Any other Balkanfags on here? How do we fix this entire region? It seems like it'll never happen. Cath vs. Ortho...

Any other Balkanfags on here? How do we fix this entire region? It seems like it'll never happen. Cath vs. Ortho, Serb vs. Albanian, US bootlicker vs. Russian bootlicker, etc. It seems like the shitshow just has to go forth. Is this the destiny of the region?

The worst part is that all of the pro-socialist folk I usually talk to claim to not fall into sectarian traps and speak against them, but as soon as someone mentions something that might go against their ethnicity or religion, it turns into a shitstorm. I have zero hope for the future. All I see down the road is more chaos and puppetry by great powers.

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Whoops, forgot to remove shitpost flag.

What are those borders?

remove politics from historical discussions
stop focusing on history so much
move forward

peoples on the balkans are basically the same

Wtf is this monstrosity?

How do you do that when you're being subverted by porkies? I agree that the people are the same. The problem is that there is so much divide and conquer taking place that it's hard to even know who really believes in what (in the political arena).

The future.

Why are some parts of greece and turkey included?

nuke it and start over

maybe you should start wth yourself

It's just Slav nationalists being retarded.

Reporting in iz Zagreba. Ljudi ovdje su jednostavno retardirani jer sve funkcionira po sektaškoj mi vs oni logici, al opet tako je i na zapadu.

Najviše me iritira šta nemamo woke ljevičara nego pc napušeni hipsteri sa filozofskom koji ne znaju šta je Rojava uopće.

Btw Yugoslavia General would be nice thing to have

Bring back Tito and glorious market socialism.

You already have that glorious unemployment and public debt.

marksocs btfo

We need to advance science to a point where it is indistinguishable from magic and resurrect Tito as an immortal Lich who can lead the Balkans forever.

Cetnicki Vojvoda reporting in
cuo sam da je levica u hrvatskoj boze sacuvaj. Ako ti ista pomaze ovde je jedina 'woke' levicarska partija NKPJ/SKOJ, a clan sam nje. Ostale partije su ili socio-demokratija odevena u jugonostalgiju ili su SJW levicarski tumori, na svu srecu nismo progresivni i tolerantni kao Hrvatska pa imamo vise jugonostalgicnih succdema nego SJW pedera.
Stvarno ponekad sam srecan koliko smo mi Srbi drustveno nazadni, pa nemamo SJW sranja u jakom toku ovde kod nas, cak i gejevi se jeze LGBT politike ovde.

Ajde i da se samo sektasim i prozivam druge partije, ali fakat je to sto nijedna partija sem nas ne organizuje proteste ili ide da podrzi radnicke proteste redovno, uzasno je. Mi imamo akcije cele godine, ove ostale partije ili nesto se komesaju unutar sebe i nista se ne cuje od njih ili ih ima vise na internetu nego u stvarnosti. X puta se desilo da ih pozovemo na proteste, i nikada ni ne odgovore na poziv, pa smo i prestali da ih zovemo vecinski. Rehabilitovali Drazu ovde, sada pokusavaju Nedica, a mi i neki gradjani smo jedini tamo…sramota.

A da ne pricam o celoj situaciji u drzavi kao celoj, stvari su uzasne. Vrv se selim na Kubu preko partije za par godina, zivim sa zenom koja ima psihicke probleme a mnogo je volim, ne mogu da ostanem u drzavi iz politickih razloga kada znam da mogu da joj pruzim bolji zivot preko.

Yugonostalgia is the stagnant cancer that pulls down all communist movements in ex-yu, conditions have changed, Yugoslavia is occupied, and Tito's policies only worked as cold war politics. It blew up as soon as Tito couldn't hide under NATO's skirt from the USSR, or when it couldn't hide under the iron curtain from NATO. Once the balance was fucked he was too.

