Why aren't you anarcho-pinkpilled yet?

Why aren't you anarcho-pinkpilled yet?

Men are too stupid for communism, we need to turn them into girls to achieve full consciousness.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi pol.
You're trolling is shit and you should feel shit.



Normally I'm against idpol but I'm all for the glorious 'everyone is little girls' future

a thread died for your sins, OP.

As long as the jews can come, too.

Everything about this is hilarious.

trash, this thread is trash. all tranny threads are trash

newfags need to learn the difference between shitposting and Holla Forums

take your meds

it's 4/lgbt/, they've all become obsessed with converting le males. I don't know why, smells like someone's fetish.




OP is shitposting but these people are real. They've got some kind of inferiority complex I think, like they need to oppose literally everything that's considered "normal" and if you don't, you're a reactionary.

Yet more proof that Nazism is an ideology of inclusion and love.

Checkmate, Marxists.

no i want a straight lefty boy later on dont try to convert them

what the fuck is this shit

Someone disagrees.

Just proving my point really

Into the gulag you go, trot.

Praise the Man of Steel.

Serious question Holla Forums: how large so you think is the percentage of trannies who do not have actual gender dysphoria but decided they are not actually of the other gender because of some other reasons (like fetishes or posting too much smug animus on the internet)?

Too late. Even normalfags are buying into the pink pill these days.

Trap communism?


culture industry

What if I just like fucking traps?

you have a genetic mutation combined with environmental stressors that are modulating maladaptive gene expression. your society+hormonal profile+diet+pre-natal chemical balance determines your sexual orientation. If for instance you're subjected to constant gender bending media and messages of approval, bathed in chemicals while developing and in the womb AND have certain mutations you are prone to being a maladaptive organism. However, since you can alter your hormonal profile and correct certain maladaptive behaviors its up to you whether or not you choose to encourage maladaptive behavior. Your brain is extremely plastic and epigenetics has a remarkable effect on gene expression so its totally possible for you to focus on normal women and stop associating filthy anal sex with pleasure. Trust me, your tastes are abnormal and self destructive


Okay, but I don't see how that's bad.

More like traitors to the hwite race

pure ideology and culture industry propaganda, redefining sex as fun and removing social responsibility and systematic contextual dependencies on techno-capital for said sexual behavior is dystopian and psychotic. You're beyond saving, i already explained why its a bad thing for society.


You're welcome to think whatever the fuck you want about homos, but I can guarantee you that if I ever catch you or anyone like you using torture (physical or psychological) to try and "correct the problem" I'll personally fucking kill you and shit in your mouth as you lay there dying.

The human race will be fine with a few homos and trannies floating around. We already had plenty of straight people who never reproduced anyway and who are hilariously dysfunctional, so pointing the finger at the tiny minority of homos and trannies when someone asks what's causing the decline of society is so fucking disingenuous only a fucking Nazi or fundie could be stupid enough to sincerely believe it.

I don't give a FUCK whether my tastes are "abnormal", particularly when I look around and see what is considered "normal". As for "self-destructive"? I'll "destroy" myself if I so choose, you jackbooted son of a bitch, and if you come around trying to "save" me you're gonna need someone else to save YOU.

Who fucking cares dude, get a life.

I considered myself closeted trans for a couple years, before I realized it was just a combination of fear about how puberty was changing my body and misandrist propaganda. I overcame my body dysphoria in part with some help from male body positivity movements, and cultural/fashion shifts away from androgyny, like the increase in popularity of facial and body hair, and the rise of more average-looking dudes as the new sexy (e.g. less Orlando Bloom, more Chris Pratt). As for the Gender Dysphoria, my problem was that I had been internalizing all this bullshit about rape culture and men as violent evil sexual predators. I'd wanted to become a teacher or child care professional, but I'd keep hearing these stories about teacher's careers being ruined by accusations, or otherwise having to walk on eggshells all the time, making sure they're never ever alone with a female student just in case. I'd see the suspicious looks I'd often get when I smiled at a child. Even hearing a male massage therapist I knew talking about how hard it was to find business when guys think it's gay to enjoy a massage from another man and women think you're going to molest them. I didn't want to be the monster that society was telling me all men were, so I rejected masculinity. Eventually though, I woke up to the bullshit and became mildly anti-feminist for a while, at least until I discovered socialist feminism. It still took like six years to work through all my internalized guilt I built up from growing up in such a climate of misandry.

Anyway, this is way too serious for a shitposting thread (seriously? three hours and the "communism = forcibly converting men into traps" thread still doesn't have an anchor? Are all the mods asleep?), but to get to the point anime didn't affect my gender dysphoria, but it may have had an influence on my body image by promoting youthful androgyny as an ideal, and the idea that weeb girls might like me more if I was a trap.


