Daily News Thread 5/31

Corbyn Puts May on the Spot by Agreeing to Attend Debate

U.K. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he will take part in a seven-way general election debate on Wednesday night as Prime Minister Theresa May stuck to her position that she would rather address voters than confront her rival on live television.

YouGov model shows Britain's Conservatives 3 points ahead of Labour

YouGov's election model, which pointed to British Prime Minister Theresa May losing her majority, was based on a voting intention of 41 percent for the Conservatives and 38 percent for Labour, a difference of 3 points, the pollster said.

Trump Plans to Exit Paris Climate Deal, White House Official Tells AP

President Donald Trump is expected to pull the United States from a landmark global climate agreement, a White House official said Wednesday, though there could be "caveats in the language" announcing a withdrawal, leaving open the possibility that his decision isn't final.

State Dept official stumped for 20 seconds when asked why US slams Iran but not Saudis

During a press conference about US President Donald Trump’s recent trip to the Middle East, AFP journalist Dave Clark asked a department official why the US criticizes the Iranian elections and its record on democracy, but not Saudi Arabia.

Chinese Workers Probing Ivanka Trump-Linked Plants Missing

Two Chinese labor activists were reported missing, with a third detained by police, while they were investigating violations at a factory that manufactured Ivanka Trump shoes, according to a worker-advocacy group.

Gulf Arab dispute rattles Trump's anti-Iran axis

Just 10 days after President Donald Trump called on Muslim countries to stand united against Iran, a public feud between Qatar and some of its Gulf Arab neighbors is jolting his attempt to tip the regional balance of power against Tehran.

Macron defends minister assailed by financial misconduct charges

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday expressed support for a government minister who is under pressure to resign over alleged impropriety in financial dealings, even as an opinion poll showed most French voters thought the minister should quit.

Alleged Berlin suicide attacker released for lack of evidence

A 17-year-old Syrian boy who was detained for allegedly plotting a suicide bombing attack in Berlin was released on Wednesday after investigators failed to find concrete evidence against him, prosecutors said.

Goldman Sachs Just Ignited the Venezuela ‘Hunger Bonds’ Movement

The Venezuelan “Hunger Bonds” movement made limited progress in its first eight months of existence. Aimed at shaming international investors into boycotting the repressive government’s bonds, or at least raising awareness about the subject, the term was really only known among a small crowd of specialists.

76% of possible asylum seeker minors tested in Sweden are likely adults – govt

A large majority of asylum seekers who have undergone age tests in Sweden are likely over the age of 18, the government has announced, citing examinations of wisdom teeth and knee joints.

Japan’s suicide rate down, but still main cause of death for 15-39 year-olds

Almost 22,000 Japanese people took their own lives in 2016, the lowest number in 22 years, but the country’s suicide rate remains the sixth worst in the world, and teenagers remain particularly prone to killing themselves.

‘Game-changer for autism’: 100-year-old drug reverses symptoms, study finds

A drug discovered more than 100 years ago may hold the key to combating autism symptoms, according to a study.

Other urls found in this thread:



This Is What the Demise of Oil Looks Like

From giant companies like Exxon Mobil Corp. to OPEC members such as Saudi Arabia, oil producers say their industry will enjoy decades of growth as they feed the energy needs of the world’s expanding middle classes. But what if they’re wrong? There’s a host of reasons to think they might be. Here’s what happens when you test their central assumptions.

Military-Style Counterterrorism Measures Were Used Against DAPL Protesters, Leaked Documents Show

More than 1,000 documents obtained by The Intercept expose how Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the controversial Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL), worked with a private security firm to suppress anti-DAPL activism.

A Basic Income Guarantee does not reduce poverty



good news everyone!

Nancy Nazis, Libertards and LARPing Tankies are done for

lmao. Thanks, America.

RIP imageboards.

Holla Forums is going to die because of this, mark my words.

original joke
*rip pol tho*

Theresa May is asked why she won't be attending tonight's TV debate

where does she think she is?


B-brexit t-tely?

If she thinks she's negotiating Brexit she may have a spot of dementia, as Parliament has been dissolved.

Also if she doesn't feel like she has time to run for election she probably shouldn't have called for a fucking election right before the EU negotiations.

What the fuck is even real anymore? Trump's election was so disruptive that the we lost all grasp on reality.

eh, making fun of politicians' gaffes has always been a thing

Again neurology solves all the problems that psychotherapy wishes that it could. Hey, we should try to get Chris-Chis injected with suramin and see what it does to him.

Indeed. Remember the constant coverage of all the stupid shit that Dubya used to say and do? Every day nearly it was something else.

Holla Forums's BBC Debate stream with chat

get in here friends


I legitimately have autism and I don't know how to take this news. On one hand all the awful parts of autism will be gone now but any autistic part of me is the only part that ever did anything or gave me even a hint of uniqueness. Then again thats just for me, and it might not even work unless you are a child or teen. It's great news, especially for the severely autistic.

