Tfw you will never have a Stras.serist gf who makes you lemon potatoes with katyusha playing in the background

Other urls found in this thread:,_the_Masses_&_the_Democracy_of_the_Dead.html

just bought some potatoes today, might try this

stop shilling for straßerism

I'm Asserite gf tbh

Will you be my gf Evalion?

a thread died for this shit

I'm not her and no i will not


would prefer a ml gf



strasserites aren't that bad guys

I'm sure glad I don't have a fascist gf. That would put me in an awkward situation where I want to bash the fash, but it's a really really bad idea and I'd have to just dump the fash.

read above

Think of the angrysex tho

Just bash the fash right in the pussy instead.


Don't you see you are not welcome here?

Women can not be nazis. Women are not welcome in fascist politics.

be nice to the strassrite reeeeeee

Fuck this place is getting more cancerous by the day.


who is holding camera????

strasserists are left wing nationalists are they not ?

They are, the only reason they're wordfiltered is to hinder them trying to subjugate the board.

her husband?

Because there is a lot of leftwing Nationalists but we gotta be skeptical of our views of nationalism and how it can be used by porky to divide and conquer. Also spookposters will get at you like flies to a piece of shit. Leftypol converted me to Strässerism,_the_Masses_&_the_Democracy_of_the_Dead.html

Why Asserism over nazbol?

That and you let a bunch of faggots into your movement who immediately receive an immense amount of funding just to suppress your socialist movement.
t. germany

Stass.erism is only useful for subverting Holla Forums. Regardless I would support Strass.erists over any of the other major political parties in my country.

Because Nazbol is a meme. Asserism at least makes more sense and has a history behind it.

Thanks Hitler, guess he was a real Jew after all

sounds like assburgers




the only evident difference between pol and leftypol is that, leftypol wants a gf while pol is in the r9k territory
everything else can bet replaced: jews = porky

I don't want a gf.
Though Holla Forums has recently become increasingly hostile towards my posts for growing out of common simplifications.

spooked as fuck

i also keep thinking that pol and lefty are just a fever dream
and stuff like
is just someone having a giggle r-right?
its not like these boards are filled with sociopaths, right?

They're filled with ideology

What is the answer to community then? The union of egoists? People whether we like it or not are emotional motherfuckers and we need some sort of way to allow people to communicate and surround each other with people who we can have connections. Human interaction is a huge part of our nature

Communes engaging in mutual aid is the most believable scenario I've heard. You don't need your stupid petty nationalist spooky ass bullshit.

lmao how does it feel to revolve your life around someone that didn't even exist


on the contrary your ideology doesn't exist.

i mean sure i prefer Engels as well
but to fall for the Stirner maymays?

A few anons recommended this book. Is this the basic concept of reciprocity?
Also I agree to an extent that modern nationalism is the same of peasant groupthink that spawned from the French Revolution, we must understand the collectivization and nationalization have a huge part in leftist ideology. How do the communes communicate with each and how do they determine when one commune ends and the other begins? Is language a spook or is it learned from the commune itself as a form of mutual aid to benefit the workers?

She looks familiar to me.

Is she the girl behind the 'teletubbies is communist propaganda' video?

we already know the language you dumdum hahahah. you're speaking it.

your race honestly doesn't matters, what matters if how you are. If you can be trusted, if you're honest I know we can have mutualism. People just have to get to know each other, it's really simple.

Problem is that most people can't be trusted and they need a reason for them to be honest
I think you are simplifying human interaction, it is much more complex than just giving and receiving aid. Some people expect help with nothing in return and a lot of people act irrationally or just plain batshit. Maybe this is why we need mental health services more available

fucking normie