Also a major influence was the fact that I'm fucking retarded

Way too many people.


yes you're redefining sex as fun, when traditionally sex is not viewed as light hearted or fun and biologically most species do not treat it as light hearted or fun. Its usually associated with having to fight and possibly maim/kill an opponent male, and then possibly aggressively mounting (and sometimes without consent among the dumber animals) some female in a semi-painful act (especially for big cats) and then the female is now vulnerable and pregnant and has to survive and eat extra nutrients and then protect a useless organism who can't defend itself. Sex is dangerous, it can lead to mutations and deformities in the offspring, it can spread terrible diseases. Sex is powerful, fearful and mysterious. It should be treated like a very delicate but dangerous tool and kept in storage until its absolutely necessary. Bonobos being fucking retards and using lesbian sex to establish female dominance (which is actually why bonobos have so much sex, for dominance) has nothing to do with human sexuality. Stop spreading ideology, and that faggot phil greaves is a nobody you idiots autistically spam at anyone who resembles a dissenter.

that's cute, i'm a pacifist chan buddhist I don't believe in violence towards other people unless they're trying to kill me or my family/friends and I can stop them in the act of violence (i don't believe in after the fact violence/revenge violence). Nice job sperging out like a typical violent minded retard and making the discussion look even worse
the topic of the thread is, "why haven't you taken the pinkpill" and I have literally seen dozens of hours of videos of gays and trannies advertising their lifestyle and witnessed dozens of cases of straight people converting to being homosexuals for the fashion/feelz of it
yes you do, that's why you threatened to harm me for talking about them.
I prefer to walk around barefoot and I don't like fascists at all, in fact a few of the more shared posts on this board directly debunking/making fun of fascist economics are from me. I spend dozens of hours every month researching about how dumb fascist economics and politics and history is, and I've gone out of my way to debunk things like Rupert Murdoch's mother being Jewish and the Fed being owned by anyone. I don't think anyone else on this board except for cat poster has put as much time as I have into directly dealing with fascist retardation. Its interesting that i get called a Holla Forumsyp constantly despite the fact that I BTFO /liberty/ and Holla Forums constantly for fun
homosexuality spreading and being used as a social engineering device is only one part of society's downfall and i said homosexuals have "degenerated" as in they used to be somewhat admirable but now they're basically an open sore on the slowly mortifying body of our elderly and withered culture. I personally think 3rd Sex Human Dionysians/Shivas are totally fine as long as they are in temples and i think that manly man homos who go on to have wives and children but fuck their brothers-in-arms while away from home is perfectly ok. I just dislike effeminate gays especially those who hate women and who are not capable of having a family, and I dislike trannies because they're sterilized and usually anti-theistic and super materialist/consumerist and hooked on drugs like meth (in fact a huge number of gays are drug addicts).
I'm not a christfag I don't care if you die miserable and unfulfilled, there are no sentient beings to save.

spreading social engineering and consumer culture psy-ops while redefining words that pertain to biology as value judgements without a degree of rigorous philosophical discussion and heated rhetorical back-and-forths is a sign of either a dying intellctual culture, a hive-mind or an anti-intellectual culture. If we had to debate the merits of capital then we can debate the merits of homosexuality as well. Nothing is not up for some degree of discussion, including people's drug habits and sexual orientation. No one said we need to ban homosexuality, the only people who've even hinted at this are people responding angrily.

Bullying is never OK.

yet more proof that the Jews were behind Hitlers rise to discredit socialism forever

this made me really sad. i need to get off the internet for a while

This seems highly unlikely. At the same time, kids have always been pushed into shitty sexual decisions by the culture. This is just an old shitty byproduct of a new culture.

Maybe it is an abnormality, that's entirely meaningless. You're just a dweeb that found an is and mistook it for an ought. Making you sentences longer doesn't make you any less of a retard at that. Debating the merits of homosexuality is a cover for smuggling in rightism morality through the back door.

Besides, all available socio-economic data points to homosexuals being average or above average contributors to society, and other people are having plenty of children to compensate.

Kill yourself, you cretin.

And I'm a person who thinks you need to learn to fuck off and stop thinking you need to "rescue" homos and trannies from anything. We'll do just fine without your "superior moral guidance", shitheel.

No, I threatened to harm you if you tried to harm one of us, either psychologically or physically. And I'll keep that promise, too.

I don't care, retard. It's not even difficult to "BTFO" Holla Forums. Do you want a medal or something? My concern with you has nothing to do with your "leftist cred" and everything to do with the fact that you feel the need to opine on who I have consensual sexual relations with when it's none of your fucking business and I sure as hell don't intend to MAKE it your business.

Cry more bitch tears for me, NEETsoc.

