You lefty/pol/yps like calling things "idpol," and yet most of you are very nationalist...

You lefty/pol/yps like calling things "idpol," and yet most of you are very nationalist, but abstract communities would arguably be the purest form of identity politics. You're a bunch of id/pol/ers.

Other urls found in this thread:

you have to go back

You really need to lurk more. At least read one or two threads.

There's nothing wrong about nationalism. Caring for my country with almost 900 years of history is a duty of everyone.
Than means fuck EU and fuck american globalism.

wow amazing analysis, got any more of that pomo word salad?

but OP is right though
caring about an identity based on arbitrary lines is the most ridiculous form of idpol

ahahahahahah wow

please leave

See, there's your problem. This is Holla Forums, not Holla Forums.

Socialists only use nationalism as a tool in an imperialist world. Being a socialist doesn't mean you have to open your country's borders and not resist the capitalist superpower hegemony. That's not pragmatic.


Not an argument

I think the problem is that Most people on the left are simply not getting laid.

these little shits are not ready to have children, You see?

Hi Holla Forums


I have a photo of Max in his final years before his death
so sad that, only known human occurrence of death by becoming his own suppository


don't have to be nationalist to support national liberaiton freindo

never seen the id/pol/ thing before

I don't think that's true.
I don't understand what that is supposed to mean, can you elaborate?

OP is right. I remember how you laughed at Nazbol memes hoping they will convert Holla Forums but it looks like it had the opposite effect and turned Holla Forums into lefty/pol/ instead.

wtf i love nations now

This is a bait thread.

Let's turn it into a Korean girl thread.

Best Korean?

indeed. Marx, Bakunin and Kropotkin had some good ideas, but nazbol just makes so much sense.


Oh shit my dick.
Truly the best haircut.

tbh its a view point Holla Forums would agree on
Best Korean girls are Better than Worst Korea

There is an objective genetic reality, that is not id-pol. African never prospered because the people sucked. Europe prospered because the people were intelligent. Nobody in their right mind would disagree with the fact that white country are in far better shape than non-white countries, even if they disagreed about the reasons why. That said, anyone who is insistent on the necessary migration of third world countries into first world countries are id-pol because they've come to associate a specific skin color with the concept of 'privilege' and feel that they are owed something because of who they are. Another problem with the ideas of those who propose that borders should not exist lies in the physical reality of our world. Socialism and equality in a society can only be employed when the resources controlled by the country are enough to equally distribute among the population, to the point at which everyone is satiated and feels no need to hoard resources. This means that the people to resource ratio of a country is necessarily very low. Assuming you import immigrants who do not want to kill you, because they are not socialist and still practice tribal beliefs, you are still destroying any potential for a desirable socialism in the near future. Rather, Europe and other developed nations should barricade their borders, wage war for resources, and let the rest of the world starve. In this way the developed and already wealthy nations with unproductive families would become the majority, and resources would be plentiful enough that there would be no squabbling.

Pic related, 'socialism' with a large population and low resources, can alternatively be called porky's wet dream i.e. fixed wages, a working class that cannot rise, and labor so cheap that its next to worthless. This is the end result of being all inclusive.


we're still laughing at nazbol
and i don't think anyone 'hoped' it would convert nazbol, as it's plainly clear that most nazbol shitposters here are just a tad smarter former Holla Forumsyps


I've never posted an Asian girl on leftypol before without this faggot commenting


wtf i'm a nazbol now

You sure got me.
Go nazis!

Is this copypasta?

Anti-identity ideologies are still identities. The left know, really, that in order for communism to "work", it needs to be international and hegemonic because discourse can only occur if the interlocutors are using the same axioms. Leninists and reactionaries can't debate each other in a meaningful way and will always talk past each other because they are participating in different social rituals. Only a blockhead would deny identity as the basis of social life. Our own self-identity (how we perceive ourselves rather than some transcendental-self, or Christian "soul") is a product on things that are prior, like biology, and is shaped by our society. We need identity, and we will always find some identity to incorporate ourselves into. Ideologies, races, religions, cultures, society, etc. since they give people meaning and allow them to self-delude and immortalise themselves. Liberals that claim to judge people by "their character" are really just signalling their membership in "liberalism", and will deride their opponents.

