Banned for using the word "dumb"


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When will you learn?

You weren't banned though? Your post just got removed.
I think it's a stretch to consider "stupid" or "dumb" ableism, assuming that ableism is the reason those two words aren't allowed.

Only an absolute cuck would willingly edit those words out. Fuck that

Foucault himself would be turning in his grave. Faceless automated institutions with absolute power

I got instabanned because I had posts in cringeanarchy, kotakuinaction and tumblrinaction.

Their loss.

Gmo Autism Level Not Socialism


That's odd, the evolved plant filter must have been removed recently.

Oh, only works for lower case I guess. evolved plant evolved plant evolved plant

this is sad

That pic is right, would have been better off talking about Luxemburg and Goldman.

You're the one being divisive, OP.
They're just being inclusive.
tolerating the use of ableist slurs like 'moron' excludes certain people, and so is being divisive.
to have unity and not be divisive over 'idpol' we must be strict and vigilant about using terms which reinforce or expressin horrible bigoted attitudes that could offend certain people because of their identity.
thats not focusing on identity only a horrible bigoted nazi would be so discriminatory as to use a word like 'retard', for example.
study this post, comrades

you really can only use insults that refer to fecal matter which is really weird because a certain tribe loves that kind of foul shit

say what now?

vagina trumps principles and ideas.
why is this allowed?

and you do a great job of teaching people that by calling them a something-phobic, blocking them/banning them, etc… do you? No, you don't.

I doubt stupid people would feel excluded by comrades calling people morons/idiots cuz stupid people for the most part don't even know they're stupid.

annihl doesnt get it, must be the annihl always doing that shit.
dont fucking buy it.

It's true

Ironically those 2% are likely to be among the more intelligent of the idiotic masses.

I remember on an episode of The Wire the police were interrogating a suspect and said something to the effect of "You're stupid, you just don't realize how stupid you are because that's actually a big part of the stupidity" it made a lot of sense to me.

Why were you even using reddit in the first place? I wish all you fucking redditors would leave.

Dunning-Kruger effect?

we're not reddit, we also think they're retards

Yeah, that's it. Funny that some people have the effect on every single part of their lives.

do you really think someone so mentally retarded, so insanely stupid even he knows it, (to the point where he would be offended by the word "dumb") is going to be capable of reading a socialist message board?

think about it, who in the fuck is the type of person who is going to read a socialist message board, come across the word dumb, then say "wait a second i'm dumb. these people obviously don't want me here"

are you fucking insane or just reactionary trash?

No one outside their little reddit clique cares about any of that though. It's just a way for the mods to maintain power and abuse users.

if you actually lived on this planet you would know dumb people think they are smart. nobody in america earth thinks they are "dumb" and would be personally offended by the use of the word dumb. "ableism" is literally just something fat first world rich girl feminist can power trip about

Doesn't their FullCommunism board circle jerk over explaining images in their comment section for people who are blind even though there's never been any proof a blind person visits there?

Sage for shit thread.

They were not wrong to ban you.

You're part of the problem


Lol LSC banned me for saying Juche was the insane ramblings of a syphilitic mind. And /r/Socialism banned me for being a veteran and advocating class consciousness in the military.

You know… Exactly that thing that you need to do in order to avoid having the first Socialist President ousted by a military coup. Banned for it.

Reddit socialism is all larping liberals and alphabet soup.

Our loss more like.


so why do people use reddit again?

You're an american, aren't you?

Yeah I figured they probably do this sort of thing if you try to advocate attempting to turn some police lefty or socdem considering they have a rule against "police apologism". They do it for the military as well?

Fucking saved. This board is swarming with polyps. Even tho sjw are no better.

Gamergate was right about literally everything, and the left fucked up hardcore by not joining, because us heading it would have buttfucked both the aut-right and SJWs.

In other words, Trump is your fault. This is the future you chose.


Nigger, Holla Forums couldn't have done shit with gamegate because it only started gaining traction thanks to the dramas kickstarted by it


Can't say shit because liberals will say you hate women.

The sad thing is that these subs are initially started by leddit kids that genuinely mean well, then they get taken over by the legbeards that run the liberal communities.

What I don't get is, if they hate different opinions so much, is it so much to ask that they go ruin some rightard hug box instead?

"Gamergate" was little more than a singularity of cringe. Caring that much about "ethics in games journalism" (which was literally nothing but paid advertising since day one) is basically admitting that you are too vapid to form an opinion about anything meaningful.

It wasn't the working class criticizing the ruling class, it was the flailing of lumpens that are too stupid to understand how supply and demand works. Literally all they ever had to do was stop buying bad products.

come on now.

The cappies are the ones who started the whole mess, because they actually believe in the utopian notion of an ethical capitalism. I'm simply pointing out how the real world works, not endorsing it.

is what im talking about
again, come on now.

once again, we don't care one way of the other
once again, fuck off

You sound like the borg.




Yes, why address a large congregation of alienated youths with little faith in the status quo in general, just primed to become politicized? Just leave them be, I'm sure the right won't take advantage of the situation. Good prole.

All it would take to win over GG was making threads from a leftist perspective on KiA, maybe get a couple of e-celebs talking about it. That's it. But instead the left went "ewwww video games how Spectacular", thus losing both the leading role and the opposition role in the larger public debate that followed.

Would you honestly be surprised if that could somehow be confirmed to be true? The president of South Korea was the brainwashed meat puppet of a cult leader. Reality gets less real by the day.