But I thought that Jews invented socialism in the first place to destroy the European monarchies!

traps are fascist.

kurdish and catalonian women are communist

Everything is a marketized choice, of which the maker is a solipsistic entity that exists in a vacuum of pure transaction, to not be as one-dimensional as this ideology, to have shame and guilt or anything else that conflicts with the view of a human as something whose existence can iss choice-for-fun, is like being colour to the blind.

It's this principle that his become common sense, base, ideology, and it will cause immense misery.

she cucked me ;_;
and i don't enjoy it

You're not nearly as intelligent as you think you are.

Fuck you, you death-worshipping piece of shit. You want to reach nirvana, you go fucking do that, but leave me and people like me out of your garbage cult-of-personality.

"Muh fun"

Whatever bro, I'm still gonna make sure any traps I come across won't be able to walk straight for a month.

While I realize that this particular wordfilter probably upsets the NEETsocs mildly I would just like to say that it makes pointing out retardation/discussions about said retardation that much more difficult.

i dream with a world where everyone that isn't me take too much estrogen to be manly enought to atract woman or even like woman
i will call it the great kingdoms of alpha males
it will be a jucheist kingdom

Shouldn't have have been such a slut and he wouldn't have have to suck some bad dick. This guy sounds like a complete idiot

insert joke about feminism here

This is what I mean exactly with common sense, base ideology. Peoples actions are choices and therefor exist in a plane of pure, untouchable, agency. When I have my objections to this, you merely state that they are objections, not being able to engage with them on other than a level than stating that they are objections, and therefor wrong.

I can't leave that what is already gone.

To know where each path will lead you, to be unaffected by the world you exist in and rely on perfect self-knowledge and foresight, is not a mastery possessed by people who make posts like yours.


Again you use this term as if you are some anointed arbiter of "what should and should not be". You have absolutely zero fucking special authority on what constitutes "common sense", and the term itself borders on utter meaninglessness because as it turns out NO ONE actually has that special authority. "Common sense", as the Stirnerite shitposters would say, is a fucking SPOOK.

People make choices based on a number of factors, but the most important part of that is the fact that, barring something like a GUN BEING PUT TO YOUR HEAD, any given individual is free to make their own damn choices about what to do about those factors.

Fuck, you are absolutely fucking insufferable. You're actually worse than the Abrahamics. That's quite an accomplishment.

In fact, let me elaborate on that last thing a bit.

You are worse than the people who think their imaginary best friend is going to make sure that everything ends up A-OK after they die. You are worse than people who resort to "appeal to divine authority" for any issue they're too fucking stupid to wrap their brains around and really fucking THINK about. You are worse than what are basically death-cultists. Your ideology is pernicious and foolish.

You are a sack of meat sitting on a rock in space and when you die you will not go to Heaven, or Hell, or Nirvana or any other fucking place beyond mortal ken, nor will you be reincarnated to live again. You will feed worms and be forgotten just like everyone fucking else. You have one fucking life. One. Fucking. Life.

I used this term to refer to your espousal of your ideology as commonsensical, an obvious truth of which stating it is enough to affirm it.

When you put a bird in a cage for a long time and open the hatch, it won't fly away. To many, this is the ultimate form of imprisonment, to you see it seems to be the greatest expression of freedom for exactly the same reason, for the bird chooses to remain in his cage when given the choice to fly away.

I would like you to consider the kafkaesque implications of such reasoning.

Now you have me blushing.


tbh I feel like I've become more transphobic/homophobic whereas I was more indifferent previously. It does feel like social engineering/ commodification of gender and that's quite dystopian. the fact that the elites are pushing it hard makes it more creepy

there's no rational reason to be homophobic/transphobic unless you're spooked and clinging to reactionary tendencies

There is:

I don't like them.

white pills look like a benis

What pills are those?

lmfao at this insanity, this whole thread is just a series of logical inconsistencies and then horrible loaded presuppositions about ontology and epistemology. Glad to see a few people here understood the angle that I was taking, unfortunate that a few users literally took this as an "attack" as opposed to a discussion and decided to get verbally violent.

it's being pushed as a consumer trend, though. that's disturbing as fuck. The media and big pharma are all on it because it opens new terrain for commodification. 'trans' children are the accessory of the year for bougie white liberals, meanwhile you have bill nye on tv pushing more gender ideology on kids. Sorry I can't trust those nice liberals on the media, they surely know whats best for everyone.

