Why have trans issues become so important to the left?

Why have trans issues become so important to the left?

How can one make the trans-rights struggle dialectical?

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It is crypto eugenics and population management with a whole lot of monied interests along the way. That is it. Defending trannies is peak capitalism.

Because the left died before WW2 and Hungary was the nail in the coffin. McCarthyism was spitting on the grave of the left.

So leftists moved right, and decided that identity politics were a way to recruit people instead of class contrast. Neoliberalism completely destroyed unions, and here we are.

'Brocialism' is on the rise so hopefully we can get back to a genuine left movement.

Then what am I? If I'm not longer left because I think identity politics is bullshit, then what am I?


i think it's a legitimate thing, but it's getting commodified like everything under capitalism is commodified. You'll notice lots of the really crazy 'trans' ideologists out there are just tumblr white girls jumping on trends, not actual people with gender dysphoria.

You're on the "real" left, aka alt-left, aka dirtbag left.

That's because those were a very, very tiny minority or non-existent in the first place. It's been a scam fetish from the start.

Yeah, they're either homosexuals who start wanting to be the opposite sex early in life and transition early, or they're straight/bi fetishists who start off crossdressing & get turned on by the fantasy of being the opposite sex.

under communism you should be able to fetish all you want and, if it not harming anyone, no one should be able to fuck with you over it. Trans people should be able to live in peace. But liberals exploit the liberal like any other

stop it

Will we ever rise or are we forever condemned to live under capitalism?

Transgender people are treated absolutely horribly.

The only group of proles that is MORE disadvantaged in American society is Native Americans.

I want to point out that blacks have it bad, but I don't want to fall into the muh privilege trap. Trannies need hate-crime protection (which I think they already have) and inclusion into society, but we shouldn't give into all their demands to other people's privacy.

Because it's the latest meme issue liberals took an interest in. And like with gays, they're decades late and their policies don't do much to actually uplift working-class trans folk. Like with most identity politics, it has more to with PR and posturing than seriously bettering their lot in life.

Treat it like you would any other gender- or healthcare-related matter within your socialist framework. Basically, acknowledge the issues faced by sexual minorities while integrating them it into the wider scope of the class-based universal emancipatory politics of socialism.

Literally the only orthodox socialist in this thread.

inserts mic drop

This is the killing blow to idpol itself. If the masses are convinced it is a human rights issue, then there is no issue in supporting and no tiered system of "who gets to be first in line" so to speak.

Why the eff should I be stuck with the gender that just happened to fall on my head? Screw that. I'm changing it to "whatever the frick I feel like"


This is true. It's a fact that the big "gay-rights" organization are afraid to challenge any issue that might cost them donors and usually go along with whatever the democrats are ok with handing to them (which is usually something like gay marriage that's 'cheap' and gives great publicity with little effort)

alls trans must be gassed

I think the gays have gone too far tbh.

yeah, one of the things that really annoys me about identity politics is how it encourages one to see people as living embodiments of political ideology rather than as individuals. even 'Left wing' idpol has a rather condescending vision of the people it is supposed to represent

thesis: binary genders
antithesis: gender liberalism
synthesis: no genders, people can do whatever they want

it is a mystery

We haven't even turned every child gay yet. We're far from done.


What is "Gender Liberalism?"


no one outside of tumblr has a problem with that.


because liking poon comes more naturally to men than liking dick you fag

The tumblrina radical liberals, in the US at least, seem to have the exact same mentality as Alt-Right Nationalists just in a different flavor. Their theories on things literally make no sense and are often self contradicting. Here's an example:
Being trans is a different gender from the Man-Woman binary.
Trans-Women are Women and Trans-Men are Men.
That is literally impossible as they're mutually exclusive fucking claims.

They are some of the most prejudiced people on the planet they just justify their own biases and disgusting behavior because "it's against those who hold institutional power".
I had some radfem moron say that black queer women who are apart of the financial class are less muh privileged and more oppressed than poor white straight cisgendered men and when I disagreed with her and tried to explain my reasoning she just fell back on the "it's not up for men/whatever muh privileged group to decide who's oppressed' and kept saying what I was doing was racist/every kind of ist and phobic in the book.