I think there will be a chain reaction in the next 20 to 40 years across most of the balkans, maybe stretching to some other poor european countries, due to the corporate colonialism and general economic stagnation and poverty. Things are already bad in Greece and getting worse, and radical politics are growing, and the same situation is happening in Serbia, but slowly since what is happening to Greece has only started happening to us some 4 years ago. Other balkan states, especially bosnia, are in no better condition. Communist movements from the balkans (except croatia, they have ~5 people movement lol) are very close and work in solidarity with each other, sharing strategy and advice, theory, etc. You have greek anarchists going to Rojava for arms training (despite me not being an anarchist, this still proves the escalation of these things)
These things will escalate, we will see riots all over the balkans in the next tens of years, and it will be seized either by the left or the right. The right is strong, and has been strengthening since '99 here in Serbia. They are hiding ammo, guns, training, making dirty bombs etc. And while real communists here have guns, they are not particularly well trained in them. We train much lighter than they do, because we have bigger political actions than what amounts to sports hooliganism, and it eats a lot of time and money we have to fund by working as well.

Also, I spoke to the ambassador of Venezuela, ask me anything I guess.

Jesus Christ how horrifying. That's just a dick move. And not just that, but you're going to make Slavs a minority in their own country. Albania, Greek Macedonia, and Western Thrace are fine because of their historic ties to what would be other parts of Yugoslavia (Kosovo, Macedonia, and Bulgaria, respectively), and even European Turkey makes some sense, but even then you've got 17 million people that aren't Slavs now. Compare that to 27 million Slavs, the majority of which would be in Serbia Proper and Bulgaria. By adding Romania's coast and that chunk of Turkey, you're adding another 12 million people, effectively making Slavs less than half the population in what is supposed to be Yugoslavia, the land of the South Slavs.

I think it was just a meme pic bro, but the borders are bad.

Well now I just look stupid for doing all the math.

Still, those borders are almost as bad as this.


Yeah, it's no surprise that it failed to pass.

Jesus that's one way to make Austria and Hungary pissed off for no reason

Flawless logic. Hungary especially had already suffered enough. The last thing they needed was to lose even more land and to be even more isolated.

Stop being a commie piece of shit.

It sorts itself out.

shit we got btfo'd

Average Autism Level of the region is 90. Wtf do you expect?

Croat Socialist reporting in.

Nice meme.

Svaki hipster zna šta je Rožava, pa bog te jebo Vice o njima piše svaki dan.

Ayy lmao. Rožava je hvalevrijedan eksperiment za B. Istok, i za njih tamo "demokratski konfederalizam" il koji već kurac, prava žena, laicizam itd. i jesu "lijevo", ali za ozbiljne komuniste igdje drugje nit je bitna ( osim u smislu međ. solidarnosti ) niti može poslužit kao primjer ičeg, osim možda vojne taktike. Mi smo svoju "Rožavu" imali već 41-e.

Radnička fronta ( RF ) is socialist as it gets in Croatia, and they won one place in Zagreb city "skupština/assembly" ( and the coalition they're a part of won 3 more ), first time in modern Cro. history that this happened. Also SKOJ is a meme.

pa nemoj tako
zene u crnom isto dolaze na proteste protiv rehabitilitacije Nedica

they are socdems at best, and they are tainted by LGBT politics. They are the same shit as the Left Summit in Serbia or Labor.
We are small, but that is irrelevant. What is important is that our members organize strikes and protests on the wider scale. The size of a party doesn't matter as much as it's ideological structure and it's readiness to act.

Most of the protests against Bologne, and a few other prominent protests have been organized by SKOJ, only we aren't public about it because we will get smeared very quickly, we simply send our members to organize these things 'anonymously'

pa nisu ti one nikakvi komunisti, pa da kazem da su komunisticke organizacije na protestima :^) Oni su ti tu neki liberali, kvazi-socijalisti. Svakako je dobro sto dodju na proteste ali tu se zavrsava.

KPS je isto ok, dodju oni protiv rehabilitacije nedica i to podrzavam, pojavi se i radnicka partija ponekad ali su oni mali

every time

what exactly does "tainted" mean in this case, they recognize homosexuals as human beings?


Sorry, I know fuck all bout the Balkans apart from the memes. I'll be off then…peace.

Cul sam da je radnicka fronta poslala marksiste u gulag i da su ostali sam ovi direktna demokracija cuckovi. Jel ima istine u tom?