I'm guessing that's just cuz they have it on the brain a lot which is qt

Hormones presumably

I agree with this. Hate isn't rational but that doesn't mean hate is bad we just need to be honest about our feelings rather than try to justify them with spooks.

i don't hate all gays/trannies i just feel like this trend is being promoted by the culture industry as the last frontier for individual self expression. capitalists are literally using people as lab rats and telling them they are free, its a choice, all no consequence fun

Chan has nothing to do with afterlives or karma or nirvana at all. You don't know anything about what I practice. The poster you're responding to isn't the one you threatened to attack (and again I am a pacifist, I believe in protecting my body, my kin and my peers from immediate threats to their safety; i do not believe in retribution or revenge and thus do not believe in punitive justice OR collective punishment). You don't understand a few things: first of all the sad user who had sex with a man was not gay, they were an atomized over-sexed but under-loved effeminized male who developed what is commonly referred to as auto-gynophilia where a male self-induces the feeling of female sexual orientation. Its not uncommon in the modern era for pornography, when overexposed and removed from sex (remember porn was originally for couples to use as sex aids, as arousal devices; its not originally supposed to be a replacement for sex) to induce auto-gynophilia. In addition a large amount of the incel males psychology centers around attaining the approval of the alpha-female stacy, if you've ever watched Eliot Rodger's sad videos, you'll notice he is obsessed with being seen as worthy by women. He's thinking entirely from their perspective and psychology, at least he is trying to make himself and object of THEIR desire. This last resort, over exposed pornographic sort of desperate mind can then reverse the flow of sexual energy psychologically while interacting with pornography. They start envying the women, their orgasms, the way that men go out of their way to please them, the freedom and inactivity women have during sex and the general orgasmic center-of-attention position they are placed in by the pornographic medium. A huge amount of m-f transformations as of late (though not always and obviously not exclusively) has been caused almost directly by this weird slide from incel porn addict into bi-sexual (who plays with toys and faps to traps) to reluctant dressing up and then sex with men. This isn't even just a psychological process there is definitely a survival mechanism aspect to this decision. I think there is something to do with males perception of alpha males, willingness to fight vs need to be protected and chances of breeding, these kinds of pressures i think strongly modulate gene expression in the phenotypes responsible for sexual orientation. You're using a hammer, a psychological socially crafted narrative hammer to smash down any and all attempts at bridging different perspectives together for the purposes of discussion. The reflexive and obviously personally invested nature of you and other posters is making this topic impossible to deal with on this board. Just like the race and intelligence topics, too many people are incapable of empathizing or stepping back and pretending to be objective for 5 seconds. That's why you feel the need to threaten me for saying that I think transsexuals are abnormal (they are) and that their genetics are maladaptive (they are). Without billions in infrastructure and medical care they would not exist or would just be cross-dressing men who LARP'd as women (which is fine, I already said the Shaivite/Dionysian Temple Transexual is sacred as is the warrior homo cult). There is no nuance to the position that you're fielding, its entirely totalitarian and you're using the hegemonic "settled science" position that the Liberal media and institutions use to prevent any form of actual discussion. You are posturing as if you by default are entitled to the truth and the position of arbiter of truth. that's not workable for any meaningful discourse. I'm sorry, but its just discouraging that after trying to talk about so many of these topics this board continuously snaps back to behaving exactly like Holla Forums and /r/socialism and /r/anarchism. Its supposed to be an open forum for discussion that's on topic. The topic is the pink pill and its relationship with capital and revolution. Some anons think its revolutionary, others think its directly symptomatic of the ills induced by Capital. You are not allowing any space for the latter, which means we're not having a discussion. We're essentially just screaming into the abyss that we all agree, traps are awesome. That's debased discourse, not worthy of even engaging in. I'd rather go to a black church and listen to a bunch of class-cucked idiots agree with each other that Jesus loves them.

1. People are not birds. You're an absolute fucking moron for thinking they are.
2. I am not "held captive" by my desires. I do not surrender to them - I choose to indulge them on occasion, because doing so affords me some degree of pleasure. I accept that such pleasure is temporary and fleeting, but all pleasure is, and such is life. Occasionally I derive more pain than pleasure from indulging in a desire, but this is not because such indulgence is, by itself, innately harmful - because it fucking ISN'T. If I decide to have sushi because sushi is fucking delicious, and end up getting food poisoning, that isn't because sushi is bad - it's because some idiot at that sushi bar used old fish, or did not observe proper procedures for handling raw fish.

Is there a chance that this can happen at any given sushi bar? Yes. There's a chance I could go out for a nice walk and be the victim of a bad/malicious driver. Life is fraught with risk. Some decisions are riskier than others, and some risk can be mitigated to the point of near-nonexistence. I will not stop eating sushi because there's a chance I might get sick from it, I will not stop going on walks simply because there's a chance I might die on one, and I will not stop having consensual sexual relations with other people simply because there's a risk I might not enjoy it.

You are free to believe that self-deprivation is the route to enlightenment all you fucking like, but don't you fucking dare tell me for a fucking second that I'm doomed to unhappiness simply because I don't hate life and living as much as you do.

