Why did he go right wing and not try and start his own form of left wing nationalism ?

why did he go right wing and not try and start his own form of left wing nationalism ?

Fascism was the hip new thing to experiment with and probably had a better chance of succeeding without the British government trying to bust it up.

Of course then Hitler happened and that's exactly what they did.

Because there were already a fuckton of militant leftwing jews, he had to be the balancing opposition.
Why doesn't anyone understand how they work the fucking game.
Was he a Baronet who was lauded for his poise and debating skills by The Guardian and The Times, or not?
It's a big club, and you aren't in it.


Because the game is a seesawing back and forth between two imaginary positions, if too much of either position takes hold the elites (mainly jews) are exposed and then it's guillotine time.

So then why didn't he help tip the balance for the left?

Does Mosley like elite Jews?

Because it's the seesawing that keeps them in positions of power, I just said. If he tipped the balance his head could roll with the rest of them.
Does yin like yang or do they just need each other to keep the plate spinning?


fuck off you blithering imbecile

How incredibly intelligent of you, I wither at at the mere sound of your superior argument.


Your theories are kind of dumb.


Because they don't match with your unrevealed theories?

Posts pic of a jew cult leader that plays the fucking game I just described. He was a Baronet so therefore happily rubbed shoulders with his supposed enemy. He was lauded by both supposed opposing sides of the press. Where are your assertions?

This is why tankies will be hanged next to nazis.

because fascism is not right wing, it has aspects both sides can agree with and can disagree with, you insufferable faggot

ok then

I want to know ant primary source you've read on fascism tbh, because I doubt it's any with that description

To clarify, are you referring to the Fascist states, or the Fascists (Strasserists, the radical aspects of the Falangists who had their balls figuratively removed, the radical elements of the Iron Guard who were, again, removed in favor of status-quo) who never managed to gain power?


Because Mosley was an unprincipled opportunist who just liked to be edgy and didn't really care for socialism of any kind.

well finance capitalism I suppose
They still believed in private property, but favored a guild-like system closer to the state than the standard internationalist kike capitalism

Totalist scum.

i wish

And they whine about not being taken seriously.

fuck off cointelpro
he was an interesting man who didn't compromise with capital and wanted to uncuck the labour party

Thank god he became a fascist, we don't need more retards LARPing as leftists because they like statism. Honestly, the only good thing Hitler did besides killing himself, was slaughtering the Asserists.

Are you for fucking real? He was old money partying with other old money for old money's sake while telling the same nonsense about shared interests that all other fascists do to proles stupid enough to buy into it.
Oh, wait, you're actually serious.