That is the great lie that autists tell themselves to feel less like they are disabled.

it really is, I'm not saying it makes me great or better than anyone but it really has created any unique part of me. Really not trying to make it seem like I think autism is great or it sets autists apart for being secretly unique its an honest assessment of myself.

Get in here, comrades! Corbyn live debate:

The physical reality of you makes you unique in a materialist sense. There is no such thing as an individual who is not unique. Autism is just a condition that you have in common with other individuals.

what I mean is if it wasn't for the obsession aspect of it I would have never done as much with my life. I mean it's made it very difficult to interact with people in social situations which has had negative effects as well but the damage from that is already done.

That is a hell of an assumption to make. Imagine instead what you could have done had you been able to interact successfully with others.

well I mean, I realize what I could have done, but it's not something I can really take advantage of anymore. I can interact with people better than I could in the past but like I said, the damage is done.

I love Emilia.

pic related
Can't stump the Trump, eh Holla Forums? zozzle
What a shocker
The most heinous and dastardly crime ever to be perpetrated against humanity since my dad took me to an art show when I was 10 and he said I was 6 to get me in free, except thnakfully he wasn't fleeing people who wanted to behead both of us for reading the wrong book in a country destabilized by the global dickwaving match between the Big Three.
Oh good another thing I'm supposed to do to chemically alter my brain to reqire my personality to better suit Porky's needs that if I don't I'm Just Not Trying™

Oh my god, this is amazing! Maybe in ten years, these people can finally live a normal life!

… How the fuck can people be this illiterate? I swear, at least the libs don't think we're spraying them with chemicals from airliners.

That Sauid Arabia though…

Great Moments in US commedy.

I propose turning it into Seinfeld ending.

i'd be ok with anti-autism chemtrails tbh

Make some memes boys.

i'd joke about suicide but you just fucking know the train would stop short, my fall would be broken and the gun would be unloaded.
and that in any case killing yourself with a train is the shittiest thing you can do, i have a fear of heights and guns iirc have a poor record and would be illegal to obtain in my nogunzland.

there are plenty of other disorders that explain your situation better than autism

or you know, you might just be perfectly healthy and have a disdain for socialization. which is ok too

nah, there are other things that genuinely push it closer to autism. if it was just hating socialising i'd never have gone through with it and i probably wouldn't get diagnosed.
it's just that i know that if you take away autism, i'm still anti-social, and given i'm basically used to all the other elements of it that's the "main" thing although really i should look forward to the prospect of actually having executive function. that now needs "explained" because so much else is masked.

it's easier to have a medical reason to dislike socialisation. people understand diagnosis, they don't understand "i just don't like it" in any terms but "you're a dick", and i am a dick, but it's much easier to be not thought of as a dick. but a rolling diagnosis of depression, anxiety, autism and then something else is just going to look like hypochondria.

I don't think anyone ever claimed that autism was a personality disorder that could be cured through psychotherapy.

Keep in mind the study involved ten children with fairly severe symptoms, and the results are what we'd call "preliminary." For instance, four of the children were non-verbal, and it's not entirely clear whether the results will extend to adults and "high-functioning" ASD.

Yes, a cognitive style biased towards systematizing over empathizing is a huge asset in any theoretical work, science, or any academic field with anything approaching rigor, but that's a small subset of "autism" and it's not clear at this point that the drug would rob you of that, or your subjective sense of self.

Unfortunately, "(how) will this drug negatively impact the cognitive style of adults who function better than the 'after' group, and 'don't need' it?" isn't very sexy research, and probably won't get done soon.

Here's the paper if you want to read it and have a relevant background, or can learn on the fly: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/acn3.424/full
Strangely enough it's not paywalled

D-does it work on adults?

Forgot to mention

It kind of breaks my heart that the authors need to include this


The WHO also says it is highly toxic and should not be given to 10 and under but that's some of the ages they tested it on. So they did a study that would violate ethics rules it seems

only just realized what a punchable face sargon "hayek > keynes but i'm a lefty honest" of akkad has

Link? "The dose makes the poison" so maybe it's referring to the significantly higher dosage used to treat sleeping sickness. In any case, the investigation passed an ethics board:
>The research plan, clinical trial protocol, informed consents, advertising, and amendments were approved by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Institutional Review Board (IRB Project #150134) before implementation. The study was authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (IND#118212), and conformed to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki–Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects,[33] and the International Council for Harmonization (ICH) E6 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines. The trial was registered with clinical trials.gov (clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02508259). Reporting of the SAT-1 trial conformed to CONSORT 2010 guidelines.[34] Signed informed consent, with additional consent for video and still image photography, were obtained from the parents of all participants before enrollment and randomization. Storyboards and social stories were created to review with parents, help children visualize and prepare for the study, and create the opportunity to ask questions (Figure S1, Data S2).

I bring up the authors' cautionary statements mostly in light of the popular quack treatment of giving bleach enemas for autism, under the evidence-free belief that it's caused by intestinal parasites, which """struggling parents""" inflict on their helpless kids. One can almost imagine these parents shooting megadoses of suramin into their kids' veins with dull needles, thinking it'll be that many times more effective.