Now here's an interesting little bit of mendacity. I, at no point, ascribed such a name to what I was espousing. I do not believe there is any such fucking THING as "common sense". Letting people make choices, take certain risks, make mistakes and learn from them is fucking PARAMOUNT to their growth as human beings, and to deprive them of all of that (whether by physically restraining them or by psychologically shackling them with guilt and shame and promises of suffering where none need exist) is not only cruel, it's fucking INHUMAN.

I do not couch my ideological leaning in terms like "common sense" because if there's anything I've learned, it's that sense is anything but "common". And no, you are no arbiter of common sense, and you never will be.

and the whole discourse of queer theory is also blatant hypocrisy. being gay/taking hormone is seen as inherently liberatory while being straight/cisgender is seen as inherently bad and oppressive. You complain about 'conversion therapy' but what's the difference between that and what you've been doing. imo 'queer theory' is idealism and bourgeoisie ideology. the bourgeoisie want to maintain a sense of righteousness based on lifestyle choices as opposed to class.

Lurk more, newfriendo. They make threads like this to screencap so they can use it in their usual posting routine about how Holla Forums is just a bunch of Tumblr and Reddit niggers.

I never got that argument. Some crazy people on the internet might promote the whole idea that being trans is quirky fun that everyone should do but by and large most people are still spooked about gender and think that transitioning is weird and dangerous.

there is no evidence that having lots of sex and doing drugs and going to dance clubs and social gatherings to do drugs and fuck means you are happy. if it did then celebrities would be the happiest people on Earth and wouldn't kill themselves and die of OD's at 27 (but they do). Of course if you're an insane materialist utilitarian who blends idealism with materialism and then gulags people for pointing it out (hint: autism levels and heredity), then of course you think getting high and having sex with 3 strangers in one night and being invited to sex/drug balls is the best (because you have the highest amount of positive, traceable, social capital and transactions; other user already mentioned, your entire idea of fun and life is transactional and based around monetizable experiences and social capital).

and the media hates these people and corporations and large institutions shun and exclude them and tell them they hate them and boycott them. Its also widely advertised on Tumblr, on Reddit, on image boards and YouTube and is a completely integrated part of internet/counter culture. It seeks to grow and advertises itself like a religion or pyramid scheme.

most people on the internet and on tv. You could say that's the establishment's party line by this point.

like about 1 in 300 people are trans, why would you expect to not hear about us
you guys talk like we're some tiny thing being promoted

what's the obsession on imageboard with traps?
I remember it was just a Holla Forums thing

we're cute

you just did something extremely interesting you associated sex (which i assume is with strangers almost exclusively, am i right?) with eating sushi (or buying food from a food service and then consuming it later as a packaged product, which could possibly be "prepared" or "constructed" improperly). Now here's the questions this raises:

Is sex something that can be prepared improperly? For instance if you get fucked and you get a weird vibe and feel lonely after was it prepared improperly? Is that your fault or their fault? If so then can you essentially say that you can do whatever in any situation? As in if i was interacting with someone I can be a piece of shit or sexually aggressive (within reason) and its there fault for being near me and wanting my company? you seem to be quite the libertarian and in the right wing sense, of being stuck with your choices and essentially not obligated to be anything remotely approaching altruistic nor at all concerned with protecting oneself from exploitation (if you had a bad time, it was your fault for coming in expecting something else; this is actually what acid heads say a lot and it strikes me as the same kind of crypto-libertarian evil). The next question is: is sex at all a product? you compare it to eating sushi and there is a responsiblity in capitalism that there isn't in other cultures, where you must make sure your food is safe for consumption. In a feudal or commie culture it really depends who gets sick, in capitalism you will be sued or arrested no matter what if you sell bad food (unless you're mega porky tyson meats). But sex isn't a transaction, its a dance, its a union or communion between to people. You remember how Spock would mind-meld with fags in star trek? Well its like that but with your body and its two-way. You can't sell sex, unless you go out of your way to dehumanize and strip the experience of humanity. For instance when people buy sex they want to know the prostitute's name, that she's clean (even though there isn't a 100% chance you will get sick at all if you fuck unprotected) and maybe even have her talk nice before hand. Its pretty obvious that selling sex is weird business and completely unlike all other services. Men will become obsessed with one prostitute even when there are others, they'll try to save her to buy her out from her pimp etc, they'll become regulars they'll talk about life with them. Obviously sex is the gateway for basic human decency and interaction across the sexes. So again i'm wondering here, you view sexual decisions as rather binding and certainly one's where the person who agrees is basically at the mercy of the decisions of the other (if they bail afterwards for more pussy, fuck you, you should have known better) and then you also view it through this objectifying, transactional lens. When in practice its obviously nothing of the sort and its actually, if we examine closely, very difficult to sell sex as a service. Because so much goes with it, so many feelings and desires and behaviors are co-terminous with it are dependent upon it or maybe are the end goal of it, that its impossible to just sit down and consume like sushi UNLESS you go out of your way to meme it into nothing but a transaction. Which would require people like you constanlty meme'ing on other people and reverse moralfag'ing and the tv-box repeating messages about how its "just fun" and all these things that again when we get down to behavior and phenomena, are just not true and not consistent with what we see happening before our eyes. I think there's a lot more here, I also think this is a general textbook case of you projecting onto us. But either way this was very interesting, thank you for the opportunity to think this out so completely. I always enjoy talking with people I disagree with strongly.

