If communism was so great, then why do all Russians literally hate communism?

If communism was so great, then why do all Russians literally hate communism?

no, I am talking specifically to tankies


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Cool bait, Holla Forums. Want to bring it to the Holla Forums? We should inspire more kids like you to like shitposting. It's what makes America great.

yeah fucking retard thats why a majority of those polled in former iron curtain countries said they were better of pre-1991 and the russian communist party is the second most popular behind putin's ruling one

Well they don't. A majority polled prefer communist rule to the current state of affairs.

Okay, then surely all these Americans on Holla Forums is proof that capitalism shit and all Americans hate it.

Tanky, one of you bring out the stats, you know the ones, I know the ones, hell he probably knows the ones.

Russians fucking LOVED communism. Particularly the ones who lived under it

sage anyway for shit post and general horrible aura of Holla Forums retardation

Actually most Ruskies just miss the old Soviet Empire and the prestige that went with it. In reality none of them want the Soviet Economic system back, they just want the international respect and the stability they enjoyed back in the 60s. And they want the fun thats been overtaking the west to dissapear from their country. Russians don't want fags, feminists, niggers, SJWs, and shit that Ironically enough didn't exist under Soviet Communism.


That's not true. What they want the most is the security of the Soviet economic system minus the repressive government they had.

Yes, despite the 3% homeless rate, through the roof AIDS and total oligarchic control it's not the economics of the USSR they missed even though under that everyone had a home, healthcare and no capitalist parasites. Everyone knows all Russians are just brainless nationalists who's happiness comes from how close their country is to conquering the planet.

Ergo communist-rule was better.

I love how nazbols always BTFO Holla Forumsacks


btfo american shill

Are Russian mail order brides a good way to get a communist hottie?

And bread lines, an unpopular war in Afghanistan, the knowledge that practically every capitalist state in Europe had a much higher living standard without the fear of constant state surveillance…


Why is that ironically?


I'm sure those soviet doctors, engineers, scientists enjoyed how they went on to become dish washers, cab drivers, and prostitutes, but now free from the evil USSR.

t. Non-russian


this is your brain on illiteracy

Don't tempt me.


Yeah the new system is way better where they just let people who can't afford food starve to death.
You mean like exactly what the USA did 20 years later?
Did they really? Did the presence of Coca-Cola and Nikes really make western Europe that much better? It was definitely better in some ways, but I wouldn't consider it as significant as we're led to believe. People go on about it as if the USSR was the horrible place where everyone was miserable and the west was (and is) this vibrant exciting utopia where everyone's dreams come true. But that's not the reality at all.

And the west always had the higher standard of living than Russia, even before the USSR came on the scene. However the USSR made leaps and bounds in closing this gap whereas it has basically gone backwards since the 1990s, with the quality life in the west compared to Russia only widening.

as opposed to figuratively hating communism

Gets me every time.


but user, don't you know.

Communism is impossible to implement in practice but that won't stop 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧us🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 from trying until we've killed every go….I mean everyone ehemm.

The Russians just got smart, that's all……but that doesn't mean we won't try again.

Cause you can always trust a goy to be stupid ;D


Yes Russian do want the Soviet empire and the Russian pride it created, but they also want stuff like job security. Above replacement birth rates. Homes for everyone. Good wages. Russian Space achievements. Etc. Stuff that the Soviet economic system brought them. If you asked most Russians what there ideal political system is they’d scythe USSR with more transparency and no secret police.

"I love how nazbols always BTFO Holla Forumsacks”

Were like Holla Forumsacks, but better.

Ancap here who is being redpilled by this thread. Does anybody have a pdf that they can share about what Soviet life was really like?

That flag came up by mistake (black flag). I meant to put no flag. Thanks.

Quora's actually really good for getting a load of different people's opinions on this.

Nazbols/Tankies now is your time to shine.

I'm patiently waiting. Lel.

Sure they did

Any USSR period in particular?

What the hell…all or any of it. Kek.

I'm reading a Mises article while I wait, by the way.

Here's a set of statistics comparing the USA to the USSR at various points between 1950 and 1990.

I also have another pdf on this topic but it is just too big for 8ch's little file size to take the both of them so here's a link.

I'll def take a look. Thanks.

Well that is true. The USSR did indeed have universal housing, healthcare and no bourgies. You might question the execution of these policies but nonetheless it happened.

Nope. Sorry, bud, it's your government that has actually been telling you lies.

view this slideshow slideshare.net/NewEconomicSchool/robert-allen-farm-to-factory




Your american shill sources have 0 credibility here. Kys you useless cunt
Cultureless barbarian faggot. Cancer of the planet

Thanks. Probably last thanks since there may be more books to come, but I really do appreciate the information.

This. They're like "90's kids" that were born 1997-99 and want to go back to the 90's. They Like the culture of the Soviet Union because a lot of their traditional culture was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The cheka killed tons of artists, scientists, historians, and authors and destroyed pretty much any piece of art and literature they deemed reactionary. Those people are just latching on to the only symbol of strength they have.

Read the rest of the thread before posting user.

Nice rebuttal backed with sources and historical analysis.

Well, I wonder what these unbiased truthfinders might have to say.