I also talked to this crazy dude who was apart of some black socialist separatist who tried claiming that the Irish who came to the US as indentured servants weren't really slaves because they owed the money. This was coming from a self proclaimed socialist mind you. Let this marinate for a bit; an actual socialist refused to acknowledge that the Irish indentured servitude was real slavery because it was based around circumstances of finance as opposed to race.

We as leftists need to find a way to change the conversation around identity politics and take advantage of its popularity and use it to accomplish socialist ends. I think we need to infiltrate these groups and convert the more reasonable members and demonstrate how idpol is interwoven into the overall class struggle.

Your wrong. The proleteriat are always at the bottom of the social pyramid. Regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

I think you already know the answer to that. We're all going to die under capitalism, but there's a smug satisfaction in knowing that capitalism is doing more to destroy itself than we ever could. Pull up your armchair and enjoy the spectacle.

Trans issues are just liberal trash. They have jack shit to do with dialectal materialism or class struggle. It’s just liberal bullshit.

I'd agree with you specifically in the US/Canada, but they're getting beheaded/immolated/thrown off buildings in the middle east, and currently Europe is importing massive amounts of those that subscribe to that barbaric ideology, which would be a big enough issue to me if I was gay and living in Europe that I'd probably be in the process of moving to Canada right now. You shouldn't write off all LGBT issues as liberal bullshit. 99.9%, yes, but that 0.01% is very real, and wielding a machete in one hand and a can of gas in the other.

Holla Forums pls go

Go back to /r/soc. Neoliberal scumfucks are not leftists.

They don't understand what is a political issue vs a personal issue. Liberals will run out of minorities to play sad songs about so they eventually may turn into socialists if that other stuff is taken care of. Im not sure though.

don't fall for the divisionist "brocialism" meme and call them what they are, more often than not: actual leftists

I said it in jest.

Big Pharma wanted more permanent customers. Trans have to have expensive surgery and meds for life. And fashion companies want to sell more inventory to both sexes. Basically, Trans was a growth industry. Expand markets and increase sales.

This way you make money from the mental disorders caused by late-stage capitalism instead of spending money to fix the root causes that make people want to pretend to be the opposite sex.

Because neoliberals elevated them to god-tier victim status during the waning years of the Obama administration.

Also, the dems needed a new victim to protect class to protect to justify their abuses of power. Since America had elected a black president and gays got all the rights and a woman was about to be the next president, they thought they'd go ahead and put the trans in play. Also, by making trans the center issue, it kind of distracted people from all the rights the gays just got. So it sort of presented gay rights as being settled. We're talking about trans now, and you're still complaining about gays? Get with the conversation. See?

"Identifying as" male or female is literally as ideological as it gets. It's a bunch of delusional people that has turned into a colossal meme, and the bourgeois media is lapping it up as fodder for their machine of distraction and subversion.

Hence, it would be most dialectical to identify oneself as being male and female at the same time while simultaneously identifying as neither male nor female. Diagender, ie. a gender that is dialectical in nature and with which only communists can identify.

Your sex is what it is, but gender is literally a spook. The solution isn't to choose a different spook, it's to just be an authentic individual.

transgender= demon possession linked to godless occult chinese cartoon exposure



kill yourself or at least go back to T_D

Joke:biology means trans doesn't real

Woke: LESPOOKMAN.jpg means trans doesn't real

Literally who?

Nah man, you're a faggot


lel stupid nerd, the body isn't a spook, changing it this way is no more important than changing your hair colour to blonde or something, it's weird of you to be against it.

Hey guys.
The USSR was socialist.
The USSR was not socialist.
These claims don't make sense when put together, communists btfo?


n1x put your trip back on faget

We have this thread every day.

So it looks like I am one of the few here who thinks that defending lgbt rights IS defending workers rights, because, you know, they are workers too, and the antigay/trans rethoric is disgustingly reactionary?
The only thing I blame on lgbt groups is the idpol. But being gay or trans isn't idpol per se, so what is the problem with them? Are we going full aut-right now?
Defending them as INDIVIDUALS is leftist. Defending femminism and SJWs is not because idpol. Learn the difference.

Third-wave feminism mostly.

Every day until you learn.

Whatever you say, radlib.


