Today a formerly lolbert and then socdem friend of mine made a status asking the few anarchists in my circle why they...

Today a formerly lolbert and then socdem friend of mine made a status asking the few anarchists in my circle why they became anarchists and it appeared as if he was convinced by their appeals. Literally two hours later a friend who always was "undefined" but alligned much with right-libertarianism and then elements of nazism asked me what I thought of Marxism and when I revealed I define myself as one he told me he does as well and we've been chatting about it for the last two hours


What the fuck is happening? Are we having an impact? I live in burgerstan btw




I meant that he gave me those vibes like two or three months ago and now he's revealed to me he's become a marxist. Sorry if that was confusing

people are googling shit, user

I can only hope so, godspeed.

libertarian market anarcho-nazbol


Yep I totally meant that he was literally four diametrically opposed ideologies at once, you exposed me user, good job :^)

At the same time though this seems like its expressing itself only in a rebirth of 20th Century welfare state capitalism and not really a push for true socialism. Even if people get what socialism is and understand why it's necessary they'd rather push for an anti-imperialist social democracy rather than fight for a fully socialist society. Am I just being impatient or am I right in assuming that probably only another 40-50 years of welfare capitalism will come of all this unrest like it did during the 1920s-30s when the Depression hit and Western states effectively absorbed the agreeable elements of the Leftist movements of the time

It makes sense. Life is getting harder and harder. To even be a grocery store manager now you need to have a university degree and 3 years of experience, all to make $40k per year.

People are realising that neoliberalism doesn't give a fuck about them and are looking for alternatives. People are also realising that buying shit and technology doesn't actually make them happier.

These are small steps, but I am more excited about those people that have become so disenfranchised that they do not vote at all, like what happened in the second stage of the French elections.

I know people here love to poke fun at socdems and le co-ops man but they are really handing out gateway drugs. Hell even my apolitical friends send me dank communist meigh meighs. Socialism is starting to not be a dirty word.

Call me hopeful/a LARPer but I think a large socialist uprising will happen in the next 10 years in Europe (France, Spain, Italy, Greece) and in the west (Canada/USA) in 20 years.

Forgot to remove shitposting flag :^)


Yeah I agree with you that refusing to vote is more important I'm just saying that it's interesting that on the local level, which many people consider to be the only voting that "matters" in the USA people are moving to the Left, especially in working class strongholds like Red States

I still think that France and Greece are the only two 1st world countries that actually have a chance of turning their popular discontent into a full blown socialist uprising (this is already happening to some degree in Greece) as they are the two other than America where the Ruling Class ideology has most potently turned into repression and abuse. I feel that there will be an uprising in the States and eventually other parts of the globe as well but as I said in I think a repeat of the New Deal will happen where elites give enough concessions at just the right time to where people become satisfied with that and give up

well son do you expect people to just become radicals willy nilly? It took me years of dancing around it before I admitted to myself that being a succdem was a waste of time. Also I'll take that over bootlicking shitlibs anyday.

well we can't predict the future, but they're gonna try. point is, there's not gonna be any ol' style welfare state in the west, it's just not feasible with capital being able to threaten flight at any moment. eventually shit's gonna collapse and I will never ever buy that the people are gonna rise up just because it collapsed. You actually have to beat it into their skull that this is necessary, or nothing will change. that's why it's good that they familiarize with these concepts even if they become succdems. and as I said, it's not like you must remain a succdem forever.

what's so exciting about them
most of the time they don't vote because they can't be bothered to even listen to politicians.

we have a history of that in italy, bud. anarchists falsely accused of terrorist attacks being thrown out of windows by the police in the 70s, false flag resulting in murder in 2001, and that's off the top of my head. we've been pretty anesthetized in the last decades but the embers are burning.

it's a cyberpunk-lite redux of interwar Europe, but this time around, the population has been rendered numb by TV, memes, prescription drugs and ironic detachment, so nobody is able to take things seriously or even grasp the gravity of what's going on. feels oddly dreamlike. I've had a few holy shit! moments myself.

The solution to the irony is to take it at face value and punish its propagators accordingly. Harvard recently rejected 10 students they had recently accepted after they discovered that they were Holla Forumstard normalfags. Violence and pain can make any set of values objective fact. No amount of autistic screeching can make pain any less real.

I, for one, can say that it is working. I'm frequenting Holla Forums for the past couple days (I was an ancap) and I'm getting redpilled the fuck out. I was reading posts from this board out of pure curiosity since I've seen so many threads pop up on fast threads. I was dismissive at first, but I can for sure say that I am now fully woke.

When I was talking to other ancaps before when I was one, I think that I would confuse them because my version of ancapism was different. But now I realize that I've been to the left all this time. My flavor is anarchism, but I still haven' decided what kind of anarchism. If I can pull myself away from Holla Forums (it's fucking hard), I hope to read Kropotkin's book Mutual Aid.

Tl;dr: I've been redpilled the fuck out; probably always been to the left in my mind even though I thought I was an ancap.

Don't expect the establishment to go easy on the left either, spurious links to Russia are being drawn up, while slurs like 'regressive left' are entering the liberal mainstream.

I wonder what will happen once more people start noticing the system is collapsing around them. Cracks were already beginning to show in the 90s with the militia movement, Waco, and Oklahoma, but we had already reached peak hypernormalisation by that point. So everyone forgot about it and continued as usual. Same with the 2008 crisis, in retrospective, a crucial event, there was no real recovery.

I guess I've just become extremely cynical growing up in the United States. It seems like no matter how bad things get here people always find a way to return to just having faith either in liberal democracy that is "reformed" or in just full blown reactionary politics. Alas, I guess it's our duty to push the populace as far left as they are willing to go so that when another collapse does come they are willing to go all the way.

Also your point about how neoliberalism has made capital flight too easy is something I never really thought of. I guess you can't really have a welfare state if everyone you must tax to create one just moves their business to a third world shit hole.

More power to you. I've been realizing more and more that the United States truly is the belly of the beast. I feel it is the country more than any other where the ideology of capitalism as an ifallible God has penetrated right into the core of the collective consciousness

Propaganda doesn't have a permanent, intergenerational effect. No matter how much capitalism goes on, we will have either socialism or barbarism.


That's not the case. They were found to have said a few off colour jokes in a private Facebook group.

Welcome comarde. If you think you are redpilled now, just wait until you read Mutual Aid :^).

forgot to take off my shit posting flag

It's not that it's bad, it's that we wish we had some.

Both that and "The Conquest Of Bread" are great books, personal favorites of mine. If you're not convinced by his arguments against markets, you might want to check out Proudhon's "What Is Property?" (he advocates market-like reciprocity between workers of communes without state and property) and then read about Bakunin's developments (the [anarcho-]collectivism which Kropotkin criticizes throughout the bread book).

Harvard should ban everyone who uses normiebook desu

damn, I was hoping leftcoms would start to atleast appreciate the gateway drug aspect of people like wolff

Harvard is a Reptoid Indoctrination Unit