After reading it the one thing I'm left wanting for is citations. Maybe something besides "X person said he saw homeless people"

That's what I was thinking when I read the article.

Can't for the life find this. Neither can I find evidence that this Анатолий Стерликов guy ever wrote something for the Газета Литературная.

Why would a naturalist / environmentalist even write such a piece to be honest.

There's nothing of value in the rest of the thread. The "triumph of evil" book kvetches about the US killing civilians but ignores the Soviet hoards raping everything with a pussy and killing tons of civilians. I see no objective articles, only sophistry.

Yeah we all know the USA would never kill civilians.

Killing civilians is a routine part of any war. Name one large scale war were civilians weren't killed. At least the US didn't like writers and destroy artifacts to get rid of "reactionary culture".

Right, so when the USA does it it's just par for the course and to be expected. But when the USSR does it it's a crime against humanity. I see, interesting.

That's right. They censored writers and burned books to get rid of "communism" instead. The US always quite liked reactionary culture.

Except the article actually cites actual journalists at the time.
If you want to try and discredit those be my guest.

Nice job lads.

1. This source was written in a period when Gorbache was attempting to carry out a market based restructuring of the economy which caused economic turmoil.

2. The source was written during a period when the USA was conspiring with Saudi Arabia in order to crash global oil prices in an attempt to sabotage the USSR.

3. >a Soviet journalist encountered a proud husband who had walked out on his wife after he discovered she was cheating on him; a disillusioned engineer; a senile old woman who had gone out one day and forgotten her way home; and an insane young girl who imagined herself a deposed queen. A large number of the homeless are ex-convicts who took to the road after being denied residence permits in their native cities. Many are alcoholics who have trouble holding down jobs.

These aren't exactly typical cases and the article specifically says that they were being held in a camp while housing was being acquired for them.

4. The author of that article works for Radio Liberty which is literally a propaganda arm of the US state department.

Overall 2/10 effort at shilling.

Actual journalists who's content seems to be limited to "I saw a homeless person". Likewise in the USA there are "actual journalists" publishing articles like "I saw a UFO", should we just take these at face value with no other supporting evidence? I don't think so.

And as the other user pointed out if you try to find some of these cited publications, you can find nothing at all.

Not when I said, faggot
That was done by individuals and was not state sanctioned. Bolsheviks cleared out entire libraries. Want some fries with that kvetchup, bitch?

bullshit, the Soviet welfare state is a huge reason why people are nostalgic for the USSR.


I see, so this wasn't implying the USSR was bad then. That's alright
Oh but it was.

There's a difference between senseless rape and strategically targeting civilian infrastructure that fuels the enemy's war effort. I was just rebuking the credibility of your source since he cries about the US killing civilians and how they're the worst thing since the plague like the Soviets never killed civilians.


Honestly find widespread rape by Soviet soldiers, largely in response to genuine hatred resulting German crimes, far less disturbing than the systematic slaughter of people in Vietnam. Like, the US literally sprayed the entire country with agent orange in an attempt to engineer a famine. How about we just agree war crimes are bad and you stop trying to claim American moral superiority.

I see, I see. Kind of like the USA's campaign of rape and mindless destruction in the Vietnam war.
Yet you yourself seem to be outraged by the USSR whilst not being very aware of the USA's crimes. If not defensive of them.

lol that's you're counter-argument to my entire post. So you effectively admit you have no real tangible reason to doubt that the USSR had universal housing? Just admit you got btfo and fuck off back to Holla Forums.

lrn2 I.Q. above 110.

Yes. Wikipedia bad. Wordpress good. Makes sense.

Right so it doesn't matter unless the authors are famous. Brilliant.

And I don't deny the USSR burned books, it absolutely did. But you need to understand that so did the USA, not just the people but also the government.

It literally is though. It's written for a site called "The Christian Science Monitor" by a guy who's job was literally peddling pro-US anti-USSR propaganda in Eastern Europe. Not that we shouldn't confront it anyway, in fact the fact that it's paper-thin propaganda only makes confronting it easier.


Any your author isn't a propagandist for the Soviets?


Well no. The Triumph of Evil was written over a decade after the USSR was gone by an American professor of finance who has also written books about American football, investment strategies, economics (not Marxist economics even) and travelling to Thailand.

I tired googling the guy but all I found was an American congressman by the same name.

He's pretty obscure so he doesn't have a Wikipedia page or anything. Just the author summary on the back of the book and a Goodreads page.


Did you miss this part of my comment:

1. This source was written in a period when Gorbachev was attempting to carry out a market based restructuring of the economy which caused economic turmoil.

2. The source was written during a period when the USA was conspiring with Saudi Arabia in order to crash global oil prices in an attempt to sabotage the USSR.


These aren't exactly typical cases and the article specifically says that they were being held in a camp while housing was being acquired for them.

Even if everything written in the article is true (which is highly doubtful considering its written by a propagandist) it wouldn't prove anything about the USSR lacking universal housing . You got btfo because you attempted to discredit the idea the USSR lacked universal housing using a shitty source that proved nothing.

Also unironically bragging about your I.Q. is extremely pathetic. Unsuccessful high I.Q. people are quite common especially when they are the type of autists who would brag about it on a mongolian basket weaving board.

Really makes ya think