I guess I need to look at the politics graph a bit more.

What, gonna report me for consensus cracking because I said being trans isn't liberalism? :^)

Nobody cares about your trans-muslim issues.

You seem to care enough to think those people must be opposed.

Yes, that is my angle. I am oppressive, and bad, and mansplaining. Grrrr!

Man, neo-Holla Forums sure gets triggered when you oppose their reactionary idpol with crude egoism.

I guess le ebin milk man is a good guy to hide behind when you're caught out barefaced injecting your own personal politics into leftypol for self interest, despite nobody really giving a shit. Want to know what would be a more useful approach to egoism? Fucking off and getting a job so you don't spend all your free time being told to fuck off by an Indonesian sweat shop union BBS.

This board is so full of refuge Holla Forumsyps that wanna thorn this into another feels>reals hug box like pol, only this time with blackjack, and hookers!

This perfectly sums up what's really going on. All large scale social movements are based on at least some kernels of truth, even /pols/ crap

Nice one.
Tell me, what exactly is wrong with me posting my legitimate anarchist politics, and with my denouncing of your politics which would be just pantsu on head retarded to try to enforce without a state or class.

The dirt bag left is just a bunch of narcissistic burgers, mostly white, that found out that they can feed their ego by engaging in discourse politics, the shallowest of all revolutionary struggles.

They only want attention and retweets. Look at that Hillary owned slaves meme that trended on twitter yesterday. Are any of those dirt bag leftist going to seriously direct this new awareness into liberating the fucking prison slaves we have now?

If shit like the Wobblies prison labor strike or prison slavery activism ever trends again I will eat this ipad

t. hasn't even read the FAQ

Why are you people doing that mistake?

Kek, is n1x the anarcho-liberal?

You need the power of the state to overpower these people and take away their bodily autonomy, you don't need the state to have bodily autonomy, jesus.

I'm not even n1x.
He's just upset because all the best posters keep leaving for anarchist boards but he's not an anarchist so he feels left out :^)

It sounds like you are were trying to equivocate chattel slavery that blacks endured and carry much deeper socio economic scars with the endurtured servitude the Irish went through.

That's probably why that black dude told you to kick rocks.

I agree, you're such a great poster you should graduate to the anarchist board. When will you be leaving?

I'll stick around because I like to argue with right wingers.


Nice. So tell me more about your identity, are you Muslim, black, or trans? I'm asking so I can target my insults specifically at whatever minority you're a part of.

It's better when you cycle through everything trying to find it.

I don't see why it's such a big problem. Just something else to make the working class bicker amongst each other and not take down the bourgeoisie.

I'm not reading your posts, they're shit.

Don't reply to an-nil posters.

He said 'Brocialism', quotes and all.
Quotes are used to repeat what someone else said.
The casual use of quotes when the act of quoting is not itself the object of discussion, usually means that the term quoted is used in its meaning as given by a third party. This is a way to allude in passing to someone else's use of the term, and the implied consequences of this, emphasising one's own detachment to the term.

In this context, user was refering to the recurrent failure of some people to understand the essence of true ispol-less leftism, which they wrongly call 'Brocialism'.
Thus, he was talking about 'actual leftism' while commenting on other people's view of it in passing.

This is usually evident to anyone who doesn't suffer conditions on the autism spectrum.

All I read is

This but also we need to recognize the difference between actual anti-idpol critique and idpol.

Aren't you a post-left anarchist?

I meant this specifically

I'm getting into it but I'm not deep enough to be married to the label, and most people I know in life are still ancoms so any action I take is likely going to be closer to their flavour anyways.

Tell me your view on the phrase

I agree on the latter, but doesn't make it unavoidable; there's plenty of stuff that used to be "human nature" that is held down to attain a more productive society and better standards of living.

But it's only natural that the them vs us appears even when trying to fight it. It's how humans identify with a cause to fight for.
Evolutionary mechanism.

For the same thing gays and feminists did it at the time

Fighting for stupid minoritarian and hateful movements keeps the left busy and under liberal control

Transgender people can choose not to identify as trans and no one would notice.
Black people don't have the choice to not identify as black
Thus black people who get discriminated for being black have it worse than trans people. I don't have much sympathy with trannies who spend tons of money for a sex-change, made the conscious decision to become abnormal in the eyes of mainstream society and then complain about being oppressed. They made the choice to be!
So fuck trans people.