I thought you were against idpol and sjw-ism. Why are you defending pinkpill feminist bullshit?

because Stirner is a weapon against what they perceive as Boomer/Greatest Generation values, which they view as evil. It has nothing to do with conquering the rhp tendency to want to submit to everything and be ruled over by ghosts of altruism and commitment to outside circumstances. That's not the point, the point is to get away with amphetamine abuse and transgressive sexual activity.

I'm pretty sure that guy just had latent homosexual urges to begin with and was spooked on homosexuality being bad. That sort of "trap" idea of a sissified male as opposed to "I'm not a boy, I'm actually a girl/something else" is separate from the concept of transgenderism. It's closer to crossdressing I reckon.

I think there are a lot of very alienated people looking for some weird thing to do for social status. Transtrenders are just one of those things. It's not an isolated trend by any stretch. That said, it's a very visible one because fakers are very useful to reactionaries in "debunking" the entire concept. It really rustles my jimmies when I see "leftists" online claiming that transgenderism is a choice to subvert gender norms.

This is clearly a gay guy who's in denial about it I don't see how this is special tbh.

yeah, there's a huge disconnect between the tumblr muh genderpunk discourse and what i've heard from most trans anons on imageboards.

Traps are the most heterosexual thing to be attracted to.

Guys help I'm so confused I think I might be a normie who needs an explanation. Doesn't genderbending and pinkpill stuff owe a lot to certain currents of Third-wave feminist thought? Why is trap and trans stuff then popular among both far right and far left members of image boards that claim to hate feminism? I'm not a feminist myself but I'm trying to deal with the ideological contradictions here. I've seen the pinkpill meme used by both anarchists as a means to promote sexual liberation and by actual fascists as a means to promote traditional values and when you take that and factor in the feminist origins of gender-as-ideology modes of thinking it all turns into a giant train wreck of opposing views that's difficult to digest.

Does anyone else feel this way? Am I taking a silly chan meme too seriously? A lot of people who talk about pinkpill hate feminism but like, wasn't stuff like pinkpill's development helped by feminist theory? Pls tell me if I'm overthinking this and if not, at least give me an explanation of these contradictions.

I guess I should also ask that is it possible that nobody actually takes this seriously here and it's just a means of expressing an exotic fetish?

People who post pinkpill memes are fucking idiots and possibly bigots who hate men. It's an extremely stupid meme.

Nobody takes it seriously here on Holla Forums. Elsewhere they do. It's a lot like the ironic Nazi memes. The ironic distance allows people to adopt ideas that appeal to them but are too insane or absurd to believe genuinely. The emotional appeal of the idea is why people adopt it, not because it's coherent with their other ideas.

being trans is one of those things that is pretty much guaranteed to make you into an alienated autist with self loathing issues. being super alienated can give you a different perspective on stuff, that has its upsides and downsides. extreme ideologies appeal to the most alienated people around.

also we are far past the postmodern event horizon. idpolers who thought being lgbt/ bending gender norms was inherently leftist and subversive where probably being naive. everything can be recuperated by capitalism. We even have a surprising number of openly gay/trans far right demagogues. imo, a cultural collapse of some sort is coming, the spectacle is eating itself.

There's a mix of sexual and ideological frustration going on tbh. Everyone knows what a meme it is that right wingers want politics to get them a gf. That's a specific example of a larger phenomenon where people are alienated from their social relationships by capitalism. Stuff like pinkpill and other "loosening of restrictions" is partly an attempt to compensate for alienation by ramping up sexual openness. It won't work of course because the root of the problem is economics. People of all stripes are taking whatever they can get to feed their hungers in a world that is depriving them. For the lefties and the nazis alike, there's a profound sense that there's something wrong with the world and a consequent longing for a different world where their politics can get real mileage instead of being a weird fringe. So to try and get fulfillment on that front, they larp about a world where they can have what they want, and go way overboard on the level of indulgence to make up for the dreary deprivation of their real lives. The pinkpill shit lives at the intersection of some lefties not liking traditions and viewing masculinity as oppressive, and the nazis thinking women are too corruptible by Jews so feminized men are the answer.

Your mistake is thinking that I give a shadow of a shit about "queer theory" in the first place. Queer theory is an utterly bourgeois exercise in navel-gazing and denial of reality.

