How do we stop the infighting between Marxists and anarchists?

How do we stop the infighting between Marxists and anarchists?

Never, marxists support keeping central bank, currency and central government after the revolution.

Wait until we have robots that can replace every important job and let people do whatever the fuck they want.

try to find middle ground


also exclude the most diehard tankies and anarcho-liberals who hold retarded grudges

We need people to google bookchin

Y'all need to stop being asses.
That's really it.

By joining the SDP.


By killing all anarchists.

With Murray Bookchin, Daniel DeLeon and Mao Tse Tung of course.

Long live Anarcho-Maoist Communalist-


No leftcom has actually been able to desribe the process of communization to me clearly and coherently, and its not for lack of asking. Just sayin'.

The phrase gets name dropped a lot but.. haven't really seen it explained.

Dropping links to extremely long documents doesn't count. If you can't explain it in laymans terms its a shit ideology.

>As an anarchist of some standing his captors telegraphed Trotsky enquiring what to do with him. Trotsky’s reply was terse and to the point: "Shoot out of hand". t. Leon Trotsky
wtf i love trotsky now??

By Reading De Leon

How does it feel to have a completely smooth brain?

It's not ideology, it's revolutionary theory.

Libertarian marxism.

Communization Theory.

Like the soviets? Sorry but the party and the dear leader will take control and gulag you.

The anarchists are only useful for the revolution. We will purge them afterwards and that will be that.

In short, it's based around the concept of immediate abolishing of the value-form during the revolution rather than putting that for later.
t. brainlet
"Eclipse and reemergence…" is some good shit and you should read it.

Like there will be any marxist revolutions after you fucked up everything and killed 100 trillion people in the process.

What did he mean by this?

I wonder who could be behind this post.

It's funny because I read both "Eclipse And Reemergence Of The Communist Movement" and "The Conquest Of Bread", only to come to the conclusion that there is no real difference between what they propose in practice.
Ancoms came to the same conclusions as leftcoms over a hundred years before with their own materialist analysis, so I wouldn't be too smug if I were you.

Communization Theory has nothing to do with the Soviet Union. It's essentially the rejection of the belief in Stagism as well as the rejection of entryism, basically immediate transition from the Capitalist mode production to a Communist mode of production without the lengthy period of State Capitalism.


Minarchist Marxism

This is ironic but it still triggered me.

Just fight a common enemy preferably libshits.

How do we stop infighting between Marxist and nazbol

Such a transition has never happened in history before but I guess you can keep being a belieber.

For fucks sake, even the transition from feudalism to capitalism took arround 350 years


the middle ground between communists and anarchists is in the libertarian party conference?

Now THIS is accelerationism I can get behind.

By getting anarchists to read a fucking book for once and making them accept empiricism.