This kill the an-nil.

I have to bite, real theory? You're an anarchist!

Human nature is one of the biggest spooks, it might even be the first spook, the primeval spook.

Because trannies allow us to make good use of gulags

Just accept it and join the NazBol gang

Human nature is a bad meme, I've seen real critiques of idpol that don't devolve into idpol themselves. If we keep making it us vs them we won't get anywhere fast, we need to work on tearing down our shittier constructs, capitalism, the state, gender (yes), morality, all that.

I'm sure.

Except themselves. They would notice. They would notice a lot. This is why they, using their own bodily autonomy, a very important leftist principle, choose to transition.
This is also true. This is why racism is such a big problem to so many people and why so many black people care about it. The effects of racism are felt in their daily lives.
Nonsense. That's not how it works. It depends on the individual case on who personally got the shittier end of the stick. A poor black kid in some shit hole who likely won't escape has it worse than a well off tranny who started transition at 13. A well off black man who got called a racial slur at his game of golf by his lawyer friend has it better off than the poor tranny prostitute who transitioned at 28.
You could have just stopped at "I don't have much sympathy with trannies" because come on now.
Here's the thing.
Transition is considered in the west now an important medical procedure you know. It lowers suicide rates, makes peoples lives better. You're saying they deserve what they get for not sucking it up and just dealing with it because, well you just gotta conform to some idea of normal? That's incredibly immature.

Where's the feral faun pic when I need it.

They do it because ideology

You seem to be pretty obsessed with idpol. Do you mind explaining to me how some insults are worse? Like how is it worse/or better to insult somebody based on race, intelligence, looks, smell, ideology, etc… How is it justified in some cases and not others?

If transition is a medical procedure, then what transgender people are actually suffering most under is their transgenderism.
But i am talking about people who choose to be transgender. They are not in the same club as people who suffer from transgenderism and would rather choose not to suffer from that inflictment if they could.

This is why I don't get all the pissing and moaning about it. It is not in MY interests to have a bunch of neurotic, self-destructive headcases running around trying to fit in for the sake of someone's idea of virtuous social conformity and being treated like shit when they can't. Them being happier and less fucked up makes MY life better too.

This is a thread about trans people on Holla Forums what the fuck do you honestly expect?
No, I never said that. What I said was.
A poor black kid in some shit hole who likely won't escape has it worse than a well off tranny who started transition at 13. A well off black man who got called a racial slur at his game of golf by his lawyer friend has it better off than the poor tranny prostitute who transitioned at 28.

What do you mean if?
This is not a thing. There are a small small small minority who get confused and think they are when they are not, and there are some teenage girls who lie, but this is blown way out of proportion by the right to make them look bad and foster a negative collective opinion.
Correct. Because transgender people actually need to transition in most cases.
By transitioning.

I just want to say I'd be 100% less verbal if there were 100% less things for me to reply to about this topic, and then nobody would be noisy.

Read a fucking book.

I have, more than you ever will, reactionary idpoller.

yall need to shut the fuck up about trannies

I'd like to but because of posts like this
I really think it's not a good idea.

i fucking hate the attention we've been getting in the last 5 years - a decade ago no one knew anything and i never had to listen to this crap on either side. now everyone wants to spill their hot takes on transsexual disorders and it drives me insane

Let people alter their bodies as they like but I can't see how they are 'women'

Plus, the concept of "truscum" sees pretty retarded too. Not sure why the need to be so anti-science.

this is what happens when you meme rejection of any struggles other than class and meme nazbol. you get a bunch of virgin nazis like this thread is filled with.

Nah, once you start saying "Hmm well some issues are just as important as class" you get Third Wave

You sound like you pass pretty well then, and could just ignore it, if you managed ten years without hearing much crap. I'm not sure others who are less fortunate have that option in their daily lives. Plus, I post on Holla Forums, I definitely can't ignore the quality of posts in that case.

You probably don't even know what third wave feminism is without googling it.

nice job putting words in my mouth. you know thats not what i said.

tbf the environment though, I feel like that since it's end of the world tier stuff may rival class in importance.