Even if all these identities are ultimately meaningless, even if the social rituals have no inherent meaning, the participation in social ritual and identity give us meaning— just as hierarchies give us meaning. To remove these things destroys meaning, and always fails since identities and hierarchies will recompose themselves in all societies.

The only way to get over the r/socialism nonces is to stop apologising and viewing historical identities through christian dualist morality. Pretending identity doesn't exist is just putting your head in the sand, the way to overcome "leftist identity politics", is to just accept identity and then just say "I don't care about what whites did to blacks, I've stepped over that", self-overcoming in Nietzschean philosophy, and then stop apologising.

It seems that all leftist identity politics is doing is pushing more people into vapid, philistine, liberal-capitalism— "we're all equal worker drones, the only measure of identity is how much money you earn" and so on…

We should try our best to suppress bourgeois ideology in any form it takes. Productive forces and material conditions transcend simple identity politics and are the basis for change in any political or economic system. Making identity the center of one's politics is a fruitless and alienating endeavor between proletarians and should not be encouraged. The suppression of identity politics serves to create solidarity between those who are class conscious and bring issues that would actually solve the problem of marginalized groups into the spotlight. The point is to reveal to people the class and/or material aspect of their struggle because the productive forces are the root of all social conficts.

you forgot your shitposting flag, nazbol


capitalism promotes the kind of atomized purely self interested individual that ayn randians fap about, someone who is purely a consumerist and doesn't care about anything outside of irony and edgy stirner memes which naturally leads to identity politics as a backlash.

The leftist utopia would be an abstract community like a more ideal version of an urban society where hipsters, blacks, asians, latinos, etc would all actually talk and mingle with one another sincerely but since white leftists are the most atomized, cynical and ironic stirner posters out there they have no self interest in anything outside of their own asshole, it's mostly hip confrontational posturing and safe but edgy non conformity to validate themselves as different from the mainstream these people have no self interest in actually engaging in mass violence to overthrow the system and they never will do anything about it outside of leftist polemics and critiques.

If any of us are nationalist it's for pragmatic reasons aka constructing socialism

We only support nationalism outside the anti-imperialism line. Nationalist resistance by brown people like Arabs, Africans, or indigenous South Americans against colonizers is good, but white or Asian nationalism is bad (unless it's Chinese nationalism against the US).

Most of us don't agree with this
Imperialism by formerly colonized groups is often just as bad
China is imperialist as fuck right now for example

hello Holla Forums

Pic related

Why are you fascists so obsessed with looking and a certain group of people and ascribing values to their identity which then can be used to describe and judge every one of them, and after that claim your group to be better and declare the lesser ones as an existential threat to your group (which is somewhy equated with yourself) and create a codependency between them because both of them need to be opposed to and be in conflict with the other so they won't fall apart because of their fakeness (not being founded strictly upon material conditions)?

OP is a faggot.
Anchor thread.


It's just an OP that contributes nothing and only offers a set ideological view.

A thread died for this.


oh boy it's this shit again


How would nationalism ever be useful for constructing something that is utterly incompatible with the nation state.


The Far-Right is drenched in idpol.

Most rightists are just stupid and don't know what they are talking about.

Go back to pol. Nationalism is the worst cancer on earth.

the Nazbols are what gave you this impression, and the retarded Rojava fags


Seeing a lot of reactionaries throw this word around lately. Is this Jordan Peterson's doing?

ah, this is a compelling argument. Didn't see things that way, but now, thanks.

Nazbol v Stasserism?!

Stirnerposters continue to decrease in intelligence and age it seems.

succdem has nothing to do with immigration policy.

Nothing wrong with nationalism. It’s just wanting to preserve stuff most people in your geographical area like.