but I never get the level of autism, to self insert yourself into a work of fiction. This is waifu fagging on the next level and pretty embarrassing and if the demise of aut-rightism also ends this extreme form of waifu fagging, then it's even more of an incitement to work towards it.


IMO they've been conditioned to that by the shitty, visual novel inspired anime they watch. The MC is purposefully made bland and personality-less in order to facilitate that sort of self insertion/projection.

Only fags ever went there. If I didn't know about it through browsing, then I didn't give a shit, and it still applies now.
People who take imageboards seriously in any way are fucking gay in the bad way, like you prefer taking dicks in your ear until you've got scrotum poking you in the brain, or falling in love.

i've long since been perma'd from /a/, Holla Forums amd Holla Forums for having the fucking nerve for suggesting that being assblasted about jews, other races and all that shit wasn't the topic.

And maybe we should just have a discussion about tv/anime/vidya/whatever. This is beyond cancer, we need a new term, because this is far fucking worse.

This is the one and only board on all the chans I can speak freely on without autists dogpiling me for suggesting that 99.999% of Jews are normal people.

tl;dr I'm upset and cancer is too nice a term for Holla Forums

Since this thread turned into an oldfag meet up of some sorts, let reminiscent a bit with contents from a better time.

Jesus christ, no wonder Holla Forums feels more foreign every week.

tbh u'm still technically new. only came to Holla Forums with the exodus, and only been on this board for like a year.

I came to 4chan from ED in late 2008, before Boxxy hit Holla Forums, am I, dare I say it, an oldfag now?

When I was 14, I had a life changing epiphany while browsing ED. A light went on somewhere inside my pot addled, serotonin deficient teenage brain. I realised something about the fundamental shitiness and senselessness of the world. And that was good. Got my overwhelming sense of self loathing into perspective. Carles' blog redpilled me on the society of the spectacle. 4chan was a good friend simulator.

honestly it was chan culture that helped me come to terms with the fetishes I have. nowadays it's just HURR DEGENEWACY

I'm January 2007 and I still feel like a newfag from time to time. I've forgotten more memes, tripfags, and shitty mods than I'd like to admit.
I remember when people went to imageboards to have fun.

A good place to evolve you nihilism into something productive.
Stuff like /r9k/ are proof that the next generation unlearned how to fucking do it.

I enjoyed the blogpost because it was relatable.
I still go on Holla Forums a ton… but it's just bad. I hate it so much. Everything I liked about it is gone.

I don't remember any of the Holla Forums tripfags, but I do remember the /gsg/ ones.

Have you looked in the GG thread? I never actively browse it I never did after the first couple months but holy shit is it bad now. You have people in there unironically referring to themselves as "gamers". What the fuck?

Do you even remember Toxic Jester, newfag?


Any veterans here, who tried to save Holla Forumsrandon?

Aha ha ha, w-what do you mean, of course I remember T-toxic Jester, heh heh. no ;_;

There's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.

He's probably the oldest tripfag I can remember, and still probably one of the worst, too.

I miss Kosh

this is actually pretty funny because nobody used to use it the way it's being used now. it was really just shorthand to refer to the audience for a particular entertainment medium, like "cinema-goers" or "readers", it was never an identity. All those "death of the gamer identity" pieces published a few years back more or less created that identity out of nothing so that those outlets could have a coherent Other ("gamers" = cishet white dudebros who only play FPS on Xbox Live) they could whinge about without alienating what they saw as their own audience. And the dumbfucks in GG swallowed it hook, line and sinker and cohered themselves into a credible boogeyman. I still cringe when I think about it.

They don't really give a fuck about culture before 1950 either. The average Le Pen voter don't know who are François Villon, Aristide Bruant, Mistinguett, Fréhel, Félix Mayol or Henri Alibert for sure.

I miss pre-gamergate ED/4chan and Holla Forums is proof that abortion isn't a bad thing.

oldfag isn't relative. No matter how long you stay around been around you will never be an oldfag, you have to have enjoyed 4chan during its peak.

Chan culture just wasted many years of my life and made me miserable and miss life changing opportunists in the end

I miss the whole 2000s era internet. Can't we just send the whole world back to 2007.