Is this really a big issue in the US?

well yes survival of the species and the earth is pretty far up on the list of priorities i would think.

Who /antinatalistdeathcult/ here?

It's anti-rad fem - more individualistic and more about choice rather than systemic oppression (despite trying to shoe-horn in "systems of inter-sectional oppression")

It's a big issue to that portion of the working class.
It's also currently a huge media topic in America.

I'd put the species over the earth personally.

Well okay. You can.

0.6 % of the US population - estimated, not even backed number by known people.

Any focus on this issue is nothing but smoke screening over real issues. Other than asking for basic decency and having the liberty to do with it what you want there is nothing about this issue that warrants the idpol shitfest around it.
Even if you granted the whole assumed 0.6 % the full transition program in best quality, it's not even relevant in economic terms and the question of financing it through health care.
It's just your typical right-wing idpol shitting on people to create some "other" to attack on one hand and on the other liberal bourgeoise "capitalism with a human face" that does nothing to actually economically enable people to live free and decent.

It's not however a class issue, just like homosexuality or any other individual peculiarities, a bourgeoise homosexual, trans and yes even if straight, is still a faggot that needs to get the bullet.

It becomes an issue however when you try to divide the working class over individual matters.

Here's the thing.
Allowing these people their bodily autonomy and disallowing abuse is not dividing the working class.
Now allowing them their bodily autonomy and allowing abuse is dividing the working class.
Grow up.


You're saying this as if we were in disagreement. Did you not read or even the comment you replied to?

I shouldn't have assumed you implied that's necessarily what allowing people freedom means.
My mistake.

I read it very wrong.

I see, a misunderstanding. It's all good.

I just think when it comes to language policing and disallowing words, it isolates the vanguard from the working class.

The working class typically has crude language, they doesn't mean their beliefs are inherently crude or they are inherently reactionary

I just think that telling people to stop using the word "tranny" is only isolating the vanguard from the proletariat.

liberals would have you believe this man is actually a real cat. pronouns: cat/cats/catself

There's a difference between imagined informal censorship and the reality of capitalism restricting people's bodily autonomy. One matters.

Vanguards are counter revolutionary.

You can't use "it's just crude language bro" as an excuse to defend ridiculous right wing beliefs. It's not about language, it's about you being wrong about things.

Case in point.
You /r9k/ types got a screw loose I'm telling you.


there's no functional difference between being trans and being catman. It all boils down to spooks

you're welcome fam


Oh man that dog looks comfy as fuck.

Heres a question: Can you be a trans leftist?

Like you can be transgender or transracial. Could someone be a lefty who was born in al alt right body or vice versa?

Then what's the point of language policing? You're not changing the ideas you're just softening the language

they were Weak and succumbed to the spooks, feels bad man but that's life.

I was born in a white cishet body and I was a leftist until I learned that caring about my own issues was class reductionism and then I decided I'm not a leftist anymore.

I don't think so. Plenty of transretards in this thread, though.

Language policing goes further than that. It helps the person who is being censored by making him or her the underdog.
If you have to stop them speaking it means you dont have a logical way of countering what they said.

to be honest, imageboards really normalised trans issues for me. Even though I'm from a conservative catholic country where most people would freak out at this sort of thing. I don't get angry at people for being trans or even see it as much of a big deal. The media you consume goes a long way towards determining your attitudes, who knows what would have happened if I had stumbled upon Milo DESTROYS SJW comps on youtube first.

So if the first video you saw on astronomy said the earth was flat you would believe that and never change your opinion?

My dad, whom I consider a reasonably smart person, unironically meme'd himself into MGTOW and flat earth conspiracy theories. That goes to show the internet is powerful stuff, think LSD back in the 60s, many people couldn't handle it. Same goes for reactionary internet content, there's a world of ideology out there.

Sleep tight pupper

I watched with mild apprehension as a friend's mother went from a generic conservative to a full-on Kek-praising aut-rightist after somehow discovering 4/pol/ around the time of the US elections.

Now she apparently has them stockpiling food for the Muslamic-induced End Wars. It gets painful to listen to at times.