I don't ascribe any power whatsoever to queer theory, as I do not need any sort of "academic theory" to explore and understand my own sexuality, and others' sexuality is absolutely NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSINESS ANYWAY until they choose to make it so.

Oh my god format your fucking posts PLEASE

You're right, I don't. And as long as you don't attempt to proselytize and "fix" us dang dirty queers, I will be more than happy to leave you to your own devices and NOT CARE ABOUT your fucking "chan".

Threatened to defend one's self and one's peers against, you mean. Don't you try reframing this as you being some hapless victim of aggression, you shitheel. You fuck with us and we'll fuck you right back. Leave us alone, and we're copasetic.

Unless you know that user PERSONALLY and VERY FUCKING WELL, you have no more ground to stand on than I do when I say he simply let unjustified guilt and shame ruin what was, up to the point he saw himself in that mirror, a positive experience from which mutual enjoyment was being derived. I could nitpick a number of things about that user's experience (he was not practicing safe sex, which is immensely fucking stupid and constitutes what I would call an absolutely unnecessary risk) but all of those nitpicks would be unimportant at this point in time anyway.

Believing that people need to be allowed to make their own choices and find their own route to happiness without being harangued into suppressing something as intrinsic as their sexuality is now "totalitarian". Are you literally fucking retarded?

And no, there is no fucking discussion to be had about whether people need to be allowed to exercise choice and to engage in sexual relations with other adults with mutual and informed consent, for fun or for procreation. If you intend to start telling people what they can and cannot do with each other in their bedrooms, boy howdy, we're going to have some serious beef, you and I. You do you, and I highly recommend that unless someone hearkens unto you for your "wisdom" of self-denial you leave them the fuck alone to make their own damn choices.

I looked it up on wikipedia and it turns you are right and I were wrong; humans really do not belong to the Class aves. So there I was, thinking my analogy made sense, you make me blush again.

You seem to be unable to comprehend my post. I wasn't referring to being captured by desire as such, I was instead explaining how making choice the ultimate, pure arbiter leads to a conclusion in which any imprisonment or destruction of a person is perfectly fine, as long you got that person to do it themselves, barring you putting a gun to their heads. In such an ideology, the most cunning and deceptive of sociopaths is a paragon of virtue, as long as his influence isn't an immediate physical threat. A lonely, alienated person, desperate for affection, would deserve no more than a "haha, you did it on yourself!" when he tries to become the girl that carries the promise of all he longs for. He made his choice in the supermarket of life, that choice turned out be unsatisfactory, nothing tragic, nothing pitiable, nothing that can be blamed on an environment that feeds him images that encroach on his self-image, just business, pure and simple.

Indeed you didn't, I did, and judging from your post, I stand correct in that.

We are touching the very core of their ideology; that of the one-dimensional man who only has to lose his inhibitions to reach the destination of pure pleasure, and this core is filled nerves. The sad user implies that sexuality is bound to the tragic too, indeed, that it is central to the tragic, for this cardinal sin he must be spat out and be made more worthless than he already feels, he must be made into nothing but his own stupidity, so that his sadness does not reflect poorly on the theatre of sexuality.

Are you retarded or a virgin (or both)? Absolutely. Or rather, the stage can be set for a sexual encounter improperly.

Did you go into a casual hookup expecting something more than a fun roll in the hay? If yes, that's probably either your stupid fault or you were misled. It's very fucking important to understand what you're getting into and to not expect more than what was offered. If all that was offered was a good time for a night, and you whine that you hoped it would be more than that, that's on YOU.

I am anarchistic, but not right-wing. I don't believe in sheltering people from the consequences of their own decisions most of the time, because people cannot fucking learn unless they experience those consequences. Only sparing someone an untimely death is an acceptable aversion of consequences, because dead people can't learn a goddamn thing. This is why I have no issue with literally physically restraining someone from suicide, because suicide is a mistake you cannot learn from.

There is nothing explicitly human about sex. You can absolutely offer to exchange any given resource for sex, assuming everyone involved understands the terms of the agreement and consents to those terms. It is not dehumanizing to exchange sexual gratification for something else any more than it is dehumanizing to offer to perform any other task in exchange for some agreed-upon resource or resources. Life by its very nature is transactional and only when such transactions are clearly fucking exploitative of one party or another should there be any fucking concern.

Only because moralizing assholes insist on making it weird business. You insist that deep emotional attachment to a copulatory partner is some unavoidable thing, which sounds an awful lot like the religious right's inability to divorce sex from procreation. Just because YOU can't do it, doesn't mean no one else can. I can make a partner cum, and be happy with the fact that in that room, for that night, there was a net gain of happiness (however temporary) for everyone involved, without thinking of that person as anything but someone else who was looking for the same thing I was. If they come to me after the fact and express a desire to make it into more than it was, I will politely but firmly inform them that I am not the person they seek and most likely have no intentions of becoming that person. Deep emotional intimacy exists without sex, and it follows that sex exists without deep emotional intimacy. Conflating the two can be a terrible, terrible mistake.