It means they deviate from class politics for the sake of appeasing a bunch of gays and their delusions about society, as if it matters if someone is gay, straight, a woman or a man. The goal of socialism is abolition of capitalism and it's exploitation, there shouldn't be deviations from this just for the sake of appeasing one demographic or the other, when they are all united with their labor. It only opens up a way to get co-opted by these very elements, because the people that push identity politics never have class politics in their mind outside the structure of an identity itself. But from what I've been reading and seeing RF has already been co-opted long ago.

Pročitaj tekstove na njihovoj stranici i program, šta da ti drugo kažem pa sam prosudi.

You're just talking out of your ass, where is RF deviating from class politics in regards to gays?
Post proofs.

RF is pro-gay rights, as is pretty much everyone left of alt-right nowadays, how is this even an issue?
I don't even like fags, but stop pretending this is actually an important question here, or that it has much to do with RF's politics.

If this is so important to you should probably go back to 4 cancer.

Just be glad you got to live under glorious Tito and accept your fate as a Balkanized shitshow

Much better, though there's really no need to take that much land from Austria, and it also has the retarded Czech Corridor.

It is deviating from class politics by indulging the illusion of LGBT politics, none of that shit is relevant and it is only another charade that draws attention away from class politics. It is unnecessary division, only creates an irrelevant "problem". By propping up the rainbow flags you draw attention away from class politics and you stop propagating socialism, it is disgusting. With the abolition of capitalism the innate oppression against these people couldn't be possible, there would be nobody to deny you work based on your sexual orientation, and due to material conditions shaping public consciousness with time homophobia would be eliminated.

It is an issue because gay rights have no place in class politics, and as you said RF is pro-gay rights. It advocates for it, it fights for it, and it dedicates it's time and power into it. The LGBT movement in the balkans has inherently been nothing else but the EU worming it's way into society, enforcing it's own cultural hegemony. In Serbia, the LGBT movement is 10 gay people and whoever else agrees to go on a pride parade for 100 euros, so give me a fucking break. It is just another bourgeois organ, and giving it a voice in politics is fucking cancerous, and to do that on purpose as a left party just proves how shitty RF is.

lol it has rainbow flags all over it's facebook feed, you see it more than red flags. Some fucking socialists.

They are nothing but a bunch of reformists LARPing as communists, neomarxists, liberals and similar goons, lmao. They shit on capitalism, and propagate socialism but their idea of socialism is social democracy, they have no intention of doing away with the parliamentary bourgeois democracy or even nationalization/collectivization of the economy.

t. Nazbol

Sorry but you're a reactionary.

Next thing you'll say anti-racism is also deviating from class politics. Typical NKPJ.

Isnt lynching illegal? Everyone has the "power" to do it if theyre not a quadriplegic.



Actually i'm not. It's you who's bringing something that's literally a given thing nowadays even among the right, and then polemizing endlessly about it.

Only if the authorities are corrupt/weak enough to allow it in significant numbers. Remaining legal forms of idpol oppression under a lawful and orderly society are legally and practically indistinguishable from the economic oppression capitalism not only permits, but requires.


If theyre lazy enough to allow one race to be lynched, whats to prevent another race from being lynched? Laziness of authorities = street power from physical strength, and we're back to square 1.

And if cops are corrupt, thats not racism, its an economic dynamic.

I'm sorry but I refuse to believe people actually take this seriously. Especially considering homophobia is almost dead under capitalism.

Why do people still believe homophobia will simply go away when capitalism goes away? What a fucking joke.

Homophobia will wax and wane directly in proportion to how much propaganda is propped up to normalize it regardless of the underlying economic system.

4chan tier post. Just call me a cuck and be done with it then.

Puši kurac.

What are you even arguing about? I'd say that homophobia would be eliminated with time even in capitalism.

Ne seri, 2017 nije argument. Ovo nema veze sa Holla Forums.

Well, duh, if the state doesn't have a firm monopoly on force and compliance with a civil code, you're living in a Somalia-tier shithole or an arbitrary tyrant's dictatorship. At that point, socialism obviously isn't a very important question.

Capitalist controlled mass entertainment has done more than to normalize homosexuality than socialist movements have in practical terms.


Mi svi znamo da nema mjesta za pedere na Balkanu.