It's a thin line, and epistemic closure really has a lot to do with it. The world around us an the inputs it provides has become very complex. If you can't make any common sense-sense of it, any "better" explanation will appeal to you. And unless something better comes a long that convinces you otherwise for what might be utterly idiosyncratic reasons, you cannot escape that trap. It might be as little as talking with someone whose opinions you respect.

A possible vaccine against this might be a kind of generalized skepticism, but in the nihilistic vacuum that opens up, you might still insert some kind of strange axioms that lead you to very unpalatable conclusions (Howard Scott et al.). I'm not sure a good solution exists beyond always trying your best to convince the people around you, break their bubbles, and be open to a degree so that you don't end up in a bubble either. Read many different things and all that.


To scare away working class people who mostly live in socially backward culture.

We live in the strangest of times, indeed

The fuck? Back to Reddit, liberal.

Nice to see some people here are still overcoming their "Holla Forums phase". Must explain the surge in un-ironic Nazbol posters.


All that aside, we need a solid way to incorporate the struggles of people without hand-waving it away, or at least a solid way to hand-wave it away as something that will be taken care of naturally by the structure of our post-capitalist candyland.

I wasn't saying you said that, but as you aread obsessed with idpol, I legitimately hoped you could help me. This shit makes me feel like I'm missing ething obvious.

I used to really like this Milo comps. Seeing the reasonableness of his arguments against SJWs and his lack when it came to economy caused me to be more interested in socialism.

Fascism is political-identity dysphoria
When you like capitalism, but also don't like being crushed and can never escape your social strata, and also Monarchy is sometimes fine guys!
Transition is the answer here.

What is that BEAST rubbing against that cat?


classic left or hard left would've been more accurate.

I think we need to operate according to the principles that

a) Race, gender, sexuality and so forth don't matter
b) Society needs to be inclusive as possible

Which socialists largely already do. The real problem is mending the totally unnecessary rift between socialists that refuse to co-operate with any movement that doesn't constantly pay lip service to their specific kind of idpol and socialists that wince at the mere mention of anything besides class when we all already agree on everything important.

That's a Capybara.

It's some kind of Mexican giant rodent.

I'm not language policing.
You are taking me telling you that you are wrong, as a form of censorship. Which is either dishonest or paranoid.

I'm grossly neutral on idpol to the point Holla Forums and the more mainstream radleft would both disagree. I don't fully understand its applications and the criticisms seem fair but not quite strong enough to entirely close myself off to potential cooperation with real life anarchists.
You could google it, I mean, I should google it too. We should all read more about idpol.

Identity itself is not.
An individual seeking medical treatment is not idpol.
Another individual getting upset at them seeking medical treatment because it validates an identity they dislike, is idpol.

Arguing with retards is not stopping them from speaking you autistic faggot.

That is unironically the actually egoist thing to do.

If you just rid yourself of all spooks because spooks have been reified in your brain as a moral evil then you have become spooked by egoism. You need to take a pragmatic and conscious approach to spooks, picking the ones you like and acknowledging your power over them, discarding the ones you don't like.

Also, flesh and bone aren't spooks.

Could have committed suicide for any reason though, they might have not even had gender dysphoria.

And wanting to crossdress or whatever can be a symptom of many things.

You need to age more.

I will need to see the hypothetical suicide note before I can be 100% certain he killed himself over GD

Only revisionists and liberals actually care about lgbt postmodernist garbage ideology

anyone with 3 ounces and brain matter that has studied enough theory to know the postmodernist roots of this cancer just calls it out on being another attack on the proletariat, this time against their own biological identities, while serving as perpetuation of the Spectacle and justifying imperialism

it isn't. but you have to realize that gender is a biological reality, not something you "identify" as.

no one suggested people with gender dysphoria should be refused treatment. problem is that a) they are offered mutilation to indulge their psychosis, b) porky uses trans "issues" as a smokescreen, c) science gets swayed by lobbying

i could go on and on, in fact at some point i wrote a 15 post long essay about this issue but anarkiddies like you dont have the attention span for that so ill keep it short

again, no one is against a person with gender dysphoria getting treatment. but being offered mutilation and chemical castration is as much of a treatment as giving a loaded shotgun would be to someone with clinical depression

Nope. Entryism ALWAYS fails horribly. Barroso was an entryist trotskyste. Now he's with Goldman Sachs.