"Not yet approved" doesn't mean the study was necessarily unethical - you have to start with humans somewhere, and there were good preliminary results in mouse models.

His is truly the archetypal cuck face



theresa may looks like a literal corpse. who would vote for this tory whore?

It's more like "I have autism but I'm 100% certain that my anti-social behaviour will persist after it"

You both mean "asocial." "Anti-social" refers to socially destructive behaviors like manipulation, abuse, exploitation, and so on. Chances are, if you describe yourself as "anti-social," you've been a victim of genuinely anti-social personalities more than anything else.

I really don't think they do, otherwise "he's so narcissistic" wouldn't be a popular colloquialism for "he's really self-absorbed."

I don't really understand people who wear autism on their sleeves. It's not a part of myself that I'm proud of and you can bet that when this treatment becomes available, you can bet I'll be first in line.

tbh I think people who really strongly identify with their autism use it as a crutch, and either don't care or aren't aware of the social consequences of being so openly autistic

Piss off you fucking anglo.

Yea its not like autism is a thing negatively impacting your life even if there wasn't capitalism.

didnt mean to quote myself but somehow every time i click the post number to quote it opens a new tab

In fact, the need for greater social cohesion means it will probably be even worse.

Because the people who made this site are master programmers.

The people who can successfully "use it as a crutch" have a certain level of social power/capital unknown to the rest of us. Saying "I'm autistic and you have to deal with that" is the expression of a final triumph over others, not a tactic towards that end. Clearly such people are "less autistic" if they can come into and successfully wield that power over others.

The benefits are objective and context-independent, the drawbacks are entirely dependent on the context of a highly alienated neurotypical world you have to interact with and bend to your own will to achieve anything whatsoever. Replace the NTs and everyone would be better off.
At least as far as "high functioning" autism is concerned, which isn't what the study investigated in the first place.

It's no power I would ever want to use. It's a power that comes at the social cost of being seen as an equal. Even if you gain some measure of power over others, you will now forever be seen as a burden and a sort of subhuman. And the only power you gain is the "power" that comes with the condescension of others, the "power" to be treated as a child.

I mean, they don't understand diagnosis in depth, but generally speaking when there's a repetitive problem it can be used to explain it. (i.e. "why do you talk weird" "autism" ends the conversation quickly and is less weird* than "i just have a weird voice" or something.)

*very specifically using that word, because obviously it constitutes admission to a weird trait - autism - but as that's a trait beyond your notional control, unlike simply not liking something because you just don't, it "can't" be held against you in the negative sense.

I don't really wear it on my sleeve, I just like knowing it's there as an explanation of last resort. (The idea of being left unable to respond to "Why?" lines of questioning bothers me a lot.) I don't tell people or anything.

Although I do sort of want to be more openly autistic in behaviour terms because my current use of coping strategies is only a route to failed normalfaggotry and misery. (But then I have to emphasise, not the obnoxious autism-card wielding sort of idea that might conjure forth, more doesn't mean completely.) because continuing down my prior path offers nothing.

Dunno why I got into that, my own thinking on it is disorganised and it's not really relevant to the problems that would persist after a cure. I guess it just relates to making peace with it. Independent of autism, socialising in a spectacular society will always be hell.

Though maybe in the extreme it does constitute a crutch. Even then "I don't talk to people often because I have autism" goes down a hell of a lot better than "I don't talk to people because we live in a spectacular society where people's thoughts have been replaced by moving images and discussions only revolve around consumption choices, or the actions of other consumers, and in any case I'm not interested in becoming an individualised brand." or something. yeah i know that sounds really pretencious but it's not like I'd openly say it, but some mumbled shit excuse like "uh I dunno lol", which is what I'd probably say right now, is the worst answer of all, completely non-communicative communication.

hell is other people.

yeah that's really fucking annoying.

this would never have happened if they had autism.

Who wants to be seen as an equal anyway? Better to have people set their expectations low and overshoot them than consistently disappoint.
The real problem is, how do you get people to view you as less without being the asshole who plays the autism card?
half joking, naturally.

everything in the above post is preliminary and may or may not represent my final thoughts, because it's a disorganised mess and i'm quite tired.

The Habsburgs of the 17th century are laughing at you.
Look, I'm not saying that "I'm defective! Pity me!" is a valid power strategy. I'm saying that
are specifically the outcomes when you don't have the social power to leverage things properly, and the outcomes when you do are much more akin to the SJW hegemony over several key cultural and academic avenues today. That autism, properly understood, is an anti-power thing, and if you happen to hold power, it is either by accident or by being sufficiently non-autistic.

Human interaction is overrated to be honest. We just pretend we're doing something when all we do is make noises an wrinkle our faces. Everyone is pretty much talking to themselves while under delusion of holding conversation.

t. Enlightened nihilist super autist


It objectively is. I prefer not to shit myself at random, be completely awkward, and have temper tantrums over trivial bullshit.
kys neurodiversity faggot.

Keep screaming faggot