How do you feel about this Holla Forums? Is he right?
How do you feel about this Holla Forums? Is he right?
Who cares?
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Yeah I'm going to throw away all my bookshelves of theory because some dude in a bulldozer rants on YouTube.
get nuked
I'm just sad that he's rejected the left because some retarded liberals told him he's a muh privileged elite despite him being worked like a dog.
He seems like an honest guy, I can't really blame him for his views, I just wish I could talk to him.
of course not
He's a white First Worldist. Obviously he is muh privileged and honestly he should just shut the fuck up.
Don't forget to write le downbooat in e-mail field.
technically he could mean socdems
pic unrelated
What is wrong with responding to Maoists? I would partially get it for Maoist Third-Worldist, normal Maoists.
checked and kekked
leftcom is the best shitposting flag
It's a blatant third worldist.
fuck off pseudo leftist scum
Why do so many people that say this still blurt out their political opinions?
lol no thanks
in another video he calls a girl degenerate for having dreadlocks and yet has shitty tribal tatoos on his arms. Mans a retard