Intersectionality is a strategic error and must not be pursued.

The Bolsheviks allowed gender fluidity in their state literally 100 years ago, why wouldn't it be important now of all times?

You're a fucking dumbass and a nazi enabler, fuck off.

Doctors will refer you to a therapist who will help you transition if you show signs of gender dysphoria though.

People can change themselves to suit their identity. This is fine.

Denying them this because of your personal beliefs is idpol and should not be allowed.

friendly reminder transgenderism is a recognized medical condition for which transition and the related medications and surgeries is the accepted treatment. if you get bootyblasted over trannies wanting access to treatment and other rights you are idpol.
trans workers are workers and potential comrades

Recognized by such respectable and totally apolitical organizations like the APA, which also condones and facilitates torture for the American government

afaik gender dysphoria is the actual condition and transgenderism/transitioning is the treatment

Really makes you think

Thank you. I visited here and came to embrace the lefty way but people acting like I'm the problem puts me off. I'm a worker too and I just want to be myself and fight for what I believe in. I'm not here for idpol.

Recognized by any modern medical organization. take your idpol elsewhere

I see. Forgive my terminology then.

As long as you want to kill capitalism you are ok in my book.

Thank you. Every time someone makes a thread like this someone has to explain this shit again and again.

Wew. This entire thread is idpol btw.

the APA recognizes depression as a medical condition wew depression doesn't exist it's a jewish scam

That's all I want to do. This entire thread is driving a wedge in the board, it's again another porky plot to divide the workers.

Most medical organisations around the world recognise it, not just America. Including several communist countries' own medical communities.

even if the APA was the most corrupt organization on earth that doesn't mean everything they say is part of some conspiracy.

Shit I guess i was wrong and anti-Semitic the whole time. Guess waterboarding is a recognized interrogation technique now.

wewe sweet argument brah

The torture shit is out in the open now calling it a conspiracy doesn't make it false. Fuck off COINTELPRO

Nigga, did you even read what I said? Do you know what APA stands for? It's one organization in the US, there are hundreds of others around the world and they pretty much unanimously agree on gender dysphoria and its treatment.

Yes, you're trying to derail this discussion and make it all about how the APA are actually progressive good guys now because muh trans rights

American Psychological Association

I don't see how that's relevant to what goes on at CIA blacksites

You must be trolling or stupid. I don't give a shit about the APA because I'm not a fucking yank. Many organisations say the same thing and I'm more inclined to believe them than some idpol moron.

I don't see how that's relevant to anything in this conversation.

You should care because the APA works with the CIA and the CIA doesn't give a shit what nationality you are you dumbfuck. You think they only torture yanks now?

This conversation doesn't fucking matter. Sorry for interrupting your 1 millionth gender politics thread I guess.

Yeah okay, you're an idpol tard and you can be safely ignored.

Kill yourself liberal

Great argument, really won me over. Take it elsewhere, somewhere where your idpol is accepted.


Yes Trans should be 'opposed', or rather dealt with as they are literally the symptom of a common mental disorder (Gender Dysphoria) that majority of people have in childhood, and the majority of those people grow out of. Research done on the disorder shows that the main cause and effect is - yes, gender roles, stereotypes, etc.

And if they aren't gender dysphoric, which seeing how the entire concept of transgender limits that to, the people who started this transgender fad (very old men, veterans, and other mentally ill people) are of the Autogynephilia (A biological male imagining himself as a female) kind, people who are exploiting and using social justice to extrapolate their fetish. This is real, look at the amount of transgender rape going on that the media ignores to protect SJW's ears.

Abolish gender roles / stereotypes for good, or at least don't force them into roles, let a child's personalities flourish and bloom by itself.

There are millions of research and stats behind this thing.

Even if this were true, just because something doesn't have a bad effect doesn't mean it isn't caused by something bad it self, it is still and can be a symptom.



And it went to shit I see.

There are spooks and there's biology. Reals > feels. And when feels come from fuckup reals let the doctors do their job, and no bully.