(fuck's sake this got so long I had to chop it up into pieces)

The relevant distinction is that birds and humans do not even fucking THINK alike. Their physical differences are irrelevant to the subject at hand - even the most intelligent fucking bird on the face of the planet can never be mentally human, and nothing but a human being can ever be mentally human (and they can be nothing BUT mentally human - go away otherkin).

Using birds as some sort of yardstick for humans and human behavior is like trying to measure a quantity of water in a unit like hours.

Unless someone leaves you no fucking realistic choice by making it a matter of "do this or I will end your life" you always, ALWAYS have a choice. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can take away your free will by merely attempting to convince you of something, true or untrue. Telling untruth is a bad thing, but no mere untruth can truly subsume your ability to choose whether you believe that untruth or not.

Again, you are no arbiter of "common sense" and never will be because there is NO SUCH THING.

this is the weirdest future

I have heard this unironically from Holla Forumsyps.

You really want to win this argument, don't you?

So I stand correct, the most cunning of sociopaths can indeed be a paragon of virtue, for whatever his deceptions and brainwashing might be, when his victim is destroyed, you will stand there, and tell the poor thing that: "Unless someone leaves you no fucking realistic choice by making it a matter of "do this or I will end your life" you always, ALWAYS have a choice. No one, and I mean NO ONE, can take away your free will by merely attempting to convince you of something, true or untrue. Telling untruth is a bad thing, but no mere untruth can truly subsume your ability to choose whether you believe that untruth or not." So that however much he suffers, the idealism of absolute free will means that he and he alone is to blame for it, that it is him who carries all the guilt and that the sociopath stands blameless, for the idealism that forms the core of your ideology renders him incapable of the trick he just pulled, all his machinations were without any effect, for they were all pure and free choices made by a pristine ego in the vacuum in which libertarianism places souls.

Seems like your literary comprehension might be better than I thought, I think you just outdid kafka.

He says while believing in free will…

You seem to think that being to blame for your misfortune in allowing a sociopath to get the better of you through deception is some sort of horrible thing. This is because you fundamentally misunderstand the concepts of responsibility and blame, and wish to imagine yourself as having been robbed of the power of choice by a nefarious actor such as a lying sociopath.

Understand something: when you are to blame for something, when you are responsible for your own choices, you are empowered to correct yourself the moment you realize that you made an incorrect choice. You absolutely MUST own yourself, your decisions, and your actions. You must, when you are deceived by a sociopath or anyone else, immediately ask yourself what YOU could have done to avoid being deceived, because if you do NOT, you will simply be deceived over and over and over again. You cannot expect a deceiver, whether he deceived you deliberately and knew that he was being deceptive, or whether he sincerely believed the untruth he told you, to ever make it right - he's likely either too malicious to ever be trusted to do so, or too stupid to be capable.

You can only control YOURSELF, and that is the only person you should ever seek to control. If you make a mistake, no matter whether the actions that led to that mistake were based on another's lies or not, OWN IT, because once you own it, you compel yourself to LEARN FROM IT. The moment you fob off responsibility for your own misguided actions onto someone else, you rob yourself of the opportunity to learn and grow as a person.

This is not to say that liars are free from anything - just as you own your actions, so must they own theirs, and lying is ultimately self-destructive unless corrected.

Oh fuck, you're not one of those idiots who think there's no such thing as free will, are you? Are you really and truly that stupid and desperate to absolve yourself of responsibility for your own actions, that you will cede FREE WILL?

I actually want to expand on that last thing a bit, the free will thing.

The most pernicious aspect of feminism or any other idpol bullshit out there is the way it actually robs the targeted group of responsibility for anything they do.

Without any meaningful responsibility for their actions (e.g. "it's all the Patriarchy's fault, bad things only happen to me because men conspire to make them happen to me") they remain stunted and incapable of ever making better, more informed decisions. Their agency, their free will, becomes meaningless. They are forever in the state of being "acted upon" and "victims" and are content to remain that way because they are told it is virtuous to be a victim and to suffer injustice. I could not imagine a better way to render half of the human population nothing more than CATTLE.

But I am though?

Please do name exactly what is wrong with it.
I fail to see how it is at all linked to sjw-ism.

I am, but finding specious reasons to hate on gay and trans folk IS idpol. The only correct approach is ever "I don't care about what's under your panties, now help me string up this porky".

OP literally started the thread with misandry and claimed that trans people are inherently superior, how is that not idpol?

Because I'm not foolish enough to care.

I can't be the only one who noticed this?

are you this guy