We know what Holla Forums's opinion on ED is but what is this board's opinion on Kiwi Farms?

I wish there was an English version of lurkmoar.
It's basically Russian ED, but highly sophisticated, while still being kinda edgy, sarcastic, impudent and foul-mouthed.

4/v/ is arguably better than the hell hole that is currently 8/v/

stopped being funny after I stopped being twelve

I don't care if it dies

To be honest 4/v/ is arguably better than the hell hole that is currently 8/v/

There's console war faggotry but I'd take that over a board of cynical oldfags who think that whenever a videogame features a non white character it's automatically the death of the industry.

We know what Holla Forums's opinion on ED is but what is this board's opinion on Kiwi Farms?

I came here in late 2015 during the Gamer Gate fiasco. I shit you not, I was actually excited to talk about vidya and ethics in journalism and displays of art in vidya. I made the mistake of going to 8/v/. I shit you not, I get banned for "Holla Forums baiting". Shit keeps getting worse. I start meeting unironic stormfags, holocaust deniers and """"race realists"""". This place is fucking shit. Decide to go to Holla Forums. Place is fucking horrible, even worse, and I meet the stormfags.

Decide to go 4chan. Place somewhat less cancerous. Oh wait, I forgot, it's election year. More Holla Forumsyps ruin 4/tv/. Don't really know where to go at this point. Spend most of my free time trying to find sources to dismiss Holla Forums bullshit. Do so. Doesn't work, still get (yous) and get called a kike and a nigger. Go to /int/, place is comfy. But still have to deal with Holla Forums, though they are a vocal minority.

I mostly just stick to Holla Forums nowadays. There's more quality and comfy discussion. Not to mention discord is a lot better for ACTUAL discussion. There are plenty of other normie book places where you can go and not run into Holla Forumsyps.

This user gets it. I just want to go back to having fun and not arguing with stormfags. The chans are dying because of the influx of redditors and stormfags. Can't even go on fucking /lit/ without some Holla Forumsyp sperg out, or /his/ where you encounter Wehabroos and appartheid fanboys.

Now that Atari joined in, we an expect these to get more intense

Late Stage Capitalism is filled with surprises

Ha, made the same mistake. Completely pointless. They aren't around to win arguments but to exert peer pressure. I've seen them thoroughly debunked on multiple occasions, but even then it just becomes attrition. A guy can't stay up all night, but the PIDF is always on duty.

This is why they push so hard the narrative that "every board is Holla Forums". It's to get newfags to defend them reflexively. They have the numbers and don't really need to worry about being right.

So fucking true. At some point, retards started taking the internet seriously, and it shows.

I visit every now and then. The posters there are some of the worst on the internet and are honestly as amusing to watch as the lolcows. It's not surprising that they self cannibalize so often


How cancerous is it compared to r/the_donald, idpol, tumblr, and ED?

What do this have anything to do with leftist economics or theory?

I remember finding Holla Forums in 2007 or so and then going to Holla Forums in 2008. I used to spend a lot of time in Morrowind threads and just shooting the shit about vidya. Almost 10 years later and it's completely unrecognizable from what it used to be. /vr/ used to feel like old Holla Forums, but now even it's being flooded with Stormfags and Gen Z cancer.

Not fuckign /vr/ too.

/vr/ has some quality discussion, but the shitstorm starts the moment anybody mentions anything vaguely political.

Think if Chris Chan had a website detailing equally as bad lolcows to shield himself from criticism and direct the attention away from his own autism, and you're half way there.

I don't think you've browsed the entirety of ED.

I know what KF is. You didn't answer the question. The question was which website is more cancerous, Kiwi Farms or r/the_donald, idpol, tumblr, and ED?

GG general used to be interesting back when it was relevant. Now it's a /vg/ tier cirlejerk sprinkled with some of Holla Forums. Good luck expressing any non-right wing political opinion in that thread without being called a shill.


He's saying that the posters are just as autistic as chris-chan and obsess over him to draw attention away from their own autism. That should answer you're question but if you're still confused I can't help because i don't visit reddit or tumblr. It's basically on par with modern ED tho I guess.