Caring about what other people do to their bodies, what clothes they wear, or what name they go by is God Tier Spookage

Thank god for Stirnerfags

many traditional cultures recognise gender variation as something natural rather than as a mental illness or as something to be stigmatised. See for example Samoa. I think everyone would be happier this way. gender identity does not need to be a political issue or a medical issue(of course we should provide healthcare to people with gender dysphoria though.)


I agree with you, but it's hard to separate people from their spooks. Sometimes appeal to medicine gets them over it

Sadly some people (see ) just rant on about some irrelevant shit.

Canada isn't safe for long either.
The real enemy is islam.
Well, capitalists too, but islam is worse.

Islam is a porky distraction. Will it be a problem in the future? Maybe but is it the biggest problem right now? Not even close. Muslim extremists account for about 4% of attacks in North America, you're more likely to be killed by animal rights activists.

But that's what I said, it isn't a problem right now, but if it becomes like Europe it will be a problem.

The problem in Europe is still with the capitalists, the recent attacks in the UK were committed by people who were part of extremist organisations that we funded and armed. The Manchester bomber was reported to police over a dozen times by his own community over a span of 5 years and nothing was done. The cynic in me would go so far as to say that the Tories intentionally did nothing and when an attack happened, use it to say they're the only ones strong enough to defend our country and the opposition were weak.

America will never have as many Muslims as Europe. Demographics just don't work that way.

gender roles are needed for the brain biology part to present as a pathology

imagine it like an allergy. you still have it even if the allergen is not around, but you only get a reaction if exposed to it

Nope. You need the body development in contrary to the desired sex. It has nothing to do with gender roles

You think gender roles don't effect the psychology of the child they're cast upon? Or are you just applying that to gender dysphoria?

social engineering within capitalism is not the solution for anything. 'gender roles' are bound to the constraints of production as well as to the constraints of biological sex and brain sex. These things are to be solved dialectically, through dialog with the people affected, not with one sided technocratic prescriptions or by flinging the word spook around and telling people to read Stirner.

Talk to me all you like m8, you're not solving gender dysphoria with words.


anyone else really afraid of trannies? What are you gonna do once the gender ghosts living in their heads start telling them to kill people?

Your paranoia is not transgender people's problem.

I'm more scared of those hair dying folks. I mean, what possible spook possessed them to want blonde hair? Will it tell them to burn my house down?

Mate do you have any idea how fucking rad it would be if we didnt have to eat, to drink or keep this body? Imagine being able to turn into a cat or bird, that would be so fucking cool. I would if I could.

last i checked most serial killers and school shooters weren't trans.

That's right.
You should really be afraid of the socially retarded and mentally ill, specifically men.
Why not just kill them all?


The mentally ill are a bigger danger to themselves than anyone else, usually.

It was joke

your flag tho

If you're an adult you have nothing to fear from those pedophiles :)

What is wrong with crab?

Thats not really implied by what he said.
Please, though,take hormones and try to be a girl until you eventually kill yourself from the damage you do to your body and mind because 'IMMA BE WHATEVER GENDER I WANT IM SO RANDUM XDD' without having actual gender dysphoria.

Some spooks, gender and race for example, are more dangerous than others. That's why we need exorcists. I am an exorcist, just like the padre in this .gif, just instead of a cross(spooky) I wield stirner .jpegs against the possessed. The spooked may recoil at the sight of St. Max, but it is for their own good… It is the demon inside you that's recoiling, not you.


This of course proves transgenderism is caused by spirit possession, ie. literal spooks. One year before her 'transition' Jenner was involved in a fatal car accident that resulted in the death of one woman, 69 year old Kim Redmond. coincidence? I don't think so.

White Supremacy

Well, it actually is since Jenner was going to transition in the 80s but then got involved with Kris or something like that.

Sure they do. But that doesn't prove your assertion.
Getting rid of gender roles would of course be a great thing to do, but it's myopic to think that that's going to magically solve gender dysphoria which is primarily centered on the body.

last time I checked, 99.7% of humans weren't trans, so even one trans serial killer would make them massively overrepresented.

and if they're that small of a minority then it's even more irrational to be afraid of them

Gender bullshit is always idpol and is always a waste of time to discuss. That goes for the anti-trans zealots as much as it goes for the SJW zealots.