Šta koji kurac uopće hoćeš reči? Da komunisti trebaju novu liniju po kojoj su pederi stoka i niže vrijednosti? Kažem ponovo, mene boli kurac za njih osobno ali shvaćam da niko normalan s ljevice neće ić protiv njihovih ljudskih prava i isto tako shvaćam da samo reakcionar može danas vodit neku borbu protiv prava seks. ( i drugih pretpostavljam ) manjina pod egidom neke "klasne politike" lmao. Tvoja NKPJ je reakcionarnija i od socdemokrata.

Dakle, zajebi pedere ako ti baš osobno smetaju, ali priznavat i njima i svim drugim osnovna ljudska prava ( što nema veze čak ni s ljevičarstvom kao takvim ) nije protivno klasnoj politiki, baš suprotno. RF nisu "SJW", ali zbog mnogih razloga podržavaju gejeve ko što rade i sve kom. partije osim meme-partija kao tvoja, ili KPRF, ili Korejska radnička partija.

You'll need several decades for enough generations to be born and to replace those who have the Yugoslav Wars fresh in their memory before any substantial political change and reconciliation. Because right now almost everyone in that region is a nationalist.

That's a meme. Many are indeed nationalist, but a lot aren't. Lots of people here are sick of that shit.

Pederi u privatnim prostorima su OK. Al ako "prava" za nji znace da mogu ici po gradu goli, da mogu imati svoje centre oko normalni ljudi, da mogu djecu usvojiti, i dalje, onda treba sve baciti u jame. Niko nece loviti pedere po kucama.

t. Šešelj

Ovakva sranja možeš pisat samo na Internetu ( i to na jeziku koji 99% ljudi ovdje ne razumije ), a u stvarnom životu možda samo sa seljačinama, četnicima i dverovcima, ne ljevičarima.

I zato danasnja ljevica nikad nece imati snagu. Ogromna velicina normalni ljudi izbjegavaju takve osobe. Bolje sa cetnicima i ustasama nego sa ljevicom ako vako misle. Stvarno je smjesno kako mislis da su pederi neka vrsta danasnji crkveni osoba. Izvadi kurac zapada iz tvoje guzu i otvori oci. Nisi uopste odgovorijo na sta sam reko, samo koristis le reci mi u lice xd.

t. Ustaša

lyepo dyeto idyemo da yedyemo lyepi hlyeb

Marš nazad na Holla Forums, jebem ti mater.

peak liberalism. And by the way, no successful socialist movement in existence has approached the plight of blacks and asians on a racial level as the liberals do, but on a class level. It was never about "fuck that white muh privilege lmao" it was about ending slavery and about ending apartheid.
What you are doing, including the LGBT politics in your socialist movement, would be like including feminism in your movement (which RF has also done) which is anti-communist, and socialist and anti proletarian.

ahahaha kako si istrigerovan peder. Ni rec nisam rekao protiv gejeva celo vreme a ti si guzobolan ko da sam ti stavio petardu u bulju. Fakt je da LGBT politika je naj masnije liberalno govno, i pustiti to u tvoju politicku organizaciju je kao da pristajes na tumor. Uvek ce vuci pederi od klasne politike sve dok postavis platformu kao da je odvojena vrsta opresije ti imbecilu jedan. Radije bi otisli na prajd nego podrzali radnike koji strajkuju ispred fabrike, i to je zasto je LGBT politika nazadna, isto kao i feminizam. Vaznije je njima dali si pekar ili pekarka nego to sto si radnik.

da te pitam ja, koliko ti cenis da zapravo ima gejeva u hrvatskoj da je relevantno klasnom pitanju da se trose resursi i vrsi propaganda za taj cilj, i time odvlaci paznja od klasne politike?

Ako ti mislis da imam nesto protiv gejeva, umesto protiv gej politike, surovo se varas.
by the way bato, ti ni ne pricas samnom dobar deo vremena. Ja ti nisam pisao na srpskom do sada :^)

That is the problem though, homophobia is being eliminated in western society but likewise it is being peddled and commodified, it is sickening. Now to be gay means to be some kind of caricature. 2nd pic related. As if this has anything to do with someone's sexual orientation, it is only giving a propaganda organ to fetishists to push their perversion. Gays have been accepted because they have been commodified, and the other poster I am talking to has drank the coolaid and now thinks it should be normal to accept this kind of sick shit. Today you have to be a hipster liberal to be a leftist. Under socialism homosexuals would be mostly indistinguishable from straight people, of course their different brain chemistry means that the men would be more feminine and the women inherently more masculine in mindset, but even this differs from person to person, but acting like a "twink" isn't normal, and anyone who has met an actual gay would know how disgusted they are by that shit.

BTW, gramatika ti lvl. dijaspora iz Krajine/Bosne/Crne Gore.
Nemoj mi reć da si to ti Mandiću? :DD

Očito si seksualno frustriran, vjerojatno bi htio u bulju ali te je stid. To nitko nikad od ozbiljne ljevice nije radio, a pogotovo RF. Pokaži gdje i kako RF radi sve to o čemu si pričao, kurac, ajde citiraj bar neki kontroverzan njihov stav o gej pravima. RF je na liniji da svi imaju jednaka prava, da su i pederi radnici ( ili neka druga klasa ), i da se tu priču treba završit a fokusirat na klasnu politiku.

Ayy lmao, ovno nisam ni skužio. Pa jebo ti bog mater glupu, moderni feminizam i ima korijene u socijalističkom pokretu. Šta je bila A. Kolontai, Goldman, K. Zetkin, ikad čuo? A Marksova kći?

The problem of the balkans is regionalism. People think their country needs to be only "people like them". It shows the problem with a pre-nation-state state of mind. A real nation-state should be wider than "people like us", and its authority should be recognized (to some extent) beyond the basis of "deyre like us".
Centralization and jacobinism are necessary first steps.

ok lol
odes im na drustvene mreze prvo sto vidis je o gej pravima, i izbacujete objave o tome i na vasem sajtu kao da je LGBT politika nesto aktuelna unutar klasne politike. Daj molim te. A onda skrolam jos malo dole pa ih gledam kako S U C Cuju Corbynu. Ali dobro sve su to socio-demokrate, sta vise i da ocekujem od vas? ahahaha

Goldman ti je zacetak ovoga sto vidis od moderne liberalne levice, a ne vidim zasto bi podrzavali goldman kada je stavljala seksualno oslobodjenje ispred klasnog pitanja, mislim samo dalje pokazujes svoj liberalizam.
Sto se tice ostalih koje si pomenuo, ne vidim kako te licnosti kontradiktiju moji stav. Opet, anti-feminizam ne znaci anti-zena. Polno, etnicko i nacionalno oslobodjenje je sve u vidu klasne borbe, ne odvojeno od toga. A ti druze moras da budes debil ako mislis da feministicki pokret nije podelio, i ultimativno odvojio vecinu zena od socijalistickog pitanja ka polnom pitanju, buduce da su vecina feministickih organizacija zasebne (npr crne zene, i slicne organizacije) i moras biti debil ako mislis da su ciljevi feminizma radnicko oslobodjenje i vladavina, a ne kapitalizam sa zenama na vrhu (ili kapitalizam sa polnom jednakoscu, pitanje koje pitas)

Moderni feminizam ti ima korenja u originalnom feminizmu, u liberalizmu i u socijalizmu takodje, to je amalgamat ideologije od vise uticaja, ali ultimativno samo pravi podele u klasnom pokretu na polnim linijama. Odjednom se ne bori 50 zena za vise plate ili krace radno vreme, bori se 50 zena za jednake plate kao muskarci, kada bi oba pitanja trebao da pokriva klasni pokret.

Tbh I definitely understand why LGBT people go with liberalism, even if it's unfortunate. Socialist movements have an ambiguous retationship with gay rights at best. It's all well and good to say "focus on class" when you don't personally have to fear being sent to camps.

sto je naj tuznije od svega istina je da ste naj progresivniji pokret u hrvatskoj, ali to vise govori o hrvatskoj nego o vama.

you guys swallowed the spooks too hard, i'm afraid we can't save you>>1752514
hahah nazbols can't handle the bantz

Hoxha was right about you yugos
you can't be trusted

bolje i taj pokret od "5 ljudi" nego ovi proljevi koje si israo na threadu

nisam pricao o RF kada sam rekao pokret od pet ljudi, mislio sam tih par komunista sto zapravo postoji a da su